FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Oh Coach... is it a Southern thing? I always have left over parts. I used to drive my ex up the wall. He'd find me in the middle of an assembly project and ask where the instructions were. In time, he learned the trash is going to be his best bet. They'd still be neatly folded up if there weren't any parts attached to them. So far nothing has fallen apart or sprung a leak, but I drove him up the wall in the process. He'd estimate how long a project was going to take. I could do it in half the time if I didn't have to stop for him to read those tedious instructions.
I would get all of the parts out, all the little screws, nuts and bolts, and match them up to the diagrams and number of parts. I made sure when my wife was within earshot that I called them by their technical names so I sounded butch. I may have shared with y'all before that I am not a handy man around the house and told my wife that was depriving some hard working soul of a living. Someone that actually wanted to do the job and would take pride in it and not just do it to get wifely favors. I did ask her if she was paying them with a check to make sure the value of handy man projects hadn't risen to include wifely favors.

After, painstakingly, counting all those little pieces of metal and constant sources of irritation, I still had one left over. You would think after putting together a gas grill, after moving to Baton Rouge, and meeting the neighbors and local firemen, I would not have been expected to do things around the house. I told my wife my honey do list begins and ends with open a beer, open another bottle of wine and act like Xavier Cugat with the martini shaker.


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Afternoon Pops and friends.

On behalf of everyone may I just say dayam!

Sunday I was on a restricted diet of no sugar, carbohydrates or caffeine for a scan. It's moments like this that say caffeine is more important that you thought. Huh? Was I thinking? Nope, because you didn't have any caffeine. Well, I'll get some Monday and come back with a snarky retort. Ok, I'll wait. I had to be at the facility at an un Godly hour so I decided not to sleep the night before. GENIUS! or not. To expedite things, I slapped on my glow in the dark Cowboys hat with a fuzzy ball on top. I'm just running in one door and back out, no one will see me. Would my doctor allow it to be so simple? No, now I had to give blood too. Enter the chaos upstairs wearing my glow in the dark, fuzzy balled Cowboys hat and no sleep. Things didn't get any better and I was dubbed the day's trouble patient, but I suspect Saints fans so no personal demerits.

Finally back home, I went to bed and hit a hard sleep. I was dreaming of having a conversation with someone when my door bell rang. In my dream, the person asked me "Are you going to get that?". I responded "I don't know. I guess I should." My dreams don't often do that, but it did yesterday. A late nap meant a late night and late today. Sleep is officially messed up right now. I just got here and saw Coach's last response and didn't remember writing it. A mercy nap is not out of the question right now. Is it still Tuesday? We're going up the mountain, but the peak isn't too far ahead. Have a good Tuesday everyone.
Oh to just follow you for a day would be delightful.


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Oh to just follow you for a day would be delightful.
Well thankie Coach. Put a glow in the dark Cowboys hat with a fuzzy ball on top and here I was.
and then back at home.


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I feel a bit like a whimp; cancelled my hike this morning because it was a brisk 9 F. Our high is expected to be in the low- to mid-20's.
That's not wimpy, that's smart! That kind of cold can damage you inside and out. I saw a sad story of a 13 year old that actually died from having his phone taken from him. He got mad at his parents for taking his phone and ran away from home in that cold.
I got some good laughs on the news last night watching people spin out in work vans though. It was like the Ice Capades on wheels.


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That's not wimpy, that's smart! That kind of cold can damage you inside and out. I saw a sad story of a 13 year old that actually died from having his phone taken from him. He got mad at his parents for taking his phone and ran away from home in that cold.
I got some good laughs on the news last night watching people spin out in work vans though. It was like the Ice Capades on wheels.
Smart indeed! I'm in Iowa and this cold isn't a joke. I think that 13 year old was from Marshalltown, Iowa if I heard correctly. So sad. A lot of businesses closing down here tomorrow, including govt military installation nearby, colleges, banks... our office as well so I think I have a day off (my apartment is in the building where I work so I really could go in if necessary.) Going to be very dangerous. Had frostbite as a kid and remember the pain well. Not worth anyone risking going out.


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Smart indeed! I'm in Iowa and this cold isn't a joke. I think that 13 year old was from Marshalltown, Iowa if I heard correctly. So sad. A lot of businesses closing down here tomorrow, including govt military installation nearby, colleges, banks... our office as well so I think I have a day off (my apartment is in the building where I work so I really could go in if necessary.) Going to be very dangerous. Had frostbite as a kid and remember the pain well. Not worth anyone risking going out.

Stay out of the cold Gramma. No need in taking a risk with those kind of temps. Unbelievable the type of winters you all have to endure. Be safe.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Happy hump day. Sorry to hear about the cold weather problems some of you are having. Our high will be about 52 today, so I'm going to put a few hooks in the water this afternoon. Fishing? No, I'm going to play golf. Maybe I'll slice a couple in there too. Have a happy day, everyone.


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Morning Pops and everyone. Wish I could figure our how to post a screenshot here if our weather today. I am a 'zero' in this tech savvy stuffo_O. Comes from being cooped up in an office behind a desk for 30+ years I guess. I should find someone to teach this 'old dog' some new tricks...(my brother-in-law would know...:rolleyes:) Currently -22 at 7:12 a.m. The "feels like" is -46... Boss closed the office today so I'm going to hang out indoors. Leon, I've never golfed but fishing sounds grand, just not today. All who are able, enjoy your time outdoors. Be safe and have a blessed day.


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Morning Pops and everyone. Wish I could figure our how to post a screenshot here if our weather today. I am a 'zero' in this tech savvy stuffo_O. Comes from being cooped up in an office behind a desk for 30+ years I guess. I should find someone to teach this 'old dog' some new tricks...(my brother-in-law would know...:rolleyes:) Currently -22 at 7:12 a.m. The "feels like" is -46... Boss closed the office today so I'm going to hang out indoors. Leon, I've never golfed but fishing sounds grand, just not today. All who are able, enjoy your time outdoors. Be safe and have a blessed day.

Good morning Pops and friends. Mama Mia!
Around here it’s a big deal when we get frost on the windshield. 49/60 today


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Hard to fathom temps in that range but in my travels I did end up in MN in Jan with a wind chill of -15 and Winnipeg with one at -20 and that is so painfully cold, it cannot adequately be described. I found new respect for those hearty people and decided they REALLY like living up there.

And while we Southerners are enjoying seasonal weather in the 50's, that will not last for long nor will this brutal winter weather in the North. Soon it will be hitting triple digits for at least 4 months with humidity levels at 85+ so there is an evening out regionally.


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Hard to fathom temps in that range but in my travels I did end up in MN in Jan with a wind chill of -15 and Winnipeg with one at -20 and that is so painfully cold, it cannot adequately be described. I found new respect for those hearty people and decided they REALLY like living up there.

And while we Southerners are enjoying seasonal weather in the 50's, that will not last for long nor will this brutal winter weather in the North. Soon it will be hitting triple digits for at least 4 months with humidity levels at 85+ so there is an evening out regionally.
Yes, and the funny thing in this, maybe more irony, is that we'll have mid-40's and rain this weekend...and no doubt a load of fog to go with it with the frozen ground and warmer air. These are not typical temps for us and its been I think 20+ years since we had a winter this cold. We'll survive:thumbup:.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops, but just barely. Good morning Fellas and good morning to any who decide to stop in and check out the thread.

Just about anything makes for a good reason to make Chile Jan. You and I are on the same page on that one.

Our Niece, who lives in North Dakota, was telling us that temps were in the the area of minus 25 the other day and that windchill had temps below minus 60. I honestly got nothing to complain about. In fact, I think I'm going to go find my Camping Pot and start a Pot of Chile right now.

Had the Grandson yesterday, that little guy is a hoot! We went out and got Pizza for lunch yesterday. Kid loves Pizza!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John and Gramma, hope you are all having a great day!

Everybody, take good care!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Man, Coffee tastes so good early in the morning. I've got a 7:10 a.m. appt. with the chiropractor and a few honey-do tasks today so that should keep me occupied for a while. Have a good one, folks.