FEATURED Morning Pops!

Afternoon Pops. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who decided to stop in and visit this thread.

So, not a lot going on for the first time in a pretty long time, this weekend. I'm kinda stoked about that, to be honest. Grandkids are coming over tonight to sleep over, got a BDay party to go to on Saturday (cousin) and on Sunday, I have not yet been told. Come to think about it...... Hell, I guess I do have stuff going on this weekend. OK..........

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all holding up well, keeping life in perspective, mostly taking care of the things that are important. Take good care of those things!

Everybody, please enjoy a safe and happy weekend. Remember, we need you back on Monday!

When I was a kid, I enjoyed going to a park and just sitting. Not drinking, not smoking, just sitting and letting the wind blow on my face in the summer or breathing in the cool air in the fall, watching the snow fall in the winter or letting the rain fall on me in the spring. Just liked being outside and usually, by myself. Same deal in the woods or on a lake or on a river bank, I would just do it to enjoy what nature had to offer. I'd give a lot to be able to do that now. Seems like such a long time ago. But I can still remember the time spent. Anyhow, here's a quick little tune from The Dobbie Brothers to kick off your weekend. This tune is called Another Park Another Sunday.

Edit: That is definitely the wrong tune. Lets try this again.

Doobie Brothers - Another Park Another Sunday

Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

We made it back to Colorado. Interesting contrast between CO and MT when it comes to CoVid. Both states "require" masks in public places. Colorado has nearly universal use of masks; Montana not so much. And, yet, the severity and incident rates are much higher in CO. It really helps that MT has a much smaller population and much lower population density. Another good reason to move to MT.

After a hiatus, I am back in the saddle teaching scuba diving lessons this weekend.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and don't forget to "drink in" Cowboy's training camp news.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles! It's SATURDAY!

That is all. Have a great one.
Rented a waterslide for the grandkids bdays today!!!! Looking forward to the fun. Only question left is, do we have enough watermelon, and just how many gin and tonics can I have and still watch the kiddies!!!
Rented a waterslide for the grandkids bdays today!!!! Looking forward to the fun. Only question left is, do we have enough watermelon, and just how many gin and tonics can I have and still watch the kiddies!!!
Depends on what you're going to watch the kiddies do. If it's doing cannonballs off the roof into the waterslide pool, I'd wait until they're all off the roof. Then have enough g&t's to go up there and show them how it's done.
Rented a waterslide for the grandkids bdays today!!!! Looking forward to the fun. Only question left is, do we have enough watermelon, and just how many gin and tonics can I have and still watch the kiddies!!!
How much duct tape do you have?
Rented a waterslide for the grandkids bdays today!!!! Looking forward to the fun. Only question left is, do we have enough watermelon, and just how many gin and tonics can I have and still watch the kiddies!!!

I'm putting 20 on five ksk....
Good Sunday to Pops and all y'all. Been a quiet weekend around here and the resort is back to virus normal. Kids started school down here last week and we had that last weekend hurrah crowd. It was nice to have people around again.

The one thing I haven't missed here is the music at the resort. They will have at least 15 shows during the season with 2 large ones with name entertainment, unfortunately it is always Country with a heavy bass and kick to make up for the fact that it sucks. I can hear and feel it easily inside and have called the cops several times to tell them to back off on the window rattling. I told the Chief here it's easy. Have one of his guys at the sound check with a DB meter and give them the max. That is standard in outdoor concerts with homes around.

With all of these codgers and codgerettes, wouldn't you think they'd book more Oldies acts? I can count on one hand, the good one with all of the digits, the non country acts they've had in here. Hell, if they'd at least book the Red Dirt acts, I'd mosey over and sit and drink a spell and do my civic duty. I know some of them because I booked them in OK when I was gainfully employed in radio. I'd hang backstage like a big shot, smoking my cigar and bossing people around. Same thing I do with the dogs here and I'm sure with the same effect.

And speaking of smoking, and I was, I am smoking a chuck roast today and have made my marinated beans and will grill some corn and the libation list is growing and you know I already start with a sizeable one. The beauty of this chuck roast is that it is only seasoned with salt, pepper and garlic and can be used as Q, fajitas, tacos and sammiches with the additions or sauce. Those marinated beans will make more meals as well as that makes a magnificent dressing for a taco salad with that chuck roast sauced with lime.

I need to get creative with leftovers as I get too bored and have been known to sample enough of what I'm cooking to not have it that night. And that's not exception but most of the time which is why I am not a taster. If I am making chili, soup, stew, etc, I never taste it as it's cooking. I cannot count the times we cooked most of the afternoon and then ended up going out to dinner because my wife had tasted it too much. Our kitchen should have had this sign up: "It's Always Better the Next Day".
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I'm putting 20 on five ksk....
Offhand I'd say you were about right!!!

IDK how anyone can watch those little boogers w/o alcohol!!! Lucky for me I am well versed in appearing sober while imbibing. Used to practice sober acts so when the cops stopped us we could appear sober. Hold it......DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. DRINKING AND DRIVING BAD.
Good even Pops and fellow supporters of the Dallas Cowboys,

For almost a week, we've been plagued by smoke and soot from numerous wild fires in western and southern Colorado. Although we are not close to the fires, spending even a few minutes outside leads to itchy, watery eyes and a scratchy throat and then there is the constant smell of burning pines.

The fires are probably one of the reasons we seen so many bears this year; they've been driven from the higher mountain areas to the front range.

I can only image what the poor folks in northern CA are going through.

What's it like in New Mexico, @ABQCOWBOY ?
Good even Pops and fellow supporters of the Dallas Cowboys,

For almost a week, we've been plagued by smoke and soot from numerous wild fires in western and southern Colorado. Although we are not close to the fires, spending even a few minutes outside leads to itchy, watery eyes and a scratchy throat and then there is the constant smell of burning pines.

The fires are probably one of the reasons we seen so many bears this year; they've been driven from the higher mountain areas to the front range.

I can only image what the poor folks in northern CA are going through.

What's it like in New Mexico, @ABQCOWBOY ?

Same Colo. Medio Fire has burned over 2300 acres now and that's burning towards Santa Fe. You can smell it in the air, the Sun Set the other day was fire red, which is very unusual. Usually, you can't even watch it but the other day, the air was so thick with smoke that you see it no problem, even without shaded eye protection.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decide to stop in this morning and visit.

So, another weekend down and another Monday Morning looking us right in the face. I hope everybody enjoyed the couple of days. What's the damage on Monday Morning everybody?

Couple of decent NBA games on over the weekend. That Mavs Clips game was really good. No idea why they didn't stick Leonard on Doncic but whatever.....

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo,
hope you all are off to a great start of the week.

Everybody, stay strong!

Afternoon Pops and a Happy Manic Monday to the rest of you.

Well, ole CC is turning in his Pitmaster apron for I failed miserably with my smoked chuck roast. In fact, it was the worst piece of meat I have ever smoked. It all began with over salting it and leaving it in the fridge an extra 24 hours. Forget cutting it, I would have had to beat the hell out of it with s sledgehammer first to get anything short of a chain saw through it and common sense tells me to leave chain saws alone. So, I figure, what the hell, I make my own jerky, what's wrong with a little chewy? I took a bite and immediately flashed back to the only steak my Mom ever cooked when I was a kid, round steak. That crap could actually grow in your mouth the more you chewed. When the movie The Blob came out, they could have named that "My Mom's Round Steak".

I will withdraw from the smoker until Labor Day weekend at which time I will assail another, but different, cut of meat to once again don my Pitmaster apron and no longer hang my tongs in shame.
Afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm watering my flower bed, but it looks like the sprinkler is too far away. I should get out there and move it, but I'm cooling down right now. Ok, y'all made me feel guilty so I moved it. I can't count on these hurricanes to deliver free water on demand.

One of my nieces had major surgery earlier this month. She had to be admitted to the hospital for lancing of a boil on her butt. Fortunately she was kept out of intensive care and off life support. She got a brand new donut which she proudly totes around like the famed Red Donut of Courage or Lombardi Trophy. I saw the donut and had to clamp my mouth shut. I could have escalated the problem with my warped sense of humor. Fresh stories for the therapist which would just want my autograph.

Lately I've been having vivid dreams. The last one seems like a Hallmark channel exclusive. Maybe tonight I'll dream about the Texas Tongs of Shame, directed by Clint Eastwood, T.o.S. by Stephen Spielberg or Tongs Gone Wild by Peewee Herman. I may just drink coffee tonight. Have a good evening everyone.
Afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm watering my flower bed, but it looks like the sprinkler is too far away. I should get out there and move it, but I'm cooling down right now. Ok, y'all made me feel guilty so I moved it. I can't count on these hurricanes to deliver free water on demand.

One of my nieces had major surgery earlier this month. She had to be admitted to the hospital for lancing of a boil on her butt. Fortunately she was kept out of intensive care and off life support. She got a brand new donut which she proudly totes around like the famed Red Donut of Courage or Lombardi Trophy. I saw the donut and had to clamp my mouth shut. I could have escalated the problem with my warped sense of humor. Fresh stories for the therapist which would just want my autograph.

Lately I've been having vivid dreams. The last one seems like a Hallmark channel exclusive. Maybe tonight I'll dream about the Texas Tongs of Shame, directed by Clint Eastwood, T.o.S. by Stephen Spielberg or Tongs Gone Wild by Peewee Herman. I may just drink coffee tonight. Have a good evening everyone.
Shoulda brought 'er here. Weda lanced that sucker for a lot less.

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