FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

As the sun rises on beautiful Butte, MT i'm thankful we only have about 300 miles left to drive today. Our car is so packed with the last remaining household goods that it reminds of those old photos of families fleeing the Dust Bowl. If we had a rocking chair, we would probably look like Jed Clampet driving to CA.

Very anxious about starting a new life in MT... And, can't wait for our first winter there.

So, how is the week winding down for you?

LOL...... Just wait.

Morning, Pops and peeps. I have my annual physical exam today. I'm going to tell the doc that I'm really happy today and when he asks why; I'm going to tell him I only get a finger (or anything) up my butt once a year and today's the day! I even put some cologne down there to make it a more romantic experience.

Have a great day, folks.
Maybe you should bring him flowers.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

So, Friday is upon us and it looks like it's going to be a busy one. I got a text from ABQJr. early this morning saying, "Today is the day", which means that my Daughter In Law is having contractions. Last week was her due date so it could very well be today. Of course, tomorrow is my youngest daughter's BDay so maybe we have a double BDay celebration, don't know yet.

Colo, I hope all is going well for you Brother. Keep us up to speed on your progress!

Leon, sorry to hear of your ailments. The least the Golf Gods could have done was to grant you a hole in one on the shot that put you on the IR!

Can't believe the incredibly crappy luck of the folks down south. Another Hurricane in the same damn lading zone is ridiculous! Girl, if you haven't already gotten out, get your arse in gear and get up outta there!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all well and safe! Lots of stuff going on this weekend so everybody, please check in regularly and let us know you are good!

People, be well this weekend. I feel like we are close on this thing so hold out a little longer cause better times are ahead. I believe that. Be good, be safe, be well!

Gonna leave everybody with a song that is one of my favorites. I post it every so often just to hear it. This is The Impressions - People Get Ready

Morning, Pops and peeps. I have my annual physical exam today. I'm going to tell the doc that I'm really happy today and when he asks why; I'm going to tell him I only get a finger (or anything) up my butt once a year and today's the day! I even put some cologne down there to make it a more romantic experience.

Have a great day, folks.
I believe Coachadoodles has hacked your account.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles which includes @strollinruss. Monday's back and black will be worn today after Dak's injury. I think I have a lot to talk about, but I've got nothing to say. Maybe I just need a double caffeine infusion. I couldn't get to sleep last night after working myself up.

I can't finish painting my bathroom because Sherwin Williams ran a sale on my paint and not a drop is left in the region. I hate waiting, but this paint is beyond worth it. I had one more room to do before calling my interior finished. Now, I'm thinking about redoing the whole house except for the bathroom. It's official now. I've lost my ever loving mind.

Have a good Tuesday everyone. Oh right, it's Monday. Do what you can to survive it.
Happy Monday afternoon, everyone. I defraged my hard drive this morning and was having computer withdrawals by the time it finished hours later.

It's a shame about Dak's injury. Prayers for a speedy recovery, meaning he can play next year. It's a good thing we signed Dalton as I would give the season up for lost right now if we were trotting Cooper Rush out there. I'm about to give it up anyway if the defense doesn't drastically improve.
Afternoon Pops, Afternoon Jobs. Afternoon Fellas and to all who have stopped in this Monday.

So, sad news on Jobberone. Decent guys all the way around and I liked him. I called Jobs, I'm gonna say around November or so and spoke with him for about 10 minutes. He told me that he was battling and going in for a procedure. I checked back with him in March but I never got any response and I feared then what that might mean. Jobs was a good dude and he will be missed. Jobs, if your still checking in, maybe tell Pops hello for us all. You two will get on great, I know it.

Everybody, I hope you had a safe, enjoyable weekend. Mine was busy, we received a new addition to the Family, my Son ABQJr. just had his second Son late Friday night so lots of stuff going on. Happy and healthy boy, both Mom and Dad are doing well so all good news.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all enjoying a great Monday!

Everyone, be well today. Celebrate life, it's fleeting and it's precious........
Afternoon Pops, Afternoon Jobs. Afternoon Fellas and to all who have stopped in this Monday.

So, sad news on Jobberone. Decent guys all the way around and I liked him. I called Jobs, I'm gonna say around November or so and spoke with him for about 10 minutes. He told me that he was battling and going in for a procedure. I checked back with him in March but I never got any response and I feared then what that might mean. Jobs was a good dude and he will be missed. Jobs, if your still checking in, maybe tell Pops hello for us all. You two will get on great, I know it.

Everybody, I hope you had a safe, enjoyable weekend. Mine was busy, we received a new addition to the Family, my Son ABQJr. just had his second Son late Friday night so lots of stuff going on. Happy and healthy boy, both Mom and Dad are doing well so all good news.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all enjoying a great Monday!

Everyone, be well today. Celebrate life, it's fleeting and it's precious........
We'll said.
Afternoon Pops, Afternoon Jobs. Afternoon Fellas and to all who have stopped in this Monday.

So, sad news on Jobberone. Decent guys all the way around and I liked him. I called Jobs, I'm gonna say around November or so and spoke with him for about 10 minutes. He told me that he was battling and going in for a procedure. I checked back with him in March but I never got any response and I feared then what that might mean. Jobs was a good dude and he will be missed. Jobs, if your still checking in, maybe tell Pops hello for us all. You two will get on great, I know it.

Everybody, I hope you had a safe, enjoyable weekend. Mine was busy, we received a new addition to the Family, my Son ABQJr. just had his second Son late Friday night so lots of stuff going on. Happy and healthy boy, both Mom and Dad are doing well so all good news.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all enjoying a great Monday!

Everyone, be well today. Celebrate life, it's fleeting and it's precious........
Congrats on the new addition!...or, if it's another ABQ, congrats on the new edition!
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. We've made it all the way to Wednesday and you thought we couldn't do it! Oh wait, that was me.

Congrats ABQ on the new grandbaby. I don't talk much about babies and my views are all squirrelly. I was once the Queen of my universe until babies started showing up. I begged the powers that be to stop, but they were determined to throw me in with the peasants. I just think about all the Royalty that has lost their throne. Show mercy, love and understanding to the older ones. They won't be getting the sleep they need for a while. I think my brother broke my circadian rhythm.

Good to see you chime in Runny. I do not know why, but you were in two of my dreams this week. As my dreams normally go, you were dying and I couldn't get anyone to stop and help. You were too big to pick up so all we had were my strong lungs to call for help. At one point or other, I believe all of you have been in my dreams. The oddest ones are of Montanallo. He's always in a pastel distance like a clip from a Disney movie walking around with his back up cats.

I got to get ready, I'm certain this will reply will be studied as doctors fight over my brain in the future. Happy Wednesday!
Afternoon Pops, afternoon Jobs. Good Afternoon Fellas and to all who decide to stop in today.

So a weird thing happened this year. I've been a Lakers fan since the day they drafted Magic. I've watched them pretty religiously Since the late 70s but I just decided that I'm not an NBA Fan anymore and so I didn't watch one game this season. Lakers have been pretty bad for the last 5 or 6 years now and this year, they come back and win a championship and I didn't watch a single minute of the season. That's a different thing for me but you know what, maybe it's a good thing. I probably watched too much sports before anyway. So congrats to the Lakers, but you don't me. :laugh:

What's up with everybody today?

Xelda, so I'm kinda interested and kind of afraid to ask, how is it that you have had dreams about all or most of us when you probably haven't met most of us, or maybe any of us? Let me think about this, do I really want to know the answer to that? Doesn't matter, I'll just make this simple request. In whatever dream I might show up in, don't put me in Spandex or a Clown Suit. If I can pick my attire, I'm requesting a TShirt, 501s and a pair of Boots or Tennis Shoes. Maybe a pair of cargo shorts might work. I'm good with everything else!

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how are all of you doing? I hope you are all holding up well!

Everybody, it's Wednesday and closing in on EOD. Finish up strong, go home and have a good supper and get ready to close out the week!

Gonna close out this Hump Day with a tune that many of you may remember. Song was written by Norm Gimble and Charles Fox for the Hit TV Show in 1974. Here is "Happy Days"

I have had nightmares most of my life. I lost a favorite relative at 5 and our grandfather at 6. I would dream of us pulling up to their house and there would be a tree with all the dead relatives laying on the branches (family tree I guess). There would be no leaves on the tree, so everyone could see the horror. I didn't want to go there.

When I dream about any of you, I'm usually walking some place and end up in a crowd. Your personalities will show up more than a face. The oddest thing is when Montanalo gets a guest shot in a dream.

The dreams with Runny, all I could see was his back and somehow knew that was him. Don't worry you weren't nekkid, Runny. I don't know of anything out of the ordinary these two dreams. I just felt protective and vulnerable in my acute lack of medical training.

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