Mort: Cowboys expect to trade Romo to Texans or Broncos ***MERGE***

Won't happen without a rework. New team will want injury protection unless they are stupid.

Teams are stupid.

Especially when it comes to a) winning and b) making money. Both of which are more likely to happen with Romo as your QB.

Sure, it's a risk that he might get injured. But it's a hell of a safer risk than Trevor Simon or Brock Osweiner winning the Super Bowl
Teams are stupid.

Especially when it comes to a) winning and b) money. Both of which are more likely to happen with Romo as your QB.

Sure, it's a risk. But it's a hell of a safer risk than Trevor Simon and Brock Osweiler as your starting QB

Just see Washington for stupid team example. LOL. We'll see and beauty is in the eye of the beholder...I just wouldn't be surprised or angry if this either takes a while or a release still happens.
Brown's are about to flip Brock for another pick. Cleveland finally has good management.
yea, a browns fan said they picked up a free 2nd round pick so he's happy cause he knows brock ain't staying.
Houston trading a 2nd next year with Osweiler kind of shows they believe Romo is getting released. Any trade would involve a conditional 2018 pick and I doubt they'd want to trade more of next year's picks.

Jerry will blink. Wait for it.

Sad thing is Jerry holds all the cards now and he might still blow it. What's Houston going to do? Sign Jay Cutler?

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