Mort: Cowboys expect to trade Romo to Texans or Broncos ***MERGE***

Was the entire disc removed or just part of the disc causing discomfort?

Because, and maybe I am not recalling the conversation I had with my doctor years ago, I am more at risk to have discomfort with my back after surgery (and having part of the disc still in my back) then say my brother who has never really had any back or disc problems.

This is a very complicated subject. See above for the briefest of starts. What did your disc look like? Was it young and pliable or older and more brittle? Etc.
You're missing my point altogether. I'm specifically talking about a quarterback who has had back surgery (two) before and who is 37 years old getting hit by a 300 pound weight and that weight taking him to the ground.

And I'm saying this in comparison (your comparison) to an Average Joe with back pain not having the same situation occur.

Nothing fallacious at all about my scenarios. This is really a common sense issue. Guy with back pain being dragged down by a 300 pound weight repeatedly vs. guy with back pain who doesn't get dragged down by a 300 pound weight.

Who's more prone to injury? Hmmm. That's a hard one to answer. :rolleyes: ;)

Not missing anything. It's one surgery on the spine. He recovered. It's just not as simple as pro vs average Joe and being tackled doesn't often cause back pain.
This is a very complicated subject. See above for the briefest of starts. What did your disc look like? Was it young and pliable or older and more brittle? Etc.

I had surgery on the L5-S1 disc. I was 21 when I had the surgery. Disc had bulged after deterioration after taking a very hard hit to the lower back. Symptoms began has discomfort in the buttocks region that slowly, over time, spread down my thigh into my calf. Injury happed in November. I went through a year of injections and physical therapy. Had surgery the following December after meeting with a top doc. He said at my age, I was perfect for surgery. This was back in the mid-90s.

But I do recall him saying that given they didn't remove the entire disc, there was the possibility that I would experience some similar symptoms randomly the rest of my life. Which has happened. Maybe once a year or so, if I sleep wrong (or one time sitting on a 6 hour flight), I'll get some of the numbness/uncomfortable feeling in my left leg. But usually goes away in a day or so.
Earlier in the week, the word all around the Cowboys facilties was that he'll be waived on Thursday.
Well, then Romo and Jerry had a meeting on Tuesday and Romo told him thanks, but no immediate rush (as in as soon as 4pm est Thursday) to do anything.

So Jerry is trying to russle up some business.

Btw, believe it not, it really is not out of the question that Romo hangs it. Not expecting it but its not ruled out yet.
Earlier in the week, the word all around the Cowboys facilties was that he'll be waived on Thursday.
Well, then Romo and Jerry had a meeting on Tuesday and Romo told him thanks, but no immediate rush (as in as soon as 4pm est Thursday) to do anything.

So Jerry is trying to russle up some business.

Btw, believe it not, it really is not out of the question that Romo hangs it. Not expecting it but its not ruled out yet.

He is not going to end his career on the note of 2016. No way no how...well, unless he's hit by a truck before 2017 starts.
Fish is saying Jerry called Mort about possible trade situations to create a false narrative about Bronco and Texan interest in a trade scenario with the hopes of creating one.

He thinks it is dangerous to yank Romo around after making a gentlemans deal to release Romo yesterday.

Just passing it along!

Hate to say it, but if this is true and it was all made up by Jerry and neither the Broncos or the Texans ever inquired about a trade, that is total bush league move right there.

If Romo was promised his release and you shook on it and then the organization turns around and makes up some fairly tale about a trade that is all made up, that's a total dick move right there.

I hope this is not true what Fish is reporting.
Not missing anything. It's one surgery on the spine. He recovered. It's just not as simple as pro vs average Joe and being tackled doesn't often cause back pain.

I like how you continue to dodge the issue. You must be a matador in your spare time. ;)

Again, who is more prone to injury? A 37-year-old quarterback with back pains who gets repeatedly sacked by 300 pound men (many of them bringing their entire weight on you) or an Average Joe with back pains who doesn't?

Cmon, Jobberone. This is not a hard one to answer. :D
saw an interview with mcclain that was posted on twitter and he makes it sound like the Texans feel they have all the leverage in the situation and even more so they would want Tony to not expect a big day from them and work off a pay for play contract. basically play for us because you live in texas already and we are your best shot at a superbowl. they are making it seem like they dont need him at all and to that i say LOL. i really hope they dont get him and have to roll with savage all year. hold on to him jerry, call their bluff.
Anyone that believed that 3 team trade was anything but total bullsh needs to put down the crack pipe. You couldn't pull that deal off in Madden.
True, but a 2 team trade is quite possible....with Romo still ending up a Commander
I agree with some people on here. If the Texans did what they did to get romo. We can have them over a barrel and not cut him.
saw an interview with mcclain that was posted on twitter and he makes it sound like the Texans feel they have all the leverage in the situation and even more so they would want Tony to not expect a big day from them and work off a pay for play contract. basically play for us because you live in texas already and we are your best shot at a superbowl. they are making it seem like they dont need him at all and to that i say LOL. i really hope they dont get him and have to roll with savage all year. hold on to him jerry, call their bluff.

Yes I hope so too. Screw the Texans and thier spoon fed beat writer. Let the Savage ere begin. Oh and Im about ready to flop back to the Romo will be released team lol.
why does fish think its dangerous to yank around romo after making a gentelmens deal to release him? whats romo gonna do? not play for us and be mad?! i'm sorry but jerry doesnt owe romo anything.

And that is just a viewpoint that is not realistic. That is what makes this situation so bad. Jones will follow through with his commitment to Romo, that I have very little doubt about. Eventually, he will cave.
Confirmed interest?
No, just Silver and others suggesting them.

At this point, that's really all that is left to do. If Houston has not budged yet, I don't see any reason why they won't just wait Jones out.

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