Mort: Cowboys expect to trade Romo to Texans or Broncos ***MERGE***

With all due respect, you're talking around the issue.
1. Whether he has chronic back issues or not isn't really the issue. The issue is that he HAS injured his back and has had two surgeries already.
2. I don't know why you're talking about people who play football and don't get their back hurt. That's irrelevant to this conversation. :huh:
3. Of course, anyone can get hurt on any play. That's not the issue either.
4. The issue is that he has had back surgery before, he will be 37 when the season starts and that he - unlike other people with back injuries - will have 250-300 lb linemen crashing down on his surgically repaired back.

Are you telling me that the average Joe with back pains is more likely to have an injured back minus a 300 pound weight compressing their spine as Romo with back pains who will have multiple collisions with 300 pound weights compressing his spine? :huh:

Who knows how this last injury will respond. But it is safe to say that the injury in 2013 heeled and caused no further injury to this point. He played all of 2014 and never missed a game due to the injury in 2013. The injury in 2015, had nothing to do with his back at all. And again, the unknown is the injury from last year. Everything I have read regarding the injury states it will not be an issue moving forward, but that is to be seen. I would bet that he plays for another 2-3 years without any issues with his back. He will have to manage it, like all back injuries but he will be able to perform at a high level.
Who knows how this last injury will respond. But it is safe to say that the injury in 2013 heeled and caused no further injury to this point. He played all of 2014 and never missed a game due to the injury in 2013. The injury in 2015, had nothing to do with his back at all. And again, the unknown is the injury from last year. Everything I have read regarding the injury states it will not be an issue moving forward, but that is to be seen. I would bet that he plays for another 2-3 years without any issues with his back. He will have to manage it, like all back injuries but he will be able to perform at a high level.

First, his injury in 2015 was a back injury.
Second, he may or may not play without any issues. But that's not the issue I was addressing. Jobberone was comparing Romo to the Average Joe with back pains. My point is the Average Joe doesn't have 300 pound linemen collapsing him to the ground. That's what will happen to Romo should he return on the field as a starter. And given his back injuries/back pains (or whatever you want to call it) it puts him in a category for further injury than it would any Average Joe with back pains who doesn't have to face 300 pound linemen trying to wrap him up and put his full weight on him as they both fall to the ground.
With all due respect, you're talking around the issue.
1. Whether he has chronic back issues or not isn't really the issue. The issue is that he HAS injured his back and has had two surgeries already.
2. I don't know why you're talking about people who play football and don't get their back hurt. That's irrelevant to this conversation. :huh:
3. Of course, anyone can get hurt on any play. That's not the issue either.
4. The issue is that he has had back surgery before, he will be 37 when the season starts and that he - unlike other people with back injuries - will have 250-300 lb linemen crashing down on his surgically repaired back.

Are you telling me that the average Joe with back pains is more likely to have an injured back minus a 300 pound weight compressing their spine as Romo with back pains who will have multiple collisions with 300 pound weights compressing his spine? :huh:

Linemen crash and fall on each other all the time. The mechanism of injury of falling a few feet from your feet to the ground doesn't generally create problems for the back, It all depends on the mechanism of injury. Being thrown to the ground illegally or being pile driven like one player on the Eagles did to Romo broke his collarbone not his back. The fracture of his transverse process happens occasionally but I've seen it more with non-QBs; generally when tackling and often the cervical spine not lumbar.

You keep going back to his prior surgeries and I've told you that doesn't mean he's more at risk. If you don't believe me then just say you disagree with my professional opinion and let it go. Don't keep using it to crop up your argument because it's fallacious. He had some disc removed and a cyst which the latter has zero risk of further injury. It's a red herring. One prior back episode does NOT make him more at risk otherwise most everyone would be at increased risk therefore it does not translate.

And even being a pro football player doesn't translate into more risk. I could easily argue a coach potato is at more risk because he doesn't stretch or exercise, has tight hamstrings, and is often obese.

If you say pro football players gather more dings and injuries, particularly the ankles and knees, than the average Joe then fine. So do ju jitsu combatants.
Why not Romo to Was, Cousins to the 49ers..etc? I know it was supposed smoke, but since Cousins signed his tender, he's now eligible to be traded right? Cousins has already allegedly stated that he will be a 49er either 2017 or 2018. Also he has the relationship with Shanahan, Garcon is there, and they have a speed WR in Goodwin as he had in Was with DJax.
First, his injury in 2015 was a back injury.
Second, he may or may not play without any issues. But that's not the issue I was addressing. Jobberone was comparing Romo to the Average Joe with back pains. My point is the Average Joe doesn't have 300 pound linemen collapsing him to the ground. That's what will happen to Romo should he return on the field as a starter. And given his back injuries/back pains (or whatever you want to call it) it puts him in a category for further injury than it would any Average Joe with back pains who doesn't have to face 300 pound linemen trying to wrap him up and put his full weight on him as they both fall to the ground.

so the collar bone is connected to the back? And I don't think he is at anymore of a risk of injury due to 300lb lineman crashing on him than any other 37 year old QB.
You keep going back to his prior surgeries and I've told you that doesn't mean he's more at risk. If you don't believe me then just say you disagree with my professional opinion and let it go. Don't keep using it to crop up your argument because it's fallacious. He had some disc removed and a cyst which the latter has zero risk of further injury. It's a red herring. One prior back episode does NOT make him more at risk otherwise most everyone would be at increased risk therefore it does not translate.

You're missing my point altogether. I'm specifically talking about a quarterback who has had back surgery (two) before and who is 37 years old getting hit by a 300 pound weight and that weight taking him to the ground.

And I'm saying this in comparison (your comparison) to an Average Joe with back pain not having the same situation occur.

Nothing fallacious at all about my scenarios. This is really a common sense issue. Guy with back pain being dragged down by a 300 pound weight repeatedly vs. guy with back pain who doesn't get dragged down by a 300 pound weight.

Who's more prone to injury? Hmmm. That's a hard one to answer. :rolleyes: ;)
You keep going back to his prior surgeries and I've told you that doesn't mean he's more at risk. If you don't believe me then just say you disagree with my professional opinion and let it go. Don't keep using it to crop up your argument because it's fallacious. He had some disc removed and a cyst which the latter has zero risk of further injury. It's a red herring. One prior back episode does NOT make him more at risk otherwise most everyone would be at increased risk therefore it does not translate.

Was the entire disc removed or just part of the disc causing discomfort?

Because, and maybe I am not recalling the conversation I had with my doctor years ago, I am more at risk to have discomfort with my back after surgery (and having part of the disc still in my back) then say my brother who has never really had any back or disc problems.
so the collar bone is connected to the back? And I don't think he is at anymore of a risk of injury due to 300lb lineman crashing on him than any other 37 year old QB.

Nice miss. We were comparing a 37 year old QB with back pain vs. an Average Joe with back pain and one who doesn't have 300lb lineman crashing on him. :)
You're missing my point altogether. I'm specifically talking about a quarterback who has had back surgery (two) before and who is 37 years old getting hit by a 300 pound weight and that weight taking him to the ground.

And I'm saying this in comparison (your comparison) to an Average Joe with back pain not having the same situation occur.

Nothing fallacious at all about my scenarios. This is really a common sense issue. Guy with back pain being dragged down by a 300 pound weight repeatedly vs. guy with back pain who doesn't get dragged down by a 300 pound weight.

Who's more prone to injury? Hmmm. That's a hard one to answer. :rolleyes: ;)

He's not missing your point at all. Youre just fearmongering and he is just saying that the back surgery does not make him more of an injury risk.

He tried to agree to disagree and you are not even willing to do that. Stuff like this is why we cannot have nice things.
What happened to that Thursday release ??

Did one of Houston or Denver call and say wait don't release him we can work out a deal(to avoid the other team getting him). And then dallas said ok we're gonna hang tight just to see if we can convince romo?

Bc his Instagram post was weird how he said "we'll see what happens"
Why not Romo to Was, Cousins to the 49ers..etc? I know it was supposed smoke, but since Cousins signed his tender, he's now eligible to be traded right? Cousins has already allegedly stated that he will be a 49er either 2017 or 2018. Also he has the relationship with Shanahan, Garcon is there, and they have a speed WR in Goodwin as he had in Was with DJax.
Anyone that believed that 3 team trade was anything but total bullsh needs to put down the crack pipe. You couldn't pull that deal off in Madden.
Linemen crash and fall on each other all the time. The mechanism of injury of falling a few feet from your feet to the ground doesn't generally create problems for the back, It all depends on the mechanism of injury. Being thrown to the ground illegally or being pile driven like one player on the Eagles did to Romo broke his collarbone not his back. The fracture of his transverse process happens occasionally but I've seen it more with non-QBs; generally when tackling and often the cervical spine not lumbar.

You keep going back to his prior surgeries and I've told you that doesn't mean he's more at risk. If you don't believe me then just say you disagree with my professional opinion and let it go. Don't keep using it to crop up your argument because it's fallacious. He had some disc removed and a cyst which the latter has zero risk of further injury. It's a red herring. One prior back episode does NOT make him more at risk otherwise most everyone would be at increased risk therefore it does not translate.

And even being a pro football player doesn't translate into more risk. I could easily argue a coach potato is at more risk because he doesn't stretch or exercise, has tight hamstrings, and is often obese.

If you say pro football players gather more dings and injuries, particularly the ankles and knees, than the average Joe then fine. So do ju jitsu combatants.

I have never read anywhere that the initial surgery was due to trauma and not a degenerative issue. My understanding after having 3 discectomies, 3 laminectomies, a snovial cyst removal, spinal chord stimulator and 2 level fusion is that if it's a degenerative issue there is no real improvement that can be made, only managing the risk.
What happened to that Thursday release ??

Did one of Houston or Denver call and say wait don't release him we can work out a deal(to avoid the other team getting him). And then dallas said ok we're gonna hang tight just to see if we can convince romo?

Bc his Instagram post was weird how he said "we'll see what happens"

I think jerry was ready to release his son romo and then the other son stepped in. (Stephen)

Maybe there isnt really a trade offer at all from
Anyone... but dallas doesnt have to do anything asap.

Who knows at this pt...:huh:
I think jerry was ready to release his son romo and then the other son stepped in. (Stephen)

Maybe there isnt really a trade offer at all from
Anyone... but dallas doesnt have to do anything asap.
Yea but how does schefter get the scoop that he's being released? That's. Not coming from jerry
I have never read anywhere that the initial surgery was due to trauma and not a degenerative issue. My understanding after having 3 discectomies, 3 laminectomies, a snovial cyst removal, spinal chord stimulator and 2 level fusion is that if it's a degenerative issue there is no real improvement that can be made, only managing the risk.

Too many variables to make a blanket statement. You're not going to improve me but a young person with a bit of disc or even a loose body should respond and return to normal assuming just sciatica. You can't make ANY promises about local back pain. Those are two issues which may or may not be related or comorbid.

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