Mortensen: Elliott Suspension Upheld **merged**

It appears the NFL was relying on the outcome of the delegate case as justification that they had carte Blanche to do whatever they want regardless of how corrupt it is. I believe they are about to find out otherwise.
They were yelled at by the judges in deflategate too even though they ruled in their favor. The NFL thinks they are untouchable.
You know on top of last years loss and still not 100% over that I have moved on and am excited about the season but talk about taking all the air out of my excitement now deflated ball. With all the news coming out after the news came about Zekes details and allegations. Zeke was honest about the drugs, about the abortion, the partying, his lifestyle...i'm really starting to think the kid while very immature with his decision making skills didnt actually harm this chick. Gonna be a long season and this cloud is going to be talked about each and every week. We are supposed to be pumped about taking on the gnats and the upcoming season..thanks nfl...thanks alot...
Only difference between the Brady case and Zekes case is one is for dv and the other was deflating football's. The nflpa is complaining and saying the same things they said about the Brady case. Cowboy fans sound just like Pat fans did about the Brady case. "There is proof he didn't do it, the nfl is just out to get us, Goodell will be fired now." and my favorite with this fan base, "it's all Mara" lol. Since he's playing game one that conspiracy should be thrown out but I'm sure many will keep it going. I think zeke is innocent but only Goodell has to think he's guilty. That's on the players and the nflpa for folding like a $2 lawn chair for less padded practices, less practices and a bit more money to give him that power. The Steelers are the only team that has a right to be Pissed since they voted against it. He has no chance in court. He might get lucky and get a decision in his favor the 1st time like Brady did, but then it will get moved to NY and he'll lose just like Brady did. More probable than not. There's a chance. That's all the nfl needs to suspend a player. It sucks, but again, that's on the nflpa and the players.

I didn't hear it would get moved to NY? Anyhow, this is more than just about Zeke now, at least for me. I want Goodell on the stand and being cross examined...I want to see him squirm, then be fired like the worm on Miracle on 34th street...
I see Quest for Six is back pushing his anti-Elliott agenda.

I think the poor guy started out by playing devil's advocate, then as things escalated he found himself unable to back down. One thing I can say for him, although I disagree with him vehemently, is this his username is pretty
I agree with you that Roberts should have been in the meeting and on that I think an injunction will be granted....but We now have Henderson look at all the evidence and still upheld the ruling based on the evidence....
Bit a federal court, at neat one outside NY, won't be in the NFL''s pocket. And article 46 out nor, US labor laws, and constitutional civil liberty laws, trump the stupidity of this CBA.

What the lawsuit will come down to is whether or not the investigation and suspension was arbitrary and capricious. It's hard to imagine anyone not in the NFL payroll or with massive anti-Cowboys bias wouldn't come to the conclusion that it was.
The NFLs stance suggests that there is evidence that is not currently in the public domain and that this evidence led to the suspension.

I do not understand the emphasis that NFLPA is putting on the TT oral evidence. NFL appears to have disregarded it.

In circumstances where both sides are claiming TT has no credibility a case based on her testimony is doomed to failure.

The NFL's evidence is in their 160 page report that is now part of the public domain. If they suspended him based on anything else, then they have just made Zeke's case because they didn't even inform him of the evidence against him.
I think the poor guy started out by playing devil's advocate, then as things escalated he found himself unable to back down. One thing I can say for him, although I disagree with him vehemently, is this his username is pretty

Hopefully his username will be outdated by the end of this season.
ESPN's Mike & Mike had an interesting discussion with ESPN commentator, Will Cain, earlier this morning. If you are not familiar, Cain is an attorney, former political analyst with CNN and, now, a commentator for ESPN.

A few of my take-aways from the conversation:
1. The NFL should not be conducting its own investigations into these sort of matters. They are only doing so in response to advocacy and PR pressure, primarily from the Ray Rice case.
2. The questions posed by Judge Mazzant suggests the judge is skeptical of the NFL's argument and will likely grant the TRO
3. Ultimately, Zeke will lose on appeal and the suspension will hold.

Just a quick synopsis - not an my opinion
You know on top of last years loss and still not 100% over that I have moved on and am excited about the season but talk about taking all the air out of my excitement now deflated ball. With all the news coming out after the news came about Zekes details and allegations. Zeke was honest about the drugs, about the abortion, the partying, his lifestyle...i'm really starting to think the kid while very immature with his decision making skills didnt actually harm this chick. Gonna be a long season and this cloud is going to be talked about each and every week. We are supposed to be pumped about taking on the gnats and the upcoming season..thanks nfl...thanks alot...
Thats about the way l feel about it. The NFL, for some reason, can not stop shooting itself in the foot. What sports league keeps going after its greatest assets. The Brady stupidity and now trying to destroy
Elliott the best young RB in the league...why?? It dampens the enthusiasm for the season. Worse, this idiocy is going to go on for the entire season. Sad really.
Thats about the way l feel about it. The NFL, for some reason, can not stop shooting itself in the foot. What sports league keeps going after its greatest assets. The Brady stupidity and now trying to destroy
Elliott the best young RB in the league...why?? It dampens the enthusiasm for the season. Worse, this idiocy is going to go on for the entire season. Sad really.
Agree 100% with that I will still be pumped when it is all said and done just not as much. If he doesn't get the injunction or whatever it is from TX I think this will be pretty crushing for me personally. I just don't get it reading through all this and knowing no more "new" evidence can come out its nothing short of puzzling the stupidity the league is showcasing.
ESPN's Mike & Mike had an interesting discussion with ESPN commentator, Will Cain, earlier this morning. If you are not familiar, Cain is an attorney, former political analyst with CNN and, now, a commentator for ESPN.

A few of my take-aways from the conversation:
1. The NFL should not be conducting its own investigations into these sort of matters. They are only doing so in response to advocacy and PR pressure, primarily from the Ray Rice case.
2. The questions posed by Judge Mazzant suggests the judge is skeptical of the NFL's argument and will likely grant the TRO
3. Ultimately, Zeke will lose on appeal and the suspension will hold.

Just a quick synopsis - not an my opinion

I agree with all of that but I will say I think Zeke has a better chance to be the one that eventually does prevail against the NFL. I'm not saying I think he will, just that he has the best case so far and it's not in NY. I just hope they can stretch it out so they can find a better RB in the offseason to play in those 6 games next year.
Thats about the way l feel about it. The NFL, for some reason, can not stop shooting itself in the foot. What sports league keeps going after its greatest assets. The Brady stupidity and now trying to destroy
Elliott the best young RB in the league...why?? It dampens the enthusiasm for the season. Worse, this idiocy is going to go on for the entire season. Sad really.
And that's whats going to drive fans away. They keep going after star players from teams. It's not their business. Need the courts to handle this . I mean players have been in trouble with the law for years but it never affected the game but it is now. And Goodell should step down because he is detrimental to the game. For the second year in a row the focus entering the season is on court cases. He's not cleaning out the bad apples, he's making a big mess.
I agree with all of that but I will say I think Zeke has a better chance to be the one that eventually does prevail against the NFL. I'm not saying I think he will, just that he has the best case so far and it's not in NY. I just hope they can stretch it out so they can find a better RB in the offseason to play in those 6 games next year.
I think he has a better shot than Brady but I still think it's a long shot. Not getting my hopes up at all. The NFL has proven they don't care what anyone thinks of them when it comes to these cases. It's too bad they don't feel the same way when it comes to PR for DV. They still don't get it.
ESPN's Mike & Mike had an interesting discussion with ESPN commentator, Will Cain, earlier this morning. If you are not familiar, Cain is an attorney, former political analyst with CNN and, now, a commentator for ESPN.

A few of my take-aways from the conversation:
1. The NFL should not be conducting its own investigations into these sort of matters. They are only doing so in response to advocacy and PR pressure, primarily from the Ray Rice case.
2. The questions posed by Judge Mazzant suggests the judge is skeptical of the NFL's argument and will likely grant the TRO
3. Ultimately, Zeke will lose on appeal and the suspension will hold.

Just a quick synopsis - not an my opinion

His strongest statement was that the NFL was more concerned with advocacy than finding truth.
You could very well be right. I've seen cases where judges will be harder on one side and then turn and rule in that side's favor. The reason why is they can say
"They explored every avenue when it came to the facts". It's a "butt covering" tactic.


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