I still have you viewable and that comment deserves a response. I'm probably the thickest skin poster on this board because despite all the personal attacks and inflammatory comments I receive I continue to be undeterred and give my opinions. I've had to cut people off because if I don't the mods will start cutting me and anyone I'm arguing with off by pushing the ban button do you not understand that? They don't tolerate slap fighting here and that's all some of you want to do. Some of you just want to make every debate about ME and if the board wasn't moderated some of you would be cutting me off.

I'm provided with so much material here I would have a field day if I was allowed to use all the gems some of you provide. I have a poster who's been coming at me for the past 2 days bent on starting a Romo argument now he's stuck between a rock and hard place. It's laughable to claim I backpedal on anything it's just part of the agenda some of you have.