CFZ My commitment: Forget the sales pitch. I will believe it when it happens


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I’m not sure what you expect from this team or any other Bob. Every team’s front office is going to speak positively about their draft and their plan. Can you imagine a reality where any team comes out the day after the draft and says “we had a terrible draft and don’t expect anyone to believe anything we say?

I understand the doubts and I agree in large part. I just don’t follow the intent of these predictions as they are the same as have been said hundreds of times since the end of the season.
Yes, every front office sells what they do in the off-season. But the difference between our front office and 30 others is simple: The others haven’t had the same GM doing the sales job for over 3 decades. Other NFL teams get a new GM if after 5 years they don’t have playoff results. We are stuck with our FO regardless of results. That is what sets us apart.

It’s not the fact that all FOs sell. It’s that ours is never held accountable for failure. If chiefs GM Brett Veach doesn’t win multiple playoff games in a season for 5 or more years, he’s gone. In Big D, even three decades without winning a divisional playoff game is “business as usual.”


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Then that comes down to the all or nothing mentality. Unfortunately it’s simply not possible for all teams to be on that level .

And with our ownership and FO I’m not sure why most fans would expect more.

Perhaps rock bottom is defined differently from fans . But I assure you this isn’t looking like rock bottom to Jethro & Son.

"all or nothing" lol That's comical. That's the whole point especially when you're close. The playoffs are the reason they play the 17 games in the first place and if the team isn't striving to improve in that area, it makes no sense at all. Before kickoff of game #1 they call it the race for the Lombardi. If not, then we're just settling in for the usual and pretending things will improve? Yet we know they won't but we're supposed to be OK with it because the owner and his kid are crap? LOL That seems like a pretty ridiculous argument.


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This is all 100% accurate esp in light of 28 years of evidence as the Jones boys continue the same methods of football micromanagement in search of football glory. Of course football glory to the Jones boys means $$$.

I get it Hazey about becoming a doubting Thomas and it is completely warranted as we approach three decades of futility.

It’s nice and predictable to see the usual “fans” come out of the woodwork to oppose facts about this once proud, once elite franchise but sad to see low IQ fans defend the past 28 seasons as “bad luck” and the tired “refs are part of a conspiracy“ to cheat the Jones boys, as if these two incompetent clowns need help from the refs to spit the bit in the playoffs.

I agree PT Fuhrer will be putting on a full court press to persuade low IQ fans to believe that we are “all in” this season to try to justify raising ticket prices to watch a team of gutless players who seemed fine with getting their butts handed to them at home in the playoffs. These same low IQ fans are the same idiots that would buy an expensive fur sink if it had the Cowboys star printed on it. These same fans “police” any thread that speaks out against the fuhrer and son in a pitiful attempt to defend a family that prefers losing over turning the reigns over to legitimate football minds to run this org like Landry and Jimmy did.

To the low IQ fans I say:
  • Save up this off season because season tickets went up again
  • It must be exhausting to constantly monitor these threads to defend the fuhrer and son when anything remotely negative is posted
  • Landry and Jimmy (in spite of the fuhrer) are the reasons we used to be the gold standard of NFL franchises but that ship sailed three decades ago while the fuhrers legacy and fingerprints are all over the past 28 seasons
  • Remember to buy season tickets, jerseys, and SWAG to continue to endorse the fuhrers brand of losing football
  • For those who think 13-3 with a first round playoff loss is a great season, I suggest you study your Cowboys history to understand what winning looks like
  • Think twice about hating Stephen A Smith as he is the voice of reason for Cowboys fan, a lone voice in the wilderness openly mocking an owner who continues to use the same failed method, winning be damned. As Cowboys fans, we deserve (rather our owner) the ridicule since all we have to do to shut Stephen A up is win a few playoff games, something that seems as impossible as George Strait singing on key without auto tune, Stephan Jones passing up a buffet, or Billy Jean King winning a beauty contest.
It will be a long season, a long decade, and a long century for anyone buying the fools gold the fuhrer sells every year. But thanks to Hazey, you should know better. If you don’t, you might be one of the low IQ fans I alluded to earlier and if so, you’re preparing a round of illogical volleys against the facts to try to make yourself feel like a “real fan”. God speed.
This is a bit of a straw man.

The number of posters who claim to agree with your basic bullet points is a tiny fraction of the fan base here at the zone. The folks who loudly decry everything the team does are the vocal plurality. Agreeing with that perspective is just more noise in the echo chamber of the zone.

Calling out the “defenders of “the Fuhrer” (holy ad hominem Batman!) as being a significant faction around here is disingenuous.

This is my opinion about things around here.

5% see JJ and the teams leadership as victims who do no wrong and decry others as fake fans.

15% are sick of the toxic cesspool that passes as football discussion in the Zone and find themselves reluctantly in opposition to the majority but, nevertheless, participate in the shenanigans of board politics and are part of the problem, hoping they are part of the solution.

20% participate, largely with a desire to contribute to the football discussion. They are varying degrees of optimism or pessimism but still try to talk football.

30% just pile on, and bring gas to the fire and honestly don’t think much beyond “championship hur dur”. This group includes the “watch the world burn hahahaha” contingent.

30% just shake their heads and stick to the other zones and ignore the Fan Zone. These are largely the “enjoy the journey” “I like watching football and hope the team does well”.


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2024 is going to be a lost season. 29 years and counting!
ok Nostradamus ,

tell us how you know everything before a single game is played and haven't been paying attention you know how it's a week to week league it's a year to year league this will be a one off year and there's no way to make predictions and then offseason how an NFL year is gonna go because that's how crazy things like injuries and teams aren't as good as they were supposed to be and other teams are better than they were supposed to be and some players might surprise you etcetera etcetera you can say 29 years and counting but why be a Cowboys fan and watch a game if you already know how the season is gonna go why do you continue to do this to yourselves I prefer to watch the season I enjoy the regular season hope for the best in the postseason and good or bad I'll be right back watching again next year because that's what football fans do because in this league there aren't a lot of teams winning Super Bowls on a yearly basis...


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Most of us would just be happy getting to an NFCCG right now. Anything that shows we're on the right track. It isn't even about SB's anymore.

I think it’s important to understand that this all means different things to each person. I’ve spent many years reading here about how people are no longer emotionally attached, and never got that. Now I do.

We have no control. Some choose to blow it off for that very reason. Some need to vent over it. Going to the Town Hall steps to do that is inappropriate. Coming here to do so is not.

It’s no longer about the lack of championships over three decades. Those are difficult to get, especially during a time when guys named Brady and Manning were winning most of them……but let’s say hypothetically over that period of time they got into one SB and lost, and another title game or two and lost, with the rest being the same….I think you’d hear a lot less moaning overall.


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Here’s a not so bold prediction that will happen at the conclusion of the NFL draft next weekend: The Jones front office will sell this upcoming draft class as hard as any in recent history. They know their early exit from the playoffs last year coupled with the almost complete inactivity in free agency has left even the staunchest of Cowboys fans disgruntled and disheartened.

Yeah, the most embarrassing playoff loss in Cowboys history last January left a stink not easily washed out of the Star in one off-season. Not to mention 28 years of embarrassing playoff underachievement. I’m expecting a Jones sales pitch so intense PT Barnum will rise from the grave just to say, “Wow”.

Maybe we will get lucky and have a home run draft. Time will tell. I hope so. But the hard sales pitch is coming regardless. “Step right up folks.“

But most Cowboys fans know by now that the Jones boys’ off-season strategy every year centers more on marketing than it does actual strategic roster building. Honestly if Jerry drafted a one legged RB from Nowhere University he would sell that kid as the next coming of Emmitt Smith and for jersey sales purposes mandate #22 be worn to complete the marketing pitch.

With all the above in mind, here’s my off-season commitment:
  • I will believe results when they happen. Not before.
  • I will NOT buy the sales pitch that is coming. Period. If this team goes 16-1, I won’t “believe” anything until they win multiple playoff games.
  • If the Cowboys turn it around this year and win multiple playoff games for the first time in 3 decades, I will be thrilled. But I will believe it when it happens.
Trust me, a huge sales and marketing roll out is coming. We will be expected to trust in the same guys who gave us the last 28 years. They continue to expect this fan base to believe they know what they’re doing by doing it “their way”. The results speak otherwise.

Did I mention I will believe it when it happens?
Who cares about the sales pitch??

I mean if you're that weak minded of a fan base, why even watch the year if you think that's all they're doing is selling you swampland?

Literally stop listening to what's not important, its noise...

IMHO, the only important thing to me is they put a team on the field that's competitive this year and we won't have the answers to that until February, then we can discuss how this season went and whether it was a giant sales pitch.​
I don't listen to what the front office says before I decide to watch a game or attend a game or buy a jersey... I literally do it out of the passion , NOT HYPE, I have for this team and I choose what I do or don't do with my free time and my free money and that's just how it is​
However, if you think this is a giant sales pitch, then why you bother listening, you need to keep your ears closed and do what fans are supposed to do debate each game week to week throughout the season and then have a discussion postseason about how the season went..​
anything other than that, it's really not part of really being a fan.. I know the Internet and Google and all the social media that just talks about football 24/7 makes fans feel like they need to be up in the business of football and worry about all the in between the lines nonsense and I'm saying that that's the wrong way to look at sports but hey more power to you...​

I'll be a fan just like other fans of the other sports teams like the Rangers 1970 to 2023, they didn't have a single championship and yet they still had a fan base show up and watch games.. are you saying the Texas Rangers had to sell their fans for 52 years on this stay strong this is going to be our year for 52 YEARS! Also the irony here is they got a new stadium built twice in that same time frame I mean they've had three different stadiums since they came to Arlington and yet it took them all this time and had this stuff before they ever won one championship..

and somehow, it's any different than Jerry Jones??

His job is to put people in seats, yes like all teams, like the entire league and all the rest of the team's number one is profit, to make profit you have to be putting people in seats, that's not Jerry Jones that is literally the entire sports landscape and professional sports...

So, the fact is you don't have to listen to any of the noise if you're a fan you're, a fan no matter what anybody says about your team ,whether it's the owners or the other fan bases, or how fans have opinions like any or you continue to stand strong as a fan no matter what.

I still think the irony here is the fact that the Dallas Mavericks the Dallas Stars and the Texas Rangers only have three total championship wins and their entire history and yet we mock Jerry for only having three because of this drought?? I don't get it there is no difference from the Dallas Cowboys than any of these other franchises and somehow him waiting on #4 the Cowboys are waiting on #6 that this has been somehow made into a circus and the overreactions & the special pass the other teams are getting being left off the hook just because they make changes to their GM and their coaching Staffs or they do more things that seem normal to a fan,

I still don't understand Jerry Jones in the Dallas Cowboys are still much more successful the last 35 years than any of those other teams....


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Here’s a not so bold prediction that will happen at the conclusion of the NFL draft next weekend: The Jones front office will sell this upcoming draft class as hard as any in recent history. They know their early exit from the playoffs last year coupled with the almost complete inactivity in free agency has left even the staunchest of Cowboys fans disgruntled and disheartened.

Yeah, the most embarrassing playoff loss in Cowboys history last January left a stink not easily washed out of the Star in one off-season. Not to mention 28 years of embarrassing playoff underachievement. I’m expecting a Jones sales pitch so intense PT Barnum will rise from the grave just to say, “Wow”.

Maybe we will get lucky and have a home run draft. Time will tell. I hope so. But the hard sales pitch is coming regardless. “Step right up folks.“

But most Cowboys fans know by now that the Jones boys’ off-season strategy every year centers more on marketing than it does actual strategic roster building. Honestly if Jerry drafted a one legged RB from Nowhere University he would sell that kid as the next coming of Emmitt Smith and for jersey sales purposes mandate #22 be worn to complete the marketing pitch.

With all the above in mind, here’s my off-season commitment:
  • I will believe results when they happen. Not before.
  • I will NOT buy the sales pitch that is coming. Period. If this team goes 16-1, I won’t “believe” anything until they win multiple playoff games.
  • If the Cowboys turn it around this year and win multiple playoff games for the first time in 3 decades, I will be thrilled. But I will believe it when it happens.
Trust me, a huge sales and marketing roll out is coming. We will be expected to trust in the same guys who gave us the last 28 years. They continue to expect this fan base to believe they know what they’re doing by doing it “their way”. The results speak otherwise.

Did I mention I will believe it when it happens?
My alternate debate to this will be I believe they'll be more hyper focused in the draft this year and not be all loose and have an odd draft like last year.. they were drafting for depth and future players last year, which was different, normally they are picking players that are going to be an impact on the team in some manner and last year that didn't happen and they're going to understand that misstep and I think they're going to do a lot better in this draft because of that IMO...

They don't have to sell anybody anything we're not that weak minded our fandom or at least my fandom doesn't come from what they say or who owns a team, but I still believe they will fill in with the draft they're going to be looking for year 1 impact players. I know they can't depend on them but that's why afterwards they will be going by a list I believe they have and picking free agents that they already targeted that are still available and some they may go make a small trade like they did for Gilmore, cooks, and or hankins and they will field a competitive team this year....​

how far they go, I don't know, stay tuned, it's why we watch the games.


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I think it’s important to understand that this all means different things to each person. I’ve spent many years reading here about how people are no longer emotionally attached, and never got that. Now I do.

We have no control. Some choose to blow it off for that very reason. Some need to vent over it. Going to the Town Hall steps to do that is inappropriate. Coming here to do so is not.

It’s no longer about the lack of championships over three decades. Those are difficult to get, especially during a time when guys named Brady and Manning were winning most of them……but let’s say hypothetically over that period of time they got into one SB and lost, and another title game or two and lost, with the rest being the same….I think you’d hear a lot less moaning overall.
Perhaps I guess I figured that by this time fans would start to figure out a way to get beyond the GB loss

I wasn’t anticipating much more than the GB win and when it didn’t happen I was shocked but not terribly surprised by loss

How we lost was a bit surprising though but a loss is a loss to me


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They had a historically bad NFC gifted to them the past 3 years and mustered 1 measly Wild Card win.

It will never happen for this franchise with these fools driving the ship.


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"all or nothing" lol That's comical. That's the whole point especially when you're close. The playoffs are the reason they play the 17 games in the first place and if the team isn't striving to improve in that area, it makes no sense at all. Before kickoff of game #1 they call it the race for the Lombardi. If not, then we're just settling in for the usual and pretending things will improve? Yet we know they won't but we're supposed to be OK with it because the owner and his kid are crap? LOL That seems like a pretty ridiculous argument.

Ultimately winning a SB is the goal but it’s not a win or bust scenario to the franchises nor the players. They get paid either way. It’s the fans which are left with this winning is everything mentality.

And I’m not promoting we should be ok with the level or lack of success but we should realize why and realistic expectations for it to change. I’m certainly not pretending things will change. As a matter of fact I’d argue they aren’t likely too.

I recommend a more apathetic approach and try to enjoy it as much as possible and why I’m just hoping for 17 competitive games. Anything beyond that for these yahoo’s is surprising .

Now if you want to talk about holding our owners accountable for this crap they’ve delivered for almost 3 decades then I’ll help lead the charge. But expecting it to change otherwise is very shortsighted.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Who cares about the sales pitch??

I mean if you're that weak minded of a fan base, why even watch the year if you think that's all they're doing is selling you swampland?

Literally stop listening to what's not important, its noise...

IMHO, the only important thing to me is they put a team on the field that's competitive this year and we won't have the answers to that until February, then we can discuss how this season went and whether it was a giant sales pitch.​
I don't listen to what the front office says before I decide to watch a game or attend a game or buy a jersey... I literally do it out of the passion , NOT HYPE, I have for this team and I choose what I do or don't do with my free time and my free money and that's just how it is​
However, if you think this is a giant sales pitch, then why you bother listening, you need to keep your ears closed and do what fans are supposed to do debate each game week to week throughout the season and then have a discussion postseason about how the season went..​
anything other than that, it's really not part of really being a fan.. I know the Internet and Google and all the social media that just talks about football 24/7 makes fans feel like they need to be up in the business of football and worry about all the in between the lines nonsense and I'm saying that that's the wrong way to look at sports but hey more power to you...​

I'll be a fan just like other fans of the other sports teams like the Rangers 1970 to 2023, they didn't have a single championship and yet they still had a fan base show up and watch games.. are you saying the Texas Rangers had to sell their fans for 52 years on this stay strong this is going to be our year for 52 YEARS! Also the irony here is they got a new stadium built twice in that same time frame I mean they've had three different stadiums since they came to Arlington and yet it took them all this time and had this stuff before they ever won one championship..

and somehow, it's any different than Jerry Jones??

His job is to put people in seats, yes like all teams, like the entire league and all the rest of the team's number one is profit, to make profit you have to be putting people in seats, that's not Jerry Jones that is literally the entire sports landscape and professional sports...

So, the fact is you don't have to listen to any of the noise if you're a fan you're, a fan no matter what anybody says about your team ,whether it's the owners or the other fan bases, or how fans have opinions like any or you continue to stand strong as a fan no matter what.

I still think the irony here is the fact that the Dallas Mavericks the Dallas Stars and the Texas Rangers only have three total championship wins and their entire history and yet we mock Jerry for only having three because of this drought?? I don't get it there is no difference from the Dallas Cowboys than any of these other franchises and somehow him waiting on #4 the Cowboys are waiting on #6 that this has been somehow made into a circus and the overreactions & the special pass the other teams are getting being left off the hook just because they make changes to their GM and their coaching Staffs or they do more things that seem normal to a fan,

I still don't understand Jerry Jones in the Dallas Cowboys are still much more successful the last 35 years than any of those other teams....
Blue, I think you would agree that any fan of the Cowboys is free to express their opinions about the team. Your opinions are welcome, even if we disagree. I don’t see expressing my opinion about the front office as “crying” or ”weak-minded”. If you do, that’s fine.

I’m neither upset nor motivated to argue about it. We just disagree. No one gets hurt and everyone walks away with their Cowboy fandom expressed however they choose. Hopefully that’s something on which we can all agree.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan

You buy a cap. You are helping The Fuhrer.

You buy a jersey. You are helping The Fuhrer.

You go to a game. You are helping The Fuhrer.

The nonsense has gotten to this stage.

Supporting your favorite team does not mean you are supporting the owner of the team. Some people do not care about that last sentence. They care only that buying a cap, buying a jersey, going to a game puts money in The Fuhrer pocket.

Thirty years of this nonsense. This fan-on-fan dislike was happening on fansites years before CowboysZone.

Some people do not care about past failed attempts to coerce The Fuhrer into moderating his football management or sell the team or anything in-between through his back pocket.

Some people DEFINITELY do not care enough to be innovative and try DIFFERENT tactics beyond $$$ to bend The Fuhrer into finally mellowing the <expletive> out for once in his decades long entrenchment overseeing football operations.

Nope. The only thing some people really care--really really care about--is dissing fellow fans for liking or loving the same team they like or love every freaking day. Why? For buying a cap. For buying a jersey. For going to a game.

The Fuhrer has complete autonomy over the direction of everyone's favorite team. He is not the real target of dislike. The real target is other fans just like you.




The Boognish
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You buy a cap. You are helping The Fuhrer.

You buy a jersey. You are helping The Fuhrer.

You go to a game. You are helping The Fuhrer.

The nonsense has gotten to this stage.

Supporting your favorite team does not mean you are supporting the owner of the team. Some people do not care about that last sentence. They care only that buying a cap, buying a jersey, going to a game puts money in The Fuhrer pocket.

Thirty years of this nonsense. This fan-on-fan dislike was happening on fansites years before CowboysZone.

Some people do not care about past failed attempts to coerce The Fuhrer into moderating his football management or sell the team or anything in-between through his back pocket.

Some people DEFINITELY do not care enough to be innovative and try DIFFERENT tactics beyond $$$ to bend The Fuhrer into finally mellowing the <expletive> out for once in his decades long entrenchment overseeing football operations.

Nope. The only thing some people really care--really really care about--is dissing fellow fans for liking or loving the same team they like or love every freaking day. Why? For buying a cap. For buying a jersey. For going to a game.

The Fuhrer has complete autonomy over the direction of everyone's favorite team. He is not the real target of dislike. The real target is other fans just like you.


so now he is referred alike to a certain German dictator? the angst is real.

Chuck 54

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Nice post, Bob, but I must add, for me…….

First, I will simply enjoy each and every game of the 2024 season.
Second, I will hope to make the playoffs.
Third, I will enjoy and take the playoffs as they come.
Finally, IF the Cowboys reach the NFC Championship game, then, and only then, I will get super excited at the possibility of a Super Bowl.

I don’t allow anything the Joneses or the media say about the Cowboys, nor anything they do, to rob me of my lifelong pleasure in following America’s team and enjoying every game with my grown children in person or in text.

Sidenote— I am committed to enjoying this site in 2024 for opinions, news, stories and more without allowing negativity and the absolutely STUPID mantra by many that “if it’s not the Super Bowl, we suck” to ruin my enjoyment of Cowboys games or the week following a victory.
I will simply ignore all threads/posts that:
  • spew venom at our starting QB no matter how he plays or whether we win or lose
  • hate on any players that are hustling and playing the best and hardest they can
  • negatively negate any win that doesn’t come against the top 3-4 teams in the league
  • criticize players for 1-2 plays when they’ve had an excellent overall game
  • try to rob everyone‘s enjoyment of a victory by claiming that nothing matters until the playoffs
  • say they hope the team goes 0-16 because maybe they will be able to claim they were right all along or that it will bring change.
  • say victories were bad because we should have won by more.
  • try to prove their opinion is right because those who disagree are ___________.
This worked for me the last third of the 2023 season. It was refreshing, not to read all positive threads, but to avoid the threads that basically have said the same thing every week for the past 2-3 years.
I hope the mods will continue to warn us all about hijacking threads and starting the same old arguments. I enjoy a difference of opinion, but some arguments have been made so often without anything new that they become sickening and demoralizing.
Everyone should do their own thing, but I joined the Zone to enjoy the Cowboys more, and for me, a few of my own guidelines keep that possible for me.
To each his own.


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Blue, I think you would agree that any fan of the Cowboys is free to express their opinions about the team. Your opinions are welcome, even if we disagree. I don’t see expressing my opinion about the front office as “crying” or ”weak-minded”. If you do, that’s fine.

I’m neither upset nor motivated to argue about it. We just disagree. No one gets hurt and everyone walks away with their Cowboy fandom expressed however they choose. Hopefully that’s something on which we can all agree.
Some of it's true, sure, I can get on board with that statement...

however, that's not my point...

My point is there isn't really any noise, if you don't listen to it... if you think that that what they say is a sales pitch, stop listening... that's what I'm saying, stop overreacting to things they say and I know people here do it they start posts with quotes from our mighty front office to mock them, which I'm telling you that it is their job to sell the fans enough to get them in the seats...

that's all 32 teams, that's every sports franchise on the planet trying to make a profit, that's every CEO and business on the planet trying to make a profit... you all try to make Jerry and Stephen look like they're so much different so that way you have something to keep you entertained by mocking the front office.

So sure what you post and what you say it is your choice, it is your opinion, obviously it is allowed as long as we're not killing each other in here with distasteful responses, however I'm saying that if fans are that weak minded as we say in the sales world,

the easiest customer to sell are the ones that try the hardest to tell us they're not going to be an easy sell, and I'm telling you don't be that customer who's claiming you're not going to get sold that easy because you obviously might be that type that are going to be the easiest sell of my route today. They are so scared of that alleged sales pitch that we call the car salesman pitch that they make sure up front that let you know they're not gonna be sold because they understand the game those are usually the easiest sell. It's the same thing for me as I don't listen to the noise whenever a new iPhone comes out I still have an iPhone 11 I buy rebranded refurbished phones because I have a lot of them in in my field sometimes things break but I'm never gonna be the guy that by the first model of the brand new Bronco I'm not gonna be sold by listening to the noise I know it's there if I wanna buy one I can buy one.. But I'm not going to line up around the corner for the first new restaurant or the first new phone or the first brand new, new release movie...

The thing that being said by any of our players coaches or front office is nothing I ever listen to everyone on social media gets these little quotes by everyone and then they spend weeks discussing it trying to break it down and figure out what they meant... I simply read it and I get one of those half sarcastic chuckle grin smiles whatever you wanna call it and I just let it roll off my back because the proof we need to see is on the field. I will judge this year in February that we can have all the talks we want but then when March rolls around and the new season technically starts then I'm looking forward, not back.. I will not buy a ticket to a game or buy a jersey unless I feel like it'll be for my own reasons not what Jerry or anybody has said about the team.

I will never be that guy therefore it's easy for me to now block out what you call noise and what you call a sales pitch because it's really not there if you look at differently.

So, I'm saying don't be that consumer, don't be that fan that has to be offended by everything they say and think there's some conspiracy behind it.... I'm telling you this is just their job it's the same thing we blame coaches for having coach speak, you don't have to believe anything they say if you're not really listening to me I just can't wait for the season to start, every year is a new year every year to me is a one off... my expectations are low and I hope for the best for our team and I'm as disappointed as everyone in here trust me I used to even be angrier, you know the guy that throw things at TV's and can't let **** go for seven days between games, new me 48hr rule absorb it get it out and move on , so I've grown as a fan and I'm still as angry but I handle it much differently, I just look at this as part of being a fan the UPS the downs the disappointments but I don't look at this as 28 years of disappointment, I look at this as last year we failed to go as far as we needed to and we hope this year we can go further, that's it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Nice post, Bob, but I must add, for me…….

First, I will simply enjoy each and every game of the 2024 season.
Second, I will hope to make the playoffs.
Third, I will enjoy and take the playoffs as they come.
Finally, IF the Cowboys reach the NFC Championship game, then, and only then, I will get super excited at the possibility of a Super Bowl.

I don’t allow anything the Joneses or the media say about the Cowboys, nor anything they do, to rob me of my lifelong pleasure in following America’s team and enjoying every game with my grown children in person or in text.

Sidenote— I am committed to enjoying this site in 2024 for opinions, news, stories and more without allowing negativity and the absolutely STUPID mantra by many that “if it’s not the Super Bowl, we suck” to ruin my enjoyment of Cowboys games or the week following a victory.
I will simply ignore all threads/posts that:
  • spew venom at our starting QB no matter how he plays or whether we win or lose
  • hate on any players that are hustling and playing the best and hardest they can
  • negatively negate any win that doesn’t come against the top 3-4 teams in the league
  • criticize players for 1-2 plays when they’ve had an excellent overall game
  • try to rob everyone‘s enjoyment of a victory by claiming that nothing matters until the playoffs
  • say they hope the team goes 0-16 because maybe they will be able to claim they were right all along or that it will bring change.
  • say victories were bad because we should have won by more.
  • try to prove their opinion is right because those who disagree are ___________.
This worked for me the last third of the 2023 season. It was refreshing, not to read all positive threads, but to avoid the threads that basically have said the same thing every week for the past 2-3 years.
I hope the mods will continue to warn us all about hijacking threads and starting the same old arguments. I enjoy a difference of opinion, but some arguments have been made so often without anything new that they become sickening and demoralizing.
Everyone should do their own thing, but I joined the Zone to enjoy the Cowboys more, and for me, a few of my own guidelines keep that possible for me.
To each his own.
Well said Chuck!


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Who cares about the sales pitch??

I mean if you're that weak minded of a fan base, why even watch the year if you think that's all they're doing is selling you swampland?

Literally stop listening to what's not important, its noise...

IMHO, the only important thing to me is they put a team on the field that's competitive this year and we won't have the answers to that until February, then we can discuss how this season went and whether it was a giant sales pitch.​
I don't listen to what the front office says before I decide to watch a game or attend a game or buy a jersey... I literally do it out of the passion , NOT HYPE, I have for this team and I choose what I do or don't do with my free time and my free money and that's just how it is​
However, if you think this is a giant sales pitch, then why you bother listening, you need to keep your ears closed and do what fans are supposed to do debate each game week to week throughout the season and then have a discussion postseason about how the season went..​
anything other than that, it's really not part of really being a fan.. I know the Internet and Google and all the social media that just talks about football 24/7 makes fans feel like they need to be up in the business of football and worry about all the in between the lines nonsense and I'm saying that that's the wrong way to look at sports but hey more power to you...​

I'll be a fan just like other fans of the other sports teams like the Rangers 1970 to 2023, they didn't have a single championship and yet they still had a fan base show up and watch games.. are you saying the Texas Rangers had to sell their fans for 52 years on this stay strong this is going to be our year for 52 YEARS! Also the irony here is they got a new stadium built twice in that same time frame I mean they've had three different stadiums since they came to Arlington and yet it took them all this time and had this stuff before they ever won one championship..

and somehow, it's any different than Jerry Jones??

His job is to put people in seats, yes like all teams, like the entire league and all the rest of the team's number one is profit, to make profit you have to be putting people in seats, that's not Jerry Jones that is literally the entire sports landscape and professional sports...

So, the fact is you don't have to listen to any of the noise if you're a fan you're, a fan no matter what anybody says about your team ,whether it's the owners or the other fan bases, or how fans have opinions like any or you continue to stand strong as a fan no matter what.

I still think the irony here is the fact that the Dallas Mavericks the Dallas Stars and the Texas Rangers only have three total championship wins and their entire history and yet we mock Jerry for only having three because of this drought?? I don't get it there is no difference from the Dallas Cowboys than any of these other franchises and somehow him waiting on #4 the Cowboys are waiting on #6 that this has been somehow made into a circus and the overreactions & the special pass the other teams are getting being left off the hook just because they make changes to their GM and their coaching Staffs or they do more things that seem normal to a fan,

I still don't understand Jerry Jones in the Dallas Cowboys are still much more successful the last 35 years than any of those other teams....
Yes but only if you include those early years with Jimmy.

Anyone not admitting since Jethro took over total control of football operations we don’t measure up then they are missing the mark or simply choosing to give him a pass for life.

Even Landry couldn’t survive after his downturn in the 80’s. It’s always about what have you done for me lately. Jethro even admitted he’d of been fired as GM.

And if you’re on board with him as GM that’s your call . I’d argue it’s not a favorable position . And in order to be a legit critical fan you need to listen to all the noise to gather info.

The hype that was being sold is part of the business for an owner but where the conflict of interest arises when you also wear the GM hat is it becomes over promoting the prospects of the team which actually sets up fans for disappointment.

Most owners don’t operate as such and I’d venture to say from most opposing fans I’ve heard from they’d never want an owner like ours. And probably why it hasn’t been a model for others to follow.


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Perhaps I guess I figured that by this time fans would start to figure out a way to get beyond the GB loss

I wasn’t anticipating much more than the GB win and when it didn’t happen I was shocked but not terribly surprised by loss

How we lost was a bit surprising though but a loss is a loss to me
That one stung more than usual, and the way the aftermath has been handled it’s tough to expect many satisfied customers.

But again, many felt that way as of years ago, and I always found a way to hope. I now understand both sides.


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Some of it's true, sure, I can get on board with that statement...

however, that's not my point...

My point is there isn't really any noise, if you don't listen to it... if you think that that what they say is a sales pitch, stop listening... that's what I'm saying, stop overreacting to things they say and I know people here do it they start posts with quotes from our mighty front office to mock them, which I'm telling you that it is their job to sell the fans enough to get them in the seats...

that's all 32 teams, that's every sports franchise on the planet trying to make a profit, that's every CEO and business on the planet trying to make a profit... you all try to make Jerry and Stephen look like they're so much different so that way you have something to keep you entertained by mocking the front office.

So sure what you post and what you say it is your choice, it is your opinion, obviously it is allowed as long as we're not killing each other in here with distasteful responses, however I'm saying that if fans are that weak minded as we say in the sales world,

the easiest customer to sell are the ones that try the hardest to tell us they're not going to be an easy sell, and I'm telling you don't be that customer who's claiming you're not going to get sold that easy because you obviously might be that type that are going to be the easiest sell of my route today. They are so scared of that alleged sales pitch that we call the car salesman pitch that they make sure up front that let you know they're not gonna be sold because they understand the game those are usually the easiest sell. It's the same thing for me as I don't listen to the noise whenever a new iPhone comes out I still have an iPhone 11 I buy rebranded refurbished phones because I have a lot of them in in my field sometimes things break but I'm never gonna be the guy that by the first model of the brand new Bronco I'm not gonna be sold by listening to the noise I know it's there if I wanna buy one I can buy one.. But I'm not going to line up around the corner for the first new restaurant or the first new phone or the first brand new, new release movie...

The thing that being said by any of our players coaches or front office is nothing I ever listen to everyone on social media gets these little quotes by everyone and then they spend weeks discussing it trying to break it down and figure out what they meant... I simply read it and I get one of those half sarcastic chuckle grin smiles whatever you wanna call it and I just let it roll off my back because the proof we need to see is on the field. I will judge this year in February that we can have all the talks we want but then when March rolls around and the new season technically starts then I'm looking forward, not back.. I will not buy a ticket to a game or buy a jersey unless I feel like it'll be for my own reasons not what Jerry or anybody has said about the team.

I will never be that guy therefore it's easy for me to now block out what you call noise and what you call a sales pitch because it's really not there if you look at differently.

So, I'm saying don't be that consumer, don't be that fan that has to be offended by everything they say and think there's some conspiracy behind it.... I'm telling you this is just their job it's the same thing we blame coaches for having coach speak, you don't have to believe anything they say if you're not really listening to me I just can't wait for the season to start, every year is a new year every year to me is a one off... my expectations are low and I hope for the best for our team and I'm as disappointed as everyone in here trust me I used to even be angrier, you know the guy that throw things at TV's and can't let **** go for seven days between games, new me 48hr rule absorb it get it out and move on , so I've grown as a fan and I'm still as angry but I handle it much differently, I just look at this as part of being a fan the UPS the downs the disappointments but I don't look at this as 28 years of disappointment, I look at this as last year we failed to go as far as we needed to and we hope this year we can go further, that's it.
Sounds like you’re recommending to put our blinders on if we don’t like the noise.

This becomes a common message from fans complaining about the criticism . They just don’t want to hear any negative narrative. Don’t worry , be happy. That might be fine for you but not all fans.

And calling out the noise as BS or false over hyping of product is fair criticism. We don’t have to be sold to realize its intent. And we have every right to bring attention to it.

If you choose not to lump in the sum of this eras lack of success on the one constant then that’s your choice but any GM or HC would be held responsible or accountable , not just on each individual season.