My Contract offer to Dak if I were GM


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Not a penny more then Cousins. Both have damn near identical stats but Cousins has done more with far less. Historically bad defenses and horrible OLs although they have vastly improved the last two years in that department(still not better then Daks).

Honestly would pay Cousions more however both not the answer


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My contract offer to Dak

Me: Dak- you killed it last season. You deserve to be the highest paid player in nfl history. You ready to make that happen

Dak: yessir! That’s exactly what I’m looking for

Me: great, we are on the same page the as far as what type of money you are looking for. Not that we have that out of the way, let’s look for a team that is willing to pay you that type of money because it won’t be here. Provide me a list of your preferred options please.
I like how cordial you are.


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Then I guess 95 % of the members here are suspects.:eek:
Try this out might be more to your liking............. :muttley: will find compassion and total agreement there.

Hmm, didn't know 95% of the members had posted on this thread. Who knew? Now, go find one post this offseason with me supporting Dak or saying he is elite and worth the money. The difference between you and me is that I'm not obsessed with Dak like you are, or think he should be greeting people at Walmart. My stance has always been Dak is a better-than-average QB who falls short under big-pressure games. But, for the record, you've been wrong with your predictions about Dak and his future with the Cowboys for 8 years running. But, keep throwing **** at the wall, eventually some of it is bound to stick. :thumbup:


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The best offer to Dak would be to not offer him anything. I would tell him, we are paying you the contract this year and we are moving on from you next. Oh and you will not play this year for the Cowboys. Your contract is such that we can't do anything but we need to see what we have in Lance. So you will be 3rd QB and inactive on gameday, no snaps during the week. Or you can waive your no trade clause and go somewhere else this year.


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The best offer to Dak would be to not offer him anything. I would tell him, we are paying you the contract this year and we are moving on from you next. Oh and you will not play this year for the Cowboys. Your contract is such that we can't do anything but we need to see what we have in Lance. So you will be 3rd QB and inactive on gameday, no snaps during the week. Or you can waive your no trade clause and go somewhere else this year.
They wouldn't even play Lance last year as a backup lol. They already know what they have in Lance. When they had the chance to have him as backup and let him play clean up duty they didn't. They started Rush over him. 49ers traded him. They are telling you what he is lol.


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You are assuming that
1. That any QB that is going to be picked after Dak is somehow going to be Chad Hutchinson, Drew Henson, Ryan Leaf etc. Yet somehow the Cowboys have picked Tony Romo and Dak Prescott. This same franchise had at one point in time Troy Aikman, Danny White and Roger Staubach as QB. But somehow we dare not replace Dak because we might fail.
2. Every year franchises jettison non performant QB's and make no mistake Dak Prescott is a non performant QB regardless of how much of a sales job you want to do with his MVP claims (dude got 1 vote). Like telling me that a Toyota Tercel is the same as a McClaren P1.
It's a fair assumption. Finding Tony Romo was just pure luck. He was an UDFA who only chose us because Sean Payton pursued him and convinced Jerry and company to give him more money. Payton played at Eastern Illinois and knew Romo. That was a Sean Payton find, not a Jerry Jones find.

Drafting Dak Prescott was again luck. Jerry tried to move up in the 1st round to draft Paxton Lynch that year. Also, he wanted to draft Connor Cook but another team traded ahead of us. Dak just happened to fall to Dallas at the end of the 4th round. Other teams saved Jerry that year.

Please don't give Jerry credit for White or Staubach. Jerry can get credit for Aikman but that was a total no brainer since we were drafting 1st overall and needed a QB. Plus we had Jimmy Johnson guiding Jerry.

I am not saying we should keep Dak. I'm just saying that if Jerry plans on trying to low ball Dak then he should just go ahead and move on and trade him because Dak is not accepting a $45 million a year contract.

Also, you must have me mistaken for someone else because I have never brought up that bogus Dak MVP race. Most of his stats were put up against crap teams.


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If Dak wants to be a Dallas Cowboy moving forward then he has no leverage. That’s Jerry’s decision.

If Dak wants to chase money somewhere else and that makes Dak the “winner” then good for him.

The Cowboys winning is all I care about, not Dak “winning” by chasing money on another team.
"If Dak wants to be a Dallas Cowboy moving forward then he has no leverage. That’s Jerry’s decision."

Sadly, that phrase sums up the Dallas Cowboys entire approach toward free agency. The whole take less money to play for the Dallas Cowboys has been a great approach and is working out great for us. So far it got us Eric Kendricks and a ton of holes to fill on our roster.

At this point I am so frustrated with our free agency approach that I would rather just trade Dak prior to the draft. We aren't winning a Super Bowl with him and this current roster. See if Minny will give us picks 11 and 23 for him and move on. Take a QB if a good one falls to us at 11. If not, then just load up on other positions and roll with Rush and Lance.


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Okay, so he is guaranteed money and they can't trade him. So at worse, they let him play out the year and tell him to hit the road and go see if someone is dumb enough to make him the highest paid player in the league.
And cutting the loss at this point would make some fans happy..but heres the thing, you got nothing for him ..i agree its time to move on but I will not let this FO off the hook for how completley inept this has gone a QB starved league you worked your contracts so bad you got nothing for a top 10 QB who finished second in MVP voting..thats this FO..he walks we get a huge cap hit and nothing because our dumb owner needs to play GM...


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And they would be morons lol. Now you don't even get a comp pick for him.
we are already at the comp limit…sometimes break ups are hard, there is nothing that can convince me he is worth resetting the QB market for this player, infact I called for trading Dak, Micah, Martin and even possibly CeeDee before free agency started


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we are already at the comp limit…sometimes break ups are hard, there is nothing that can convince me he is worth resetting the QB market for this player, infact I called for trading Dak, Micah, Martin and even possibly CeeDee before free agency started
You would get a 3rd round comp pick for Dak......that comp pick would actually matter not a 6th ro 7th rounder you'd get for Armstrong....

Fans get too caught up in QB salary. It's become this weird scare tactic that I guess fans or media have created to justify whey their team sucks lol. I remember when people said they didn't want to pay Dak 40 million because you can't build a team around them. When will you guys realize QB salary doesn't stop you from building a team? Have you seen Jalen Hurts cap hits?


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You would get a 3rd round comp pick for Dak......that comp pick would actually matter not a 6th ro 7th rounder you'd get for Armstrong....

Fans get too caught up in QB salary. It's become this weird scare tactic that I guess fans or media have created to justify whey their team sucks lol. I remember when people said they didn't want to pay Dak 40 million because you can't build a team around them. When will you guys realize QB salary doesn't stop you from building a team? Have you seen Jalen Hurts cap hits?
this 100%...31 other teams pay their QB with plenty paying more than Dallas..and crazy enough they also sign big name FA's....


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He was better in 23 because they brought in a legit #2, borderline #1 receiver to pair with Lamb. I guess that's my problem with giving him $60m. $50m is more reasonable, but I'm still apprehensive at that number. He was statistically awful in 22, and the results in the playoffs trended downwards. He didn't build on an exceptional showing against Tampa and a decent game against SF. He reverted back to the guy we're used to, at home, against a slightly above average team. The offense failed against a mediocre defense. That's on Dak.

It feels like he's hit a plateau, which is probably his ceiling. The way to circumvent that and find more success is to bring in more talent to offset his deficiencies. How do you do that when you're looking at giving him even more money? We can talk about moving money around and pushing it forward, but that gets tricky when his agent goes after shorter term contracts. So if we can't get over that hump with a stratospheric cap number at QB, and we can't keep the player without paying him stupid money, what do we do?
Decent game against SF?


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this 100%...31 other teams pay their QB with plenty paying more than Dallas..and crazy enough they also sign big name FA's....
Exactly. It's to the point of an annoyance when QB salary is brought up. Especially know that if Dak did take a pay cut all the Cowboys would do was give it to some broken down linebacker like Jaylen Smith.


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Fans always believe they know more than the team and what other teams believe and never ever believe all the facts.

Facts are that Dak was great in the regular season and has been. Playoffs a different story. Fact, Jerry wants a winning season because it helps his business. Fact, Dallas must have a running game and a defense that can stop the run, if not Dallas will be great regular season and suck playoffs.

Fact, all teams will pay for a good to great QB. Do you want Burrow or Allen or Herbert or Jackson or Stafford or one of the rookies? Not happening and next year's crop of QBs looks not good. If you want to win and have a chance at the playoffs then you keep the one you have. Simple math, you don't have to like the guy but you have to live with it unless you want to blow it up and odds are take 4 or 5 year's of losing before you might get a guy.

Fact, there is only one Super Bowl winning QB every year and right now odds are it will be Mahomes for next 10 years, not all 10 but any team will go through him to get one.

Fact, no fan likes how Jerry and Steven run the off season but it's their model and they don't care if we like it or not. They will most likely extend Dak, Lamb, and Parsons before training camp and most likely make a trade or two that have some substance to encourage fans.

Remember, Steven has said several times that they will extend the 3 to help with the cap this year and in 2025. Now what that means, who knows but they have a plan that surely many will mot like.


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You would get a 3rd round comp pick for Dak......that comp pick would actually matter not a 6th ro 7th rounder you'd get for Armstrong....

Fans get too caught up in QB salary. It's become this weird scare tactic that I guess fans or media have created to justify whey their team sucks lol. I remember when people said they didn't want to pay Dak 40 million because you can't build a team around them. When will you guys realize QB salary doesn't stop you from building a team? Have you seen Jalen Hurts cap hits?
Not sure I understand what you're getting at there? Hurts cost $13M against the cap this season. I would imagine that Philly is going to have some significant issues when they get to 2027. If Philly isnt making a deep playoff run the next few years I imagine they'll be having the exact same conversation on their forums that Cowboy fans are having today.