My CZ friends

I can't wait to get back to talking with everyone about our cowboys .
On 6/22 I had a heart attack and on 6/26 I underwent triple bypass surgery. Since then the biggest obstacle is the addition of congestive heart failure which hopefully can improve enough to be released and return home.i won't be posting for awhile but I do hope to read articles from time to time.
I just saw this today! God bless!!! Salud, my friend!
Longer than I anticipated...pretty much day by day.........paying for the past sins of my younger days of hard partying and eating what tasted good not necessarily what was healthiest.
Soooooo, these days are my younger days? See, I told y'all I was never growing up.

So great to see you posting, you were on our minds and you know what happens when we're left alone with the unknown too long.

Man, ron's back in the saddle, Trouty has been sighted and the season starts for real in 10 days. These are omens, me hearties, of good things to come.
Longer than I anticipated...pretty much day by day.........paying for the past sins of my younger days of hard partying and eating what tasted good not necessarily what was healthiest.

Funny. I had this exact conversation with some friends. I'm staring 40 in the face, and while I'm not super unhealthy, I am definitely not a health nut as I find myself living in the junk food moment way too often. I'm really going to buckle down and be mindful of my health/things I eat because I'm not getting younger. I'm kind of into longevity. Glad to see you're hanging in there and doing better.
Funny. I had this exact conversation with some friends. I'm staring 40 in the face, and while I'm not super unhealthy, I am definitely not a health nut as I find myself living in the junk food moment way too often. I'm really going to buckle down and be mindful of my health/things I eat because I'm not getting younger. I'm kind of into longevity. Glad to see you're hanging in there and doing better.
That's good, learn from those who have wisdom and regrets to hand down!

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