National Anthem

I couldn't stand it. The reason being is that its the freaking NATIONAL ANTHEM! Its not some remix of a song from the 70's or 60's. This is about the birth of our nation and the courage, bravery, and sacrifices many made to make that happen. I guess being a vet, it makes me appreciate it differently. Like others I want singers to sing the song, not put their own personal flare to it.

I thought she did a good job with what she did, it was within her range, but don't do that to the national anthem. If you can't sing it, say you can't and tell them to get someone who can. My dislike comes from it being a pop version of the national anthem not the traditional.
GimmeTheBall!;4712375 said:
so anybody who lives in a rough part of town should carry illicit firearms? I see, I get it now. that should work in front of a judge.

Do me a favor go find some more negative/criminal stuff about her and you will have a case....other then that you kinda sound like an uneducated hater of THE HIP HOP CULTURE. She is a FEMALE, Rap Icon, Movie Star that has been carjacked several have in no way proven to me that the gun charge indicates she has a thuggish persona as you stated........everyone makes mistakes in their lives and she did it ONE TIME....OH WOW SEND HER TO JAIL IN A CELL RIGHT NEXT TO MANSON.....
Wow really??
QL doesn't even do HIP HOP anymore.
I thought she did an excellent job.
gambit187;4712488 said:
Do me a favor go find some more negative/criminal stuff about her and you will have a case....other then that you kinda sound like an uneducated hater of THE HIP HOP CULTURE. She is a FEMALE, Rap Icon, Movie Star that has been carjacked several have in no way proven to me that the gun charge indicates she has a thuggish persona as you stated........everyone makes mistakes in their lives and she did it ONE TIME....OH WOW SEND HER TO JAIL IN A CELL RIGHT NEXT TO MANSON.....

The gun charge is Bogus. People have a right to defend themself from harm by any means. There would be a lot less rape and other types of violence if more women learned to shoot a gun. In my opinion she was perfectly with in her rights as defined in the United States Constitution.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
I didn't watch her sing it last night but after reading so much negative comments about it I watched it online a few minutes ago.

I'm not sure what the problem is, really. I thought she sang it well. Not very traditional but it sounded good. Maybe because I was expecting the worst after reading so much negative comments about it.
it was embarrassing, the worst rendition ive ever heard. it wouldnt stop, it just kept getting worse and worse.
Doomsday;4712107 said:
The National is should not be about how someone interprets the song, that part has already been done. To me it is sang to honor those who sacrificed their lives so this great nation could be born, to massacre it is a slap in their face in my opinion. Singing the national anthem should NOT be about yourself.

about all that needs to be said about it.

She's getting skewered on Twitter, the radio said this morning. Something like 440,000 mentions of a horrible job.

After 9-11 it means more to me. When someone butchers it, it pisses me off.

I remember one of Dad's work buddies over at the house one night watching a game years ago tear up. Me, being a belligerent kid, asked him why.

He only said "Kennedy died."

Cathartic moments for Americans seem, in a majority of circumstances, make the Star Spangled Banner intensely personal. The people who sing it need to recognize that.
gambit187;4712488 said:
Do me a favor go find some more negative/criminal stuff about her and you will have a case....other then that you kinda sound like an uneducated hater of THE HIP HOP CULTURE. She is a FEMALE, Rap Icon, Movie Star that has been carjacked several have in no way proven to me that the gun charge indicates she has a thuggish persona as you stated........everyone makes mistakes in their lives and she did it ONE TIME....OH WOW SEND HER TO JAIL IN A CELL RIGHT NEXT TO MANSON.....

No. 1: I love hipity-hop
No. 2: the gun case was a criminal case
No. 3: She be a decent person now
No. 4: I hope she sing again (but on the Ted Mack Amateur Hour)
No. 5: Next to manson? No? That is cruel and usual punishment for Charlie "too short" Manson.
No. 6: I love rap. It is misogynic, homophobic, racicist, espouses violence and drugs and making it rain. How could any american not love it?? Huh? Huh?????
wconn1979;4712516 said:
The gun charge is Bogus. People have a right to defend themself from harm by any means. There would be a lot less rape and other types of violence if more women learned to shoot a gun. In my opinion she was perfectly with in her rights as defined in the United States Constitution.

She ain't militia.
Marc Anthony just got through singing the national andum.
he sang it with class, gentleness and verve.

I prefer America the Beautiful, but when sung this way (AND NOT LIKE THE LATIFAT) it sounds kinda nice. . . .
Didn't focus on the National Anthem too much, surely some did and liked it while others didn't care for the entertainment.

There was a football game right afterwards, which is where most chose to focus their attention, what everyone came to see was quite the performance.

In the U.S. we are free to rake the Anthem and to focus on what is important, Football!

You'd think there was a racial divide in America or something.

Yoshimitsu;4712029 said:
It wasn't even a hip hop beat.......

You must think because she's black well it has to be hip hop.

No and you would have thought that all the robed gospel singers in the back would have clued people in.

It was southern gospel. I am not a fan of the genre but I also wonder how may people called it hip hop and compare Beasley to Welker.
Always prefer just a solid rendition with traditional music and cadence.

That said, it wasn't horrible. It was respectfully done and not done to aggrandize the singers self perceived skills, which is always the worst part of a bad rendition.

It's the anthem, not your demo tape. Remember that, and it will probably be alright.
dadymat;4712334 said:
this guy disagrees with you......

Pretty sure Yoshimitsu wont understand that. He sounds pretty self centered.
dadymat;4712334 said:
this guy disagrees with you......

Don't speak for others. Speak for yourself. I have been to several funerals for war veterans. They play Taps.
GimmeTheBall!;4712586 said:
No. 1: I love hipity-hop
No. 2: the gun case was a criminal case
No. 3: She be a decent person now
No. 4: I hope she sing again (but on the Ted Mack Amateur Hour)
No. 5: Next to manson? No? That is cruel and usual punishment for Charlie "too short" Manson.
No. 6: I love rap. It is misogynic, homophobic, racicist, espouses violence and drugs and making it rain. How could any american not love it?? Huh? Huh?????

THEN IF YOU KNEW ALL OF THAT HOW COULD PUT QUEEN LATIFAH AND THUG TOGETHERI IN THE SAME SENTENCE UNLESS YOU WHERE TALKING ABOUT HER MOVIE ROLE IN SET IT OFF...POINT BLANK PERIOD.....Oh and since you love HIP HOP you would have had some kinda of sympathy for the things that have happened to her in the past and why she choose to carry a gun. She has ALWAYS BEEN A DECENT PERSON I CHALLENGE YOU TO PROVE OTHER WISE....
Weird that nobody seemed to be so incensed about it when she did the exact same rendition last year, on the 10th aniversery of 9/11 @ the US Open?

Personally, I loved it.


I thought her version was horrid. But then again I thought it was funny to see her out there wearing a bedazzled Peyton Manning Colts jersey.


Bet Eli LOVED that.
DallasCowpoke;4712899 said:
Weird that nobody seemed to be so incensed about it when she did the exact same rendition last year, on the 10th aniversery of 9/11 @ the US Open?

Personally, I loved it.


U.S. Open Vs. Dallas Cowboys

I think more people saw last night.

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