While greatwallofdallas is out to prove his ingenious to us all, I have heard this before by my father, but in a different thought process before he died. My father was a diehard Stealers fan (oops I mean Steelers fan.), He said to watch the disasters that happened around the US. Katrina = Saints SB win. Times of war = Patriots SB win. 9-11 tragedy and anniversaries = Giants SB win. Economy issues = hard working Americans = Steelers SB win. He also predicted mary jane being fully legal in Colorado before he died (he hated the Coors brewing company and thought all addicts live there). For the record I don't know why, please forgive him for that. Then there was a SB for Denver. If he is correct by any means (which I do not believe), but if he is correct, what is the worst thing to happen this year before the season began? Could it be the deaths of many police officers in Dallas? If we win this or next year he would still be 8-11 in his book. He has a scary record considering. Just saying he is better at this that I ever was. Makes you wonder either way.