Saw Mavs draft nerd suggest a trade with BOS of:
18, 32
Delon Wright
My gut said Mavs homer trade but a lot of folks in the twitter thread seemed to like it for BOS.
Is BOS just set on moving Hayward because of salary/health??
Boston doesnt have the roster space to make that trade. The picks inclusion is weird. They probably wont be able to fit the 3 FRP's they have on the roster. That would have to be a 3 way deal. I think Boston would have alot more interested in Wright than Hardaway. In this proposed trade, you'd probably have to include a 3rd team to give us a big for picks (not 14) and Hardway. If we land Turner for Hardaway and 1 FRP, thats a solid deal all around.
Hardaways deals falls off the books, and with a VO trade they will have some assets and cap space to add peices around Sabonis.
If Hayward can stay healthy, he is a good fit with Luka. Very good defensive player. Very good off the ball player. Good secondary ball handler. Brings alot of utility to the table as a scorer
Celtics get a good young modern big on a good contract, and a quality back up PG.
No one knows what their plans are with him. Boston hasnt shown any interest in dealing him in their end. So sourced rumor that has come out is Indy being interested in trading for him. Salary match is complicated with them though. Turner would be their target, but they would have to include VO or Warren to match. Would would have us sending then picks as well. He is expected to pick his option up, but he doesnr have to until after the draft. That makes trading him tricky. Especially with an Indy deal because they would 14 minimum for that trade. Probably 14 and one other FRP. If, say its VO, we would probably involve another team. He doesnt really fit us.
Alot of the fandom talk is they will either run it back and try to sign him to a smaller deal next offseason. Or trade him at the deadline.