Video: NBC Sports-Should Dallas Keep Dak Prescott?

Redball Express

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The reality of it is any doctor's take on any medical issue is 90% based on one question, "How do you feel?"

I see a doctor every two weeks. Have for the last 7 1/2 years. If I say I feel great, he may follow up about tests results from his notes, but for the most part, he's done all he can. Its up to me to follow the program.

Except when the new calendar year is coming around and we can order some tests for you..

to help pay for that car my wife expects for Xmas.



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Except when the new calendar year is coming around and we can order some tests for you..

to help pay for that car my wife expects for Xmas.


Yeah, that does happen. They've scheduled arterial flow tests, MRIs, and ultrasounds which come back normal (knock on wood).

Redball Express

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Yeah, that does happen. They've scheduled arterial flow tests, MRIs, and ultrasounds which come back normal (knock on wood).
Going thru similar things.

I remember watching my parents grow old.

I said to myself..

I never want to have to go thru that..

then Iook in the mirror and now see my grandfather and father in the mirror.

We all go thru exceptions.

Redball Express

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After 4.5 years of wanting frothing you now expect rational discussion? Doesn’t work that way.

Froth on.

Reminds me of my 1st ex.

We were heading for divorce. to sign the final papers and she tells me something she has never liked about me and that if I would just change and see things her way..

We would be happy together.

I ignore the comment and sign and start to leave.

I stop..turned around and said..

"Susan that was the whole problem. You always thought I was the problem. You never took any responsibility you might be part of the problem."

With that I picked up my check for my half of the house and met my new GF for an afternoon delight.

Funny how things change while others never will.

Your honor..I rest my case.


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Froth on.

Reminds me of my 1st ex.

We were heading for divorce. to sign the final papers and she tells me something she has never liked about me and that if I would just change and see things her way..

We would be happy together.

I ignore the comment and sign and start to leave.

I stop..turned around and said..

"Susan that was the whole problem. You always thought I was the problem. You never took any responsibility you might be part of the problem."

With that I picked up my check for my half of the house and met my new GF for an afternoon delight.

Funny how things change while others never will.

Your honor..I rest my case.
And now playing victim? Oh, the drama! :laugh:


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Alex Smith had 17 surgeries and needed two years.
Alex Smith had serious infection issues and his body rejected hardware and everything just went wrong with his situation. Lucky he didnt lose his leg. But that doesnt lessen the fact that a compound fracture is the worst kind of break and Dak has a long road to recovery. You just never know how someone is going to recover from bad injuries.


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dak will recover 100% i broke my ankle in 2016. both tibia and fibula. (though not compound fracture) i was 70 at the time. had surgery in early june and was hunting dove sept. 1 just under 3 months later. dak is more than 40 years younger and has the best medical care and rehabilitation facilities possible. i have 11 titanium screws and a 6" metal plate in my ankle. i'm sure he'll have a few, too. but he'll be fine.
Can you sprint 20 yards to the left and toss a bomb down field with accuracy? I will call Jerry right now.

; )

Redball Express

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Alex Smith had serious infection issues and his body rejected hardware and everything just went wrong with his situation. Lucky he didnt lose his leg. But that doesnt lessen the fact that a compound fracture is the worst kind of break and Dak has a long road to recovery. You just never know how someone is going to recover from bad injuries.
This is my concerns as well.

People have no concerns. They do not have to go thru the weeks and months of rehab to come.

They do not have to watch the clock on the wall counting time until the next pain relievers can be gotten from the nurse. Or not being able to get up from the bed to use the restroom.

You have to call the nurse to come change your underwear because you messed them becuz the nurse was too busy to bring a bedpan in time.

Dak is going to have lots of time to reconsider his next moves in his career. He will probably by a lot more honest about his range as an athlete and not just BET on himself to win it all...everytime.

I am interested to see if he grows from what has happened.

We shall see.