Video: NBC Sports-Will Ekekiel Elliott be suspended for incident at festival-Pro Football Talk

Obviously he hasn’t learned his lesson.

You’d think the Cowboys would monitor his whereabouts and hire someone to chaperone, protecting their investment.
They did it for Dez and JJ might be sick of doing it. After this incident JJ may do it though. We could use him for the next few years. Offense is running through him. Now if Pollard comes in a steals some thunder this year things could change.
Lead the league in rushing 2 out of 3 years. Would have in 2017 if he didn’t get suspended. Yes he has value. A team out there will take the chance.

Gosh, I have to admit I sure hope we don't trade him. Hopefully, this latest situation will flip a switch in his brain that, up to this point, hasn't been switched!
Gosh, I have to admit I sure hope we don't trade him. Hopefully, this latest situation will flip a switch in his brain that, up to this point, hasn't been switched!
I don’t want to trade him either. If he keeps getting suspended then he don’t help us.
You're the one claiming he was drunk. I'm seeing no evidence of it and I'm actually trained to see it. Also, if you don't think money motivates law enforcement then you're pretty naive.

I'm still waiting for any evidence he was drunk.

I'm not chastising others, I'm mocking them as pearl clutching virtue signalers.

This is your cue to dismiss and demean without substance. Be sure to throw in a, "foolish," jibe, too.
Lol, you’re ridiculous dude. How exactly are you trained to see it? I’m sure there are exceptions bit if you know anything near what you claim to about law enforcement you would know it’s up to the discretion of the police officer whether or not they want to arrest someone for public intox, DUI, etc.

I’ve worked very closely with two different law enforcement agencies in two separate cities along with highway patrol. More times than not, I’ve seen people who are clearly intoxicated be let go for a variety of reasons. DWI is slightly different based on the state, city, etc. Where I work if they are going to place someone under arrest for DUI they pretty much having a standing warrant by the judge for the hospital to do blood draws but in order to get them to the hospital they have to place them under arrest first which often doesn’t happen.

If you actually took the time to read the entire thread, which clearly you haven’t, you would understand most people who are po’d aren’t saying what Zeke did was some atrocious act. They’re saying it very well may have been enough to get him in trouble with the league based on his history and that he, once again, put himself in that situation.
Cops don't care about public intoxication? Even if there's an altercation?

It's the point I'm making. This doesn't bother me. If he gets suspended, oh well.
So you’re saying Zeke didn’t do anything wrong but now you’re calling it an altercation in which Zeke clearly turns around, goes out of his way to walk up to the guy and makes physical contact with him. It doesn’t matter what was said to him nor does it matter that he barely touched him, he initiated the contact.

So which is it according to you? No big deal or a physical altercation that Zeke initiated? BTW the latter is also clearly against the NFL code of conduct but you wouldn’t know that because you didn’t read the thread but instead came into the end of it and started accusing others for saying he was wrong.
Lol, you’re ridiculous dude. How exactly are you trained to see it?

NHTSA recognized certification for DUI detection and standardized field sobriety testing. Also certified in preliminary breath testing and DUI investigation including 12 step DRE evaluation. The same certification your law enforcement buddies have.

I’m sure there are exceptions bit if you know anything near what you claim to about law enforcement you would know it’s up to the discretion of the police officer whether or not they want to arrest someone for public intox, DUI, etc.

Of course they have discretion. But most don't use that when it involves an altercation.

I’ve worked very closely with two different law enforcement agencies in two separate cities along with highway patrol.

I've worked with police, county sheriff's offices, and highway patrol covering an area of 26 counties.

More times than not, I’ve seen people who are clearly intoxicated be let go for a variety of reasons.

Dang. More times than not? Where do you live? Sounds like a helluva place to be.

DWI is slightly different based on the state, city, etc. Where I work if they are going to place someone under arrest for DUI they pretty much having a standing warrant by the judge for the hospital to do blood draws but in order to get them to the hospital they have to place them under arrest first which often doesn’t happen.

Did you know that you actually gave permission for them to take those tests when you first got your driver's license? That's why if you refuse the tests they can still take your license.

If you actually took the time to read the entire thread, which clearly you haven’t, you would understand most people who are po’d aren’t saying what Zeke did was some atrocious act. They’re saying it very well may have been enough to get him in trouble with the league based on his history and that he, once again, put himself in that situation.

I've read the thread. Obviously I'm not mocking the, "most people," to whom you're referring. If you're in that bunch, then don't worry about it.
So you’re saying Zeke didn’t do anything wrong

Am I? Reread what I said.

but now you’re calling it an altercation in which Zeke clearly turns around, goes out of his way to walk up to the guy and makes physical contact with him. It doesn’t matter what was said to him nor does it matter that he barely touched him, he initiated the contact.

Yep. I understand the law. Hence when I said, "There was a time..."

So which is it according to you? No big deal or a physical altercation that Zeke initiated? BTW the latter is also clearly against the NFL code of conduct but you wouldn’t know that because you didn’t read the thread but instead came into the end of it and started accusing others for saying he was wrong.

Lol. Let me try this again-

I think Zeke may have been provoked. I hearkened back to a time when someone could get a punch for running their mouth without being condemned. I commented on what I see as the wussification of our modern life where something as mild as what he did is seen as beyond the pale.

I don't care if he's suspended and won't be surprised if it happens. That doesn't mean I can't express my opinion about the situation. For all your blather about me not reading the thread, I don't think you've read what I've said... or maybe your reading comprehension needs work.
I think Zeke may have been provoked. I hearkened back to a time when someone could get a punch for running their mouth without being condemned. I commented on what I see as the wussification of our modern life where something as mild as what he did is seen as beyond the pale.

I don't care if he's suspended and won't be surprised if it happens. That doesn't mean I can't express my opinion about the situation. For all your blather about me not reading the thread, I don't think you've read what I've said... or maybe your reading comprehension needs work.

I've read the thread. Obviously I'm not mocking the, "most people," to whom you're referring. If you're in that bunch, then don't worry about it.

So when you said “I didn’t realize most people in this thread were women” I guess that doesn’t refer to the same “most people” I referred to or is that part of my reading comprehension problem? Seems like you were pretty clear.

And again, how many people in here are saying what he did was atrocious? What you call “wussification” and “women” are people who are more concerned with what the league could do, not the action itself, even though Zeke was still wrong for initiating contact.
Obviously? So saying “I didn’t know so many people in this thread were women” is part of my reading comprehension problem, right?

Did you think I was talking about you? I expounded on that in my next post. That's likely where the problem lies.

And again, how many people in here are saying what he did was atrocious?

"Beyond the pale," is the term I used. There's a few.

What you call “wussification” and “women” are people who are more concerned with what the league could do, not the action itself, even though Zeke was still wrong for initiating contact.

Why was he wrong? Because he got in trouble?
So when you said “I didn’t realize most people in this thread were women” I guess that doesn’t refer to the same “most people” I referred to or is that part of my reading comprehension problem? Seems like you were pretty clear.

My bad... the correct response is, "yes, this is an example of your poor reading comprehension."

Here's my post-

Just saw the video.

Didn't realize so many posters on here are women.

Can you spot the difference between what I said and what you quoted me as saying?
My bad... the correct response is, "yes, this is an example of your poor reading comprehension."

Here's my post-

Can you spot the difference between what I said and what you quoted me as saying?
Yes and it’s minuscule with the same meaning. Would you like me to quote your actual response with the same question so you give me an answer or do you want to continue to dodge it?
Yes and it’s minuscule with the same meaning. Would you like me to quote your actual response with the same question so you give me an answer or do you want to continue to dodge it?

"So many" =/= "most."

What am I dodging?
"So many" =/= "most."

What am I dodging?
Close enough. Do you really want to split hairs over how much of a difference “so many” vs “most”?

So you admit you were mocking “so many” people in this thread by referring to them as “women” which is vastly different from “most people”? Is that accurate?
What's with the speculation of Zeke's mental status? Give me a break. What is the common factor when Zeke does stupid stuff? Alcohol. He's not crazy; he's a bad/potentially violent drunk.
Close enough. Do you really want to split hairs over how much of a difference “so many” vs “most”?

So you admit you were mocking “so many” people in this thread by referring to them as “women” which is vastly different from “most people”? Is that accurate?

Most is more than half. So many is any number more than expected. This isn't hard.

Not sure why I have to admit to something I've clearly stated multiple times. It's not like I've backtracked. Your need for me to clarify something I've said over and over brings me back to the reading comprehension thing.

But for your sake, I'll do it again (read it slowly, check Webster's if these words confuse you)- yes, I'm mocking the, "so many," who believe Zeke's actions are beyond the pale.

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