Video: NBC Sports-Will Ekekiel Elliott be suspended for incident at festival-Pro Football Talk

This part got me to laughing so hard!!!

Should have contracted out that summation.
Lol, that was actually the condensed version, I had to stop myself from writing more. I have a habit of that.
That’s fine but the way he was blocking that girl and knocking out a DJ about as big as a paper clip I’m not so sure he would be quite so aggressive he wasn’t protected by flags and referees. Agree 100% on the dumb part.
You severely underestimate what he could have done.
That’s fine but the way he was blocking that girl and knocking out a DJ about as big as a paper clip I’m not so sure he would be quite so aggressive he wasn’t protected by flags and referees. Agree 100% on the dumb part.
Ha ha ha! As big as a paperclip...
My man... engaging in a bit of hyperbole perhaps?
You severely underestimate what he could have done.
He knocked him out, I don’t see how I’m underestimating anything. Great, he could have knocked him out then strangled him to death after he slapped him with his purse, that’s irrelevant. Am I supposed to give him props for not doing more?
Why is it so difficult to admit some of these players we root for are Thugs.

Personally I’d rather they were in prison and I’ll bash them till the cows come home but as long as they wear the Star on their helmet I’ll root them on for 60 minutes just like I have all the other Thugs who’ve played for us.
Maybe we just understand the word "thug" to mean something different but a guy just out to party and have a good time and doesn't like to adhere to the rules of accepted behavior for these athletes isn't criminal to me. Thugs are criminals. And there's a question about what happened between the two of them and I think things could have gotten out of hand with liquor and drugs but he's not in a gang or holding up C stores.

These guys get treated like their poop doesn't stink, they're like gods to some people so they live in a different world than we do and kid like Elliott, a football stud since he was 15, he's always gotten that treatment. That is our society.

Hell, I went to school with guys like Elliott, party guys, guys that having a good time is all that matters but they weren't thugs. In fact, I liked their lifestyle so much, I joined in. My only problem with him is can he be dependable? He does just enough to make me think there's another shoe out there ready to drop.

And I wonder if there's something really mentally irregular with him. How many guys go off to college on a scholarship and party their butts off? A lot, hell, that's part of the plan. But for his father to have to move to where he is to try and be a stabilizing factor was a new one for me. And if it's true that was the recommendation of his HC, that's even weirder. I partied my *** off in college but my Dad just said "come home, I'm done", him moving and watching over me was never an option. And I gotta say, he would have cut in on my extracurricular activities if he had moved.

Ya know, there's a tell about how he processes information. Jumping into that Salvation Army barrel was premeditated, he told Dak he was going to do it if he scored. Dak warned him he could catch a fine and the team catch a penalty but he was going to anyway. That's not something thug does, that's something a big kid does. And once he's in it, he acts like a kid. But then he did something only a man would do, not a thug, he gave the Salvation Army what the fine would have been. He paid for that young man's funeral last week. This is not thug behavior.
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He knocked him out, I don’t see how I’m underestimating anything. Great, he could have knocked him out then strangled him to death after he slapped him with his purse, that’s irrelevant. Am I supposed to give him props for not doing more?
Just calling you out on exaggerating. I would work on that first before you try and tackle compliments.
Just calling you out on exaggerating. I would work on that first before you try and tackle compliments.
You obviously have no sense of humor, I thought it was obvious. I’ll tone it down just for you.
You obviously have no sense of humor, I thought it was obvious. I’ll tone it down just for you.
Humor is supposed to be funny, right?

P.S. Sarcasm isn't your thing or you would have gotten mine.
If you’ve read this entire thread as you claim then you would know exactly where I stand on this because I’ve already answered all your questions above. I guess we both lack reading comprehension so I’ll sum it up.

I went back and saw that you are indeed one of the sensitive ones to which I referred. Sorry about that. I wasn't exactly keeping track of the individuals.

Why the runaround over, "most," and, "many"? Seems you could've just said you're one of the ladies I was talking about and we could've skipped that back and forth. Arya is my favorite character in ASOIAF, btw. Your handle always reminds me of her (even though it's spelled differently).

Yes, even with his last history I would still find a problem with what he did. As I’ve already stated, if he layed a finger on me it would have been a brawl. I don’t care what the other guy said, Zeke turned around and walked back to the guy then made first physical contact with him. I’m sure if the security guard was bigger he wouldn’t have done that but with his history of bullying and entitlement I’m sure he didn’t have a problem putting his hands on a guy half his size.

So you don't think there is anything the guy could've said to justify Zeke's response? As I've stated, I do and I'll reserve judgment.

I’m not saying you personally, but had the roles been reversed and the guard confronted Zeke, put his hands on him and Zeke knocked him out I’m sure MOST people here would 100% support Zeke and say the other guy started it (myself included). Since he’s a Cowboy, and especially one of our best players, what he did was a non issue of course.

Hypotheticals are fun. I'm sure many would side with the security guard because he's just doing his job and Zeke probably deserved to get hands put on him.

I don’t think people should be able to hide behind words but I also don’t think people should be able to initiate physical contact over words.

So... how do you keep people from, "hid[ing] behind words?" You ever heard the phrase, "an armed society is a polite society?" I think this idea that people can say whatever they want and be considered a victim if it gets them punched in the mouth is partly why people today are such pricks.

If that was acceptable, I’d be a border line serial killer, the only thing that keeps me from doing things like that are my job and the law. Zeke has zero regard for either, he’s a spoiled brat/thug/bully (whatever you want to call him) who has always been entitled and has no understanding of consequences for his actions.

I think you just admitted to being a sociopath or a psychopath. Not sure which one, though. You know what keeps me from killing people? My conscience.
One thing I will say... I've known a few bouncer / security types that had a screw loose also. No telling what was actually said by the guy to instigate this confrontation. If something was said, it doesn't let Eze off the hook, it just adds a little clarity to the subject.
I went back and saw that you are indeed one of the sensitive ones to which I referred. Sorry about that. I wasn't exactly keeping track of the individuals.

Why the runaround over, "most," and, "many"? Seems you could've just said you're one of the ladies I was talking about and we could've skipped that back and forth. Arya is my favorite character in ASOIAF, btw. Your handle always reminds me of her (even though it's spelled differently).

So you don't think there is anything the guy could've said to justify Zeke's response? As I've stated, I do and I'll reserve judgment.

Hypotheticals are fun. I'm sure many would side with the security guard because he's just doing his job and Zeke probably deserved to get hands put on him.

So... how do you keep people from, "hid[ing] behind words?" You ever heard the phrase, "an armed society is a polite society?" I think this idea that people can say whatever they want and be considered a victim if it gets them punched in the mouth is partly why people today are such pricks.

I think you just admitted to being a sociopath or a psychopath. Not sure which one, though. You know what keeps me from killing people? My conscience.
Lol @ conscience. What a joke of a word. If you want to figure out which I am I’ll be more than happy to move that conversation right on over to the off topic forums, I’m sure you’ll be thoroughly entertained and disturbed. Put it this way, to hell with conscience, that’s a very loose term that everyone applies differently. I would have a guilty conscience for hurting an innocent animal, not “removing” certain people from this earth and those people would have to do a lot less then MOST people would think.

Moving you find nothing wrong with just walking around punching anyone in the mouth who says something you don’t like? Fascinating. Where do you draw the line age wise? Over 18 and under 70 or is everyone fair game? What if it’s a female? What if it’s a 20 year old dwarf? Is everyone held to the same standard and potential punch in the mouth by your criteria?

If Zeke was an average college schmuck like many of us were, sure he can do whatever he wants and only has to deal with the law but he’s not and he needs to realize that. His status and the NFL rules should have been enough to prevent him from confronting the matter what he said. As I said earlier, some people are held to different standards and some are treated better or worse based on several factors, if he doesn’t like the fame and “code of conduct” that comes with being an NFL player then he shouldn’t play or he should be ready to face the consequences.

Being a security guard doesn’t give you a right to put your hands on someone for no reason, so no I doubt most people would side with the security guard if Zeke had called him a name while he was walking away and then turned around and walked up to Zeke and even laid a pinky on him.
Maybe we just understand the word "thug" to mean something different but a guy just out to party and have a good time and doesn't like to adhere to the rules of accepted behavior for these athletes isn't criminal to me. Thugs are criminals. And there's a question about what happened between the two of them and I think things could have gotten out of hand with liquor and drugs but he's not in a gang or holding up C stores.

These guys get treated like their poop doesn't stink, they're like gods to some people so they live in a different world than we do and kid like Elliott, a football stud since he was 15, he's always gotten that treatment. That is our society.

Hell, I went to school with guys like Elliott, party guys, guys that having a good time is all that matters but they weren't thugs. In fact, I liked their lifestyle so much, I joined in. My only problem with him is can he be dependable? He does just enough to make me think there's another shoe out there ready to drop.

And I wonder if there's something really mentally irregular with him. How many guys go off to college on a scholarship and party their butts off? A lot, hell, that's part of the plan. But for his father to have to move to where he is to try and be a stabilizing factor was a new one for me. And if it's true that was the recommendation of his HC, that's even weirder. I partied my *** off in college but my Dad just said "come home, I'm done", him moving and watching over me was never an option. And I gotta say, he would have cut in on my extracurricular activities if he had moved.

Ya know, there's a tell about how he processes information. Jumping into that Salvation Army barrel was premeditated, he told Dak he was going to do it if he scored. Dak warned him he could catch a fine and the team catch a penalty but he was going to anyway. That's not something thug does, that's something a big kid does. And once he's in it, he acts like a kid. But then he did something only a man would do, not a thug, he gave the Salvation Army what the fine would have been. He paid for that young man's funeral last week. This is not thug behavior.
We all partied in college and most of us in high school as well without incidents like this with the police. Or criminal accusations and charges.

IMO it’s Thuggish behavior. DV and situations like we’ve seen from this jerk are only tolerated because of his talent. Perhaps our definition differs but if Elliott wasn’t a star jock he would have landed his butt in jail. So, it’s a fine line if your definition of Thugs is criminal. I’d argue they are criminals with their stardom preventing them from incarceration.

Unfortunately these celebrity athletes are treated differently and I don’t have to like it. Obviously I get it and tolerate it but will continue calling it out as I see it.

My money says if he wasn’t on the Cowboys there wouldn’t be any backlash from some here. If he was on an opponents team he’d be bashed by all. Being on my team doesn’t protect him from my wrath of fury.

Like I said,.. I can root them on for 60 minutes 16 games a year but I don’t attach myself emotionally to them. Because once they step off the field they are a personality I despise and otherwise wouldn’t want any association with.

There’s entirely too many athletes who conduct themselves in a much more honorable manner which I can embrace and attach myself emotionally too. And there’s other jocks who are jerks but don’t commit criminal offenses nor DV .
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He knocked him out, I don’t see how I’m underestimating anything. Great, he could have knocked him out then strangled him to death after he slapped him with his purse, that’s irrelevant. Am I supposed to give him props for not doing more?
Someone was knocked out?
Was it a haymaker?
Was the guy completely comatose, or convulsing?

I need to see this from several different angles...
It has who really watches this show? You’re in Cowboys bubble so you think this is more important than it is. On the bigger sports shows and networks this isn’t a thing anymore. It could be that I don’t watch nfl shows during the off-season since they don’t have nothing to really talk about. I’ll will put in that disclaimer but when I think of big stories I think of stories that come up on all the General sports shows all day long. I don’t really see it being discussed on those shows.
FYI... it was discussed on a couple radio shows here in KC when talking about potential problems for the second tier of teams that could challenge for a deep run in the playoffs.
don't know many guys who watch that video and rant about how he's out of control. Like I said the first time- without knowing what the dude said I'm reserving judgment. So yeah... as I said earlier, I'm mocking them as overly sensitive ladies. You can choose to be insulted or dismiss me as an ignorant misogynist.

I personally believe people can write checks with their mouths and have no problem with them being confronted for what they say. I'm not a subscriber to the idea that people can say what they want without fear of physical consequences. That idea is the, "wussification," to which I referred and most people who disagree with it, in my experience, are women. In fact, I've never met/read/heard a woman who agrees with me on that. I realize this is a minority opinion, but it's mine and I don't mind sharing it.

Your opinion is fine. In fact that's how things work in the real world. It's what keeps me from walking up to a big biker at a light with a girl behind him and say, "you ridin' the hog or is the hog ridin' you?" Someone once said, if you can't do the time don't do the crime. Same could be said about opening your mouth to certain people. The problem is, don't both parties have to consider the consequences? The guy probably said something to justify that response. That would be my guess. But a court wouldn't see it that way. The league probably won't see it that way. The fans want to see him playing, not sitting weeks out on suspension. Besides that, he wouldn't be the first person with money that people try to provoke to anger. They're looking to cash out.
Wow 16 pages for this? I choose to wait and see what the league says if anything.
The only thing I will say is apparently elliot is not going to change his ways, so it is possible he gets
in trouble again and suspended.
Lol @ conscience. What a joke of a word. If you want to figure out which I am I’ll be more than happy to move that conversation right on over to the off topic forums, I’m sure you’ll be thoroughly entertained and disturbed. Put it this way, to hell with conscience, that’s a very loose term that everyone applies differently. I would have a guilty conscience for hurting an innocent animal, not “removing” certain people from this earth and those people would have to do a lot less then MOST people would think.

Nobody's innocent. Especially animals.

Moving you find nothing wrong with just walking around punching anyone in the mouth who says something you don’t like? Fascinating. Where do you draw the line age wise? Over 18 and under 70 or is everyone fair game? What if it’s a female? What if it’s a 20 year old dwarf? Is everyone held to the same standard and potential punch in the mouth by your criteria?

Case by case. Some kids could use a good sock in the mouth.

If Zeke was an average college schmuck like many of us were, sure he can do whatever he wants and only has to deal with the law but he’s not and he needs to realize that. His status and the NFL rules should have been enough to prevent him from confronting the matter what he said. As I said earlier, some people are held to different standards and some are treated better or worse based on several factors, if he doesn’t like the fame and “code of conduct” that comes with being an NFL player then he shouldn’t play or he should be ready to face the consequences.

Sure. Doesn't change the fact that I still think this is silly and overblown.

Being a security guard doesn’t give you a right to put your hands on someone for no reason, so no I doubt most people would side with the security guard if Zeke had called him a name while he was walking away and then turned around and walked up to Zeke and even laid a pinky on him.

I don't know. Seems there's plenty of people who think he's just a no good nick in need of some learnin'. Never underestimate people and their biases.

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