Video: NBC Sports-Will Ekekiel Elliott be suspended for incident at festival-Pro Football Talk

Nobody's innocent. Especially animals.

Case by case. Some kids could use a good sock in the mouth.

Sure. Doesn't change the fact that I still think this is silly and overblown.

I don't know. Seems there's plenty of people who think he's just a no good nick in need of some learnin'. Never underestimate people and their biases.
You're posting like @stasheroo and I'm calling this a sickness.
Right now.
Nobody should get that granular on a fan board.

I'm talking to you, @stasheroo .

And you.

This is getting tedious.
Someone was knocked out?
Was it a haymaker?
Was the guy completely comatose, or convulsing?

I need to see this from several different angles...
Sorry, apparently no one saw anything (who was willing to talk), the club mysteriously had no surveillance rolling at the time, the person who shot the footage with their phone from 2 feet away didn’t see who threw the punch, the DJ who was acquaintances with EE didn’t know who hit him but knew enough to give the police false contact information and disappeared for awhile and to top it off a DJ at a club was hit in front of several people and security nor patrons saw a thing :rolleyes:

I promise if I was the one who hit the DJ, or if I walked up and hit Zeke in the face, there would have been surveillance, there would have been several witnesses and I would have been arrested for assault. Pretty sure the DJ would be able to tell the bouncers I’m the one who hit him as well.

Anywho...due to some offensive language, I’ll send you the shady video of said DJ lying on the ground. I wouldn’t say he convulses, perhaps twitches or maybe a slight shake or even a writhing!
Nobody's innocent. Especially animals.

Case by case. Some kids could use a good sock in the mouth.

Sure. Doesn't change the fact that I still think this is silly and overblown.

I don't know. Seems there's plenty of people who think he's just a no good nick in need of some learnin'. Never underestimate people and their biases.
Fantastic, clearly the conversation is over. It’s been a pleasure and your feedback has been invaluable, thank you!
Your opinion is fine. In fact that's how things work in the real world. It's what keeps me from walking up to a big biker at a light with a girl behind him and say, "you ridin' the hog or is the hog ridin' you?" Someone once said, if you can't do the time don't do the crime. Same could be said about opening your mouth to certain people. The problem is, don't both parties have to consider the consequences? The guy probably said something to justify that response. That would be my guess. But a court wouldn't see it that way. The league probably won't see it that way. The fans want to see him playing, not sitting weeks out on suspension. Besides that, he wouldn't be the first person with money that people try to provoke to anger. They're looking to cash out.

All true. I'm just sick of perpetual outrage. It annoys me that we live in a time where everybody's all up in other people's business. The same people condemning Zeke probably have fond memories of guys who were much worse but were protected by the media. I long for the day the fanbase says, "Who cares?" in regard to all these things.

Comparatively speaking, this is probably the least significant thing he's been pilloried over. I also don't like the disingenuous, imo, stance that this is a silly thing but added together with the other stuff... The other stuff shouldn't matter. This is either not a big deal or it is. If it's not a big deal... then why are you talking about it? It's like people who insist they don't care about marijuana legalization but always argue the prohibition side.
According to the code of conduct what Zeke just did would in most cases not get him a suspension. No one suffered great bodily harm, as they put it. The problem he's facing is that they'll consider him a repeat offender. Not a repeat DV offender, but a repeat code of conduct offender. In which case they will take into consideration past offenses along with the new offense. So to be clear. If Zeke gets out of this it will be because they determined he did nothing wrong. But if they determine otherwise he will not be judged by this incident alone. He'll be judged as a repeat offender.
Fantastic, clearly the conversation is over. It’s been a pleasure and your feedback has been invaluable, thank you!

I always enjoy the back and forth. Until next time. Have a good evening. :thumbup:
All true. I'm just sick of perpetual outrage. It annoys me that we live in a time where everybody's all up in other people's business. The same people condemning Zeke probably have fond memories of guys who were much worse but were protected by the media. I long for the day the fanbase says, "Who cares?" in regard to all these things.

Comparatively speaking, this is probably the least significant thing he's been pilloried over. I also don't like the disingenuous, imo, stance that this is a silly thing but added together with the other stuff... The other stuff shouldn't matter. This is either not a big deal or it is. If it's not a big deal... then why are you talking about it? It's like people who insist they don't care about marijuana legalization but always argue the prohibition side.
So in what world do prior offenses not count? Again, with your so called knowledge of law enforcement I would think you would know this. A Class C may not be a big deal but rack up 4 or 5 of them and the judge may very well treat that last one a bit differently. A kid at school who does something minor may not get in trouble for the first offense but will after the 3rd or 4th. A dog that bites someone once may not be an issue, that dog bites someone again and it’s nighty night. Even in most work places, one minor mess up isn’t a big deal but when it becomes 4 or 5 it is a big deal.

The other stuff does matter and Goodell has made that clear. Your whacked bro. By your logic we should be able to walk around and hit people for calling us names, do it as many times as we want it shouldn’t matter if I’ve done it once or 10 times, it’s all the same. Lol, whooooo...good stuff man.
So in what world do prior offenses not count? Again, with your so called knowledge of law enforcement I would think you would know this. A Class C may not be a big deal but rack up 4 or 5 of them and the judge may very well treat that last one a bit differently.

Priors don't matter to whether or not you committed an actual offense. People are saying this is no big deal but then saying it is in the next breath by putting in the same category as the past offenses. My point is if he committed an offense then that should stand on it's own merit.

A kid at school who does something minor may not get in trouble for the first offense but will after the 3rd or 4th. A dog that bites someone once may not be an issue, that dog bites someone again and it’s nighty night. Even in most work places, one minor mess up isn’t a big deal but when it becomes 4 or 5 it is a big deal.

But if a dog bites someone then pees on the carpet a few months later you don't treat those as equal offenses. Or a kid who was suspended for fighting shouldn't get the same treatment if they don't bring their gym shorts to class some day later on down the line.

The other stuff does matter and Goodell has made that clear. Your whacked bro. By your logic we should be able to walk around and hit people for calling us names, do it as many times as we want it shouldn’t matter if I’ve done it once or 10 times, it’s all the same. Lol, whooooo...good stuff man.

Again- case by case. I also wouldn't necessarily say namecalling is a justification for a punch. Maybe something more along the lines of having an embarrassing secret revealed or slander/libel. Liars deserve punches.
Priors don't matter to whether or not you committed an actual offense. People are saying this is no big deal but then saying it is in the next breath by putting in the same category as the past offenses. My point is if he committed an offense then that should stand on it's own merit.

But if a dog bites someone then pees on the carpet a few months later you don't treat those as equal offenses. Or a kid who was suspended for fighting shouldn't get the same treatment if they don't bring their gym shorts to class some day later on down the line.

Again- case by case. I also wouldn't necessarily say namecalling is a justification for a punch. Maybe something more along the lines of having an embarrassing secret revealed or slander/libel. Liars deserve punches.

But he did commit an offense, he broke the NFL code of conduct, that’s the violation and that’s the point. It could easily fall under intimidation which the code specifies. On top of that, they will most likely take into account the other incidents.

Second of all, in Zeke’s case this would be the 3rd “incident” of a violence related episode, 4 if you include the one he was suspended for. Even if it was his first incident, it was a violation against the NFL code of conduct. Remember when Odiva got suspended for getting 3 personal misconduct flags in a game? Oh that’s right, that never happens to anyone but the Cowboys and not only was his team punished for it by losing yards then they suspend him for a playoff implication game. Now you’re telling me the other incidents won’t potentially matter?

It doesn’t even matter if it’s for the same type of violation, the league isn’t going to keep turning a blind eye to all of these incidents and not do anything because they’re not all the exact same.

At least you seem a little more rational with the name calling :cool:
But he did commit an offense, he broke the NFL code of conduct, that’s the violation and that’s the point. It could easily fall under intimidation which the code specifies. On top of that, they will most likely take into account the other incidents.

Second of all, in Zeke’s case this would be the 3rd “incident” of a violence related episode, 4 if you include the one he was suspended for. Even if it was his first incident, it was a violation against the NFL code of conduct. Remember when Odiva got suspended for getting 3 personal misconduct flags in a game? Oh that’s right, that never happens to anyone but the Cowboys and not only was his team punished for it by losing yards then they suspend him for a playoff implication game. Now you’re telling me the other incidents won’t potentially matter?

It doesn’t even matter if it’s for the same type of violation, the league isn’t going to keep turning a blind eye to all of these incidents and not do anything because they’re not all the exact same.

At least you seem a little more rational with the name calling :cool:
Yep..I’m not sure how anyone can say priors or history doesn’t apply. Of course they do. Profiling history and priors is a basic function of investigative procedure, cross examination and sentencing.

And if you have priors or history then regardless if the incidents are of the same nature it still represents a pattern of misconduct which can be used against you.
When he returns from his 2 gamer, he will finish the season strong and then it's tag and trade next year.
According to the code of conduct what Zeke just did would in most cases not get him a suspension. No one suffered great bodily harm, as they put it. The problem he's facing is that they'll consider him a repeat offender. Not a repeat DV offender, but a repeat code of conduct offender. In which case they will take into consideration past offenses along with the new offense. So to be clear. If Zeke gets out of this it will be because they determined he did nothing wrong. But if they determine otherwise he will not be judged by this incident alone. He'll be judged as a repeat offender.
The problem is violating the NFL Personal Conduct Policy doesn’t equate to breaking the law, a conviction , etc.

It’s conduct detrimental to the league which covers a wide scope the league can interpret. And yes, prior history does influence the process.

I’d argue without his history this incident would probably be brushed off. But with his priors it could be deemed he hasn’t learned his lesson. A judgement call which the Commish has been empowered to levy.
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According to the code of conduct what Zeke just did would in most cases not get him a suspension. No one suffered great bodily harm, as they put it. The problem he's facing is that they'll consider him a repeat offender. Not a repeat DV offender, but a repeat code of conduct offender. In which case they will take into consideration past offenses along with the new offense. So to be clear. If Zeke gets out of this it will be because they determined he did nothing wrong. But if they determine otherwise he will not be judged by this incident alone. He'll be judged as a repeat offender.

The code of conduct also talks about intimidation, which Zeke is guilty of in the video.
The World is getting bubble-wrap soft.
Anyone who believes the event will not be evaluated by the commissioner has been paying zero attention to Goodell's disciplinary reviews and/or decisions the past 14 years.
The NFL will lose this much power in the next CBA. This was an overreaction to players like Pacman and Chris Henry. It can be argued that "How is the NFL going to discipline the player" sports topic has done more to "stain the sheild" then the actual transgressions. I don't think there should be no punishment, I just think there should be equal representation from the Players Union and the league on the decision of these matters.
That's yet to be established.
Correct but it’s part of the reason many of us are concerned. Turning around and walking back to someone saying “what did you say” then proceeding to make physical contact with that person could easily fall under intimidation. We’ll see.

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