Video: NBC Sports-Will Ekekiel Elliott be suspended for incident at festival-Pro Football Talk

I'd argue there's more fans who don't care what the players do outside of the game than those who only want to watch saints on the field. We have a criminal justice system for a reason.

Look at how many times @stasheroo tried to say I was only saying what I said because Zeke is a Cowboy. Does that go the other way? Do fans of opposing teams overblow the actions of players from rival teams in hope of a suspension? You know they do.

The fact is we've seen players and coaches do worse than this on the sidelines. Zeke got close to a guy and bumped into him. Next time we see a player or coach get in close and scream, bump, poke, push, or make any type of, "intimidating," gesture towards anyone are the same people clutching their pearls about Zeke going to say anything? Of course not. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if @aria herself praised the action as that of a, "real coach," getting, "tough," with a player.
You rang sweetheart? I’m a guy but we can still pretend I’m a girl XxXxOoOo. ARIA was the ticker for Ariad pharmaceuticals, a stock I did very, very well with ~5-10 years ago.

Back to your comment, there’s a difference between a coach making an “intimidating” gesture on the field and a player that has a history of violence, and has been suspended for DV, walking away from and then turning around to confront and make physical contact with a security guard or any member of the public. Your comparison is really horrible, try again.
I'd argue there's more fans who don't care what the players do outside of the game than those who only want to watch saints on the field. We have a criminal justice system for a reason.

Look at how many times @stasheroo tried to say I was only saying what I said because Zeke is a Cowboy. Does that go the other way? Do fans of opposing teams overblow the actions of players from rival teams in hope of a suspension? You know they do.

The fact is we've seen players and coaches do worse than this on the sidelines. Zeke got close to a guy and bumped into him. Next time we see a player or coach get in close and scream, bump, poke, push, or make any type of, "intimidating," gesture towards anyone are the same people clutching their pearls about Zeke going to say anything? Of course not. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if @aria herself praised the action as that of a, "real coach," getting, "tough," with a player.
I understand but it isn’t about the players or most of the the fans. It’s about the Networks their Sponsors and attracting the fringe fans.

Can’t depend on criminal justice system to prosecute celebrity athletes. Everyday fans don’t want to believe their favorite stars and heroes would conduct themselves as such and place their career in jeopardy. And why it’s so tough to find a jury to convict celebrities.
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You rang sweetheart? I’m a guy but we can still pretend I’m a girl XxXxOoOo. ARIA was the ticker for Ariad pharmaceuticals, a stock I did very, very well with ~5-10 years ago.

Nice. What's your favorite Pantera song? Gotta go with Walk for myself.

Back to your comment, there’s a difference between a coach making an “intimidating” gesture on the field and a player that has a history of violence, and has been suspended for DV, walking away from and then turning around to confront and make physical contact with a security guard or any member of the public. Your comparison is really horrible, try again.

What's the difference? Laws don't apply when you're wearing pads?
I understand but it isn’t about the players or most of the the fans. It’s about the Networks their Sponsors and attracting the fringe fans.

Can’t depend on criminal justice system to prosecute celebrity athletes. They couldn’t even convict OJ. Everyday fans don’t want to believe their favorite stars and heroes would conduct themselves as such and place their career in jeopardy. And why it’s so tough to find a jury to convict celebrities.

OJ may not have done it. The forensics team really screwed that one up.
Perception is image and image is money. If it were not for the TV and sponsorship money, they could care less but the entire league is dependent on that. Just look at their snap to attention when the audience started slipping and even the playoff and SB ratings dropped significantly over the anthem.

And let's not forget that TV money isn't just the owners, that sets the cap and when they act, they're acting in everyone's interest. They're protecting the golden geese and making sure they keep laying.

What separates the NFL from all other sports is that it is now the national pastime and whether they like it or not, the NFL is full of role models for kids. The NFL has to police itself to insure they meet the standard set for their sport and they keep the highest amount of money from the TV nets coming. The other pro sports can't touch the NFL's numbers if you combine them.

Whether you agree or not, they set forth standards of conduct that every member must adhere to, including coaches and owners. If the legal system is involved, that slows the process until that is concluded but in matters not in the legal system, they move swiftly to resolve their own issues because the NFL knows better than anyone that the public feeds on negative and provocative news. By heading that off themselves and meting out their own "justice", they limit the impact of negativity and damage to the image and the golden geese.

The majority of Americans and fans do not want bad actors playing for the NFL. The perception is that the NFL polices their own better than the other sports and have disciplined owners, coaches and players alike.

Don't know what will happen to Kraft but he's been punished before so he's not skating, they may think he's suffered enough with the public humiliation and we don't know what's going to happen with Crawford or Elliott but I will not join in bashing Goodell or the league office if they both catch time outs because they are both aware of the rules. In fact, I think Crawford should get suspended because that behavior is exactly polar opposite of the image a league with overly big and strong athletes wants to convey to the public.
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!
Coach gets it..
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But regarding your point about the criminal justice system-

Not everyone idolizes celebrity. In fact, most people don't. Either way, I'm more comfortable with the legal system doling out punishment than an organization ill-equipped to perform fair investigations.
But regarding your point about the criminal justice system-

Not everyone idolizes celebrity. In fact, most people don't. Either way, I'm more comfortable with the legal system doling out punishment than an organization ill-equipped to perform fair investigations.
But it’s not about fair investigations. They don’t even need to prove anyone guilty. It’s about protecting the Image of the NFL.

It’s like a company policy.

Read Coach’s post above. That’s what it’s about.
But it’s not about fair investigations. They don’t even need to prove anyone guilty. It’s about protecting the Image of the NFL.

It’s like a company policy.

Read Coach’s post above. That’s what it’s about.

Yes, I know. The point I made is that there are more people who don't care than those who would protest the NFL if they stopped policing off field behavior. Look at our own fanbase. Zeke getting suspended hasn't changed anyone's opinion of him. You and others who see him as bad haven't stopped watching. If these guys being bad is enough to drive people away, then those people aren't watching anyway.

Do you know of one single fan or advertiser who thinks the league is full of bad guys but came back because they started this silly policy?
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Dude you need to stand down. It's not just that you have a different viewpoint, but you denigrate others in your discussion. Is there anyway you can talk to people on the internet without calling them names? Lies, fibber, pleeb, etc.

You need to really review the way you post, and use better words to express your thoughts. This is not about winning or losing arguments. If that is what you want you can start up your own discussion board of one.

I suggest you participate in another way or kindly depart.
Dude you need to drop your bias. I don’t denigrate nobody. People are alluring to some bogus I’ll intentioned agenda but I’m not supposed to say anything? Yeah right but just goes to show whose side your own. I suggest you participate in a non bias way or kindly depart from commenting to me. Fake peace keepers that want to only speak to one poster get over yourself.
FYI... it was discussed on a couple radio shows here in KC when talking about potential problems for the second tier of teams that could challenge for a deep run in the playoffs.
FYI I explained what I meant by shows already and a show in KC isn’t a big show no offense.


I replied to you above and it's awaiting moderation. Not sure why. It's pretty tame.
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Yea but the issue is probably bigger than just intoxication.

I wish intervention was still a possibility but some of the high profile jocks have lived most of their life above the law since high school and these mindsets and attitudes are deeply embedded.

Elliott is certainly resembling one of these worse type personalities.

The players when Zeke arrived at OTAs after Las Vegas:

Does Zeke deserve to be suspended? No. Did he act like an entitled idiot? Yes.

Agreed. I don't think that the consequences of his actions should result in a suspension as I think it'd be overkill. However, I think he SHOULD be fined both by the League and by Jerry for his stupidity. Instead of saying it won't affect his extension talks (which comes across as coddling and approving the behaviour), Jerry SHOULD say that the actions were completely moronic and the matter will be dealt with internally. That would have, I reckon, stood a better chance of deflecting heat from the League Office about the incident.
The problem is violating the NFL Personal Conduct Policy doesn’t equate to breaking the law, a conviction , etc.

It’s conduct detrimental to the league which covers a wide scope the league can interpret. And yes, prior history does influence the process.

I’d argue without his history this incident would probably be brushed off. But with his priors it could be deemed he hasn’t learned his lesson. A judgement call which the Commish has been empowered to levy.

Well yeah. The league interpreted his last actions with 6 weeks suspension. But you're right on both counts at the end. In a vacuum this latest incident would be brushed off or close to it. But it won't be due to the prior incident. Moving forward is very much a judgement call.
It’s conduct detrimental to the league

No it isn't. How has the league suffered from it? They lose advertising? Revenue? That term is always used to justify punishment but it's never really shown to be true. The irony is the only thing in recent memory that comes close to that definition was the anthem stuff- which the league itself endorsed.

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