NCAA | Agent speaks about Young's Wonderlic score...*Reportedly-16*

abersonc said:
I think most of the items have 4 or 5 options -- if you assume an average of 4 options per item, getting 16 right would be a little strange if someone just guessed (a 6% probability)

But if someone were coached to spend the first 10 minutes answering what they could then filling in the rest randomly ..... not that unlikely.

Let's say Vince completed 10 items the first time he took the test and got 6 right (it is very common on timed tests that many answers are left blank). He repeated that performance the 2nd time he took the test. But this time, instead of leaving the rest of the items blank, he filled in an answer for all 40 additional items. Guessing he'd get about 1 in 4 correct -- or ..... 10 more points.

Well if he only guess the correct coverage 1 in 4 times he is going to be in trouble.:laugh2:
The wonderlic is NOT a current events test. Its a logic/common sense test. I don't see the reason for all the spin control. The guy is clearly 'dumb as a stump'. Think of the retake as this. Third and ten, from the fifty, seven step drop, guy wide open on the skinny post, and Vinny throws it into the pressbox. Oh,... wait. Flag on the play. Encroachment. Replay third down. Same seven step drop and skinny post. Vinny throws it over the press box. 16??? That's 32%. You gotta be kidding. After taking the test once already? They aren't 'splittin' the atom' on this test. Sounds like he hired Quinthy, not Jery Whatshisname, the QB coach, to have him ready for the combines and draft.:D
DanTanna said:
So his COMBINED score is 22.
When they bell all the marks, Vinny will end up with a 2. Or converted to a GPA,... about .0000000017777777.:laugh1:
Encore said:

  • Believe that he'll take it one more time and do much better.

I tend to do better the third time I take a test also.
Just face it people, he's a Hell of an athlete, but only slightly above Forrest Gump on the sharpness scale....
abersonc said:
I think most of the items have 4 or 5 options -- if you assume an average of 4 options per item, getting 16 right would be a little strange if someone just guessed (a 6% probability)

But if someone were coached to spend the first 10 minutes answering what they could then filling in the rest randomly ..... not that unlikely.

Let's say Vince completed 10 items the first time he took the test and got 6 right (it is very common on timed tests that many answers are left blank). He repeated that performance the 2nd time he took the test. But this time, instead of leaving the rest of the items blank, he filled in an answer for all 40 additional items. Guessing he'd get about 1 in 4 correct -- or ..... 10 more points.
I figured the average # of answers would be about 3-4, hence, the 12-16 questions correct.

As for the last paragraph, sounds plausible to me.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Just face it people, he's a Hell of an athlete, but only slightly above Forrest Gump on the sharpness scale....

...but he knows what love is.

Dude bagged Jenny. He's not a complete idiot.
With that said VY will be a very rich man come draft time and will be a top 5 pick and will be able to prove if he is a "real nfl qb" or not. Question why do you care so much if he made a 6 or not will it affect you putting food on the table?

You my friend need a little Haterade.
This is an NFL/Cowboys discussion board. I can't think of a single thread that actually affected me (or presumably you), yet we continue to post. Stop "hatin" and think before you post.
BlueWave said:
How hard is it? Here's a link to a sample. Grade school level.

But you have to answer 50 questions in 12 minutes. It is much harder when you have only 15 seconds per item.
theogt said:
I figured the average # of answers would be about 3-4, hence, the 12-16 questions correct.

As for the last paragraph, sounds plausible to me.

either way -- I think we can agree that it is entirely possible that his agent (or Mac Brown - since his agent is a bigger idiot) told him to be sure to not leave any items blank on his retest.
Tests have nothing to do with intelligence anyway. All you can learn from the Wonderlic is whether somebody can read or not.

The only legitimate criteria for judging intelligence is success in life.
baj1dallas said:
Tests have nothing to do with intelligence anyway. All you can learn from the Wonderlic is whether somebody can read or not.

The only legitimate criteria for judging intelligence is success in life.

yeah, don't let science get in the way of your 'idears' there.

actually intelligence tests are often good predictors of success -- for example the Wonderlic is a decent predictor of academic performance -- which is a form of success in life.
baj1dallas said:
Tests have nothing to do with intelligence anyway. All you can learn from the Wonderlic is whether somebody can read or not.

The only legitimate criteria for judging intelligence is success in life.
The functional equivalent of saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The obvious reply is, "Yes, and no."
baj1dallas said:
Tests have nothing to do with intelligence anyway. All you can learn from the Wonderlic is whether somebody can read or not.

The only legitimate criteria for judging intelligence is success in life.

You know what? You do have some sort of point there...

Did you know (and I'm sure you do), that an uneducated black man invented the elevator!

You are awarded a Bronze Star....:)
5Stars said:
You know what? You do have some sort of point there...

Did you know (and I'm sure you do), that an uneducated black man invented the elevator!

You are awarded a Bronze Star....:)

uneducated doesn't mean someone is of low intelligence.

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