Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

Eric_Boyer;4480743 said:
this now goes beyond devils advocate. based on the known evidence, my opinion is now that an arrest would be terribly wrong.

the police were not real professional, and they should face some criticism for that, but someow damage control needs to come into play in how Zimmerman is being treated in this whole affair.

death threats, bounties, and all the ridiculous hyperbolic rants about how much a moron he is is and how individuals don't have a right to monitor suspicious people needs to end.

It shows there is enough probable cause and the fact that Romo_to_Dez is correct in saying people are arrested and convicted with lessor evidence.

Again, I'm not saying he's guilty. But according to the law, and previous precedents set for similar cases, he should (and likely will) be arrested.

And he doesn't have the right to monitor suspicious people if he's not qualified, trained or educated enough to do so. There is a reason police go to training. I'll be the last one to say it's adequate training. But you can't just have any old joe with a gun "monitoring" suspicious people. They may end up dead under questionable circumstances.

The fact this guy has no qualifications to deal with a suspect is part of the problem. That and he was given a title of NHWC and seemingly people are ok with NHWC taking vigilante action while carrying a concealed weapon.

I'm almost sure the police will eventually cave and do their jobs. Right now they're in damage control mode trying to present an illusion that they did there job initially.

If the police weren't real professional, then neither was Zimmerman. And the outcome of the event should be left up to a jury based on those facts.

In any case, it become clearer and clearer that no real concept of realism in law or its concepts exist within the thought process.

Oh, well....
Double Trouble;4480751 said:

With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk, leaving him bloody and battered, law-enforcement authorities told the Orlando Sentinel.

That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say. There have been no reports that a witness saw the initial punch Zimmerman told police about.

Slammed his head on the sidewalk?

I'm curious.

What was he doing down at the station when he should have been at the hospital?
CowboyMcCoy;4480770 said:
Slammed his head on the sidewalk?

I'm curious.

What was he doing down at the station when he should have been at the hospital?
Yeah too bad for him no one corroborated his story.
CowboyMcCoy;4480770 said:
Slammed his head on the sidewalk?

I'm curious.

What was he doing down at the station when he should have been at the hospital?


still can't get you to read the police report. :bang2:

he was treated on site for injuries. his gun was removed from him

he was handcuffed. he was put in the back of the cruiser. he was taken to the station, and questioned
CowboyMcCoy;4480734 said:
He shot him dead and likely wasn't being attacked since he initially told police he was chasing the guy.

It doesn't add up. But tell yourself otherwise for the sake of being devil's advocate.

Yes. He gave himself face and head injurys. Then threatened the wittiness in to saying he was being beaten by the poor little Black boy.

Give me a break.

Trayvon Martin's mom files trademark papers

SANFORD, Fla. – The mother of slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin has filed papers seeking to trademark two slogans based on his name.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark filings by Sybrina Fulton are for the sayings "I Am Trayvon" and "Justice For Trayvon." The applications were filed last week.
The applications say the trademarks could be used for such things as DVDs and CDs. Attorneys who filed the papers did not immediately respond Monday to seeking comment.​

BlueStar3398;4480813 said:

Trayvon Martin's mom files trademark papers

SANFORD, Fla. – The mother of slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin has filed papers seeking to trademark two slogans based on his name.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark filings by Sybrina Fulton are for the sayings "I Am Trayvon" and "Justice For Trayvon." The applications were filed last week.
The applications say the trademarks could be used for such things as DVDs and CDs. Attorneys who filed the papers did not immediately respond Monday to seeking comment.​

Never let a good crisis go to waste...
CliffnMesquite;4480822 said:
Never let a good crisis go to waste...

Isn't that the truth.

Two things I wish the media would do.

1. Stop using photos of when the deceased was 12.

2. Stop using this as a white on black springboard. If this was Hispanic (which he is half) or black on black crime, we would have never even caught wind of this incident.
BlueStar3398;4480813 said:

Trayvon Martin's mom files trademark papers

SANFORD, Fla. – The mother of slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin has filed papers seeking to trademark two slogans based on his name.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark filings by Sybrina Fulton are for the sayings "I Am Trayvon" and "Justice For Trayvon." The applications were filed last week.
The applications say the trademarks could be used for such things as DVDs and CDs. Attorneys who filed the papers did not immediately respond Monday to seeking comment.​

I'm surprised by this
What we don't need is for Neighborhood watch members to start carrying guns Even if they have a legal right to have them.

Thankfully if Zimmerman and Trayvon had struggled over the gun that there was no one standing by and accidentally getting shot.

Or in case that there is an actual armed person up to no good, we don't need a Neighborhood watch men with no training drawing a gun and getting into a shoot out that gets someone innocent hurt.

I hope that in the least if Zimmerman gets off that he leaves the job to the cops from now on, unless someone is in the moment of hurting another person. If he really feels remorse than I think a lesson will be learned from this hopefully.
numnuts23;4480857 said:
Isn't that the truth.

Two things I wish the media would do.

1. Stop using photos of when the deceased was 12.

2. Stop using this as a white on black springboard. If this was Hispanic (which he is half) or black on black crime, we would have never even caught wind of this incident.

I honestly think that if the cops had arrested Zimmerman in the first place that many would not know about Trayvon, no where near the amount that know about him. Maybe some people would but it would not be as big in the National Spot light.
Romo_To_Dez;4480881 said:
What we don't need is for Neighborhood watch members to start carrying guns Even if they have a legal right to have them.

Thankfully if Zimmerman and Trayvon had struggled over the gun that there was no one standing by and accidentally getting shot.

Or in case that there is an actual armed person up to no good, we don't need a Neighborhood watch men with no training drawing a gun and getting into a shoot out that gets someone innocent hurt.

I hope that in the least if Zimmerman gets off that he leaves the job to the cops from now on, unless someone is in the moment of hurting another person. If he really feels remorse than I think a lesson will be learned from this hopefully.

What we don't need is for neighborhood watch captains carrying guns, even if they have a legal right to do so.

Maybe you should call your state senator and congressman and voice your frustration with gun laws? Maybe even completely rewrite the constitution while your at it, hmm?

It's just getting in the way of your stance on the issues, right?
Dallas;4480901 said:
What we don't need is for neighborhood watch captains carrying guns, even if they have a legal right to do so.

Maybe you should call your state senator and congressman and voice your frustration with gun laws? Maybe even completely rewrite the constitution while your at it, hmm?

It's just getting in the way of your stance on the issues, right?

I have no problems with people carrying guns for protection. Not if they are trying to play as Law Enforcement, you don't think that it will create dangerous situations having Non-cops walking around with guns trying to stop crimes, especially violent crimes?

There is a reason that Most Neighborhood watch members are not armed. Unless you want more situations like Trayvon Martin to happen then I don't think that they should carry guns for the purpose of trying to play cop and stop crimes from happening.

Unless a person is directly being attacked then leave the job up to the cops after you have called them. Where did I say that I wanted Gun rights to be completely taken away? We can't have every untrained person walking around with guns trying to play cops because people who are deemed as "Suspicious" but are not doing anything at the time can end up dead.
CliffnMesquite;4480799 said:
Yes. He gave himself face and head injurys. Then threatened the wittiness in to saying he was being beaten by the poor little Black boy.

Give me a break.

911>Zimmerman>I'm chasing someone. Now they're beating me up. I wonder why... probably because you decided to chase them. If he was chasing me, I'd do the same thing... cept I'd have enough sack not to pull a gun.

And the police report doesn't give much information about what actually occurred other than someone got scared that they couldn't handle a guy much, much smaller than he was and shot him like only a coward would do (if that's even what happened).

It doesn't say how close the witness was. It was likely dark and the witness probably didn't see the whole "chase" occurring or the initial confrontation.... just my hunch.

The thing about gun toters; most of them can't defend themselves well enough without them I guess.

I know. I know. What about all the good citizens carrying guns legally? Well, that's their right.

I'm curious about the fact that he had a gun. In a lot of states, if you have a domestic violence you're 2nd amendment rights can be banished by a court order.

I'm guessing "the facts" will keep rolling out.
Eric_Boyer;4480778 said:

still can't get you to read the police report. :bang2:

he was treated on site for injuries. his gun was removed from him

he was handcuffed. he was put in the back of the cruiser. he was taken to the station, and questioned

Cop: "At no point did I question Zimmerman about the incident that had taken place."

Zimmerman stated, "I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me."

That sounds like a scared defendant looking at possible murder charges.

Also, if his head was being thrust into concrete, I'd expect more serious injuries. My guess is he tried to detain him and Trayvon wasn't having it..just like most posters aboard wouldn't take that lightly... I sure wouldn't.
CowboyMcCoy;4480930 said:
"At no point did I question Zimmerman about the incident that had taken place."

Zimmerman stated, "I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me."

That sounds like a scared defendant looking at possible murder charges.

Also, if his head was being thrust into concrete, I'd expect more serious injuries. My guess is he tried to detain him and Trayvon wasn't having it..just like most posters aboard wouldn't take that lightly... I sure wouldn't.

Where are the medical records and pictures? Just asking one police report had no mention of Zimmerman's injuries and the other did.

The lawyer said that Zimmerman's Broken nose was healed by the time he got to a doctor so he declined Medial help. I'm not doctor but can a broken nose heal that quickly? And someone getting their head smashed into a hard sidewalk over and over again, like with what people claims Trayvon was doing to Zimmerman.

I don't know but getting the back of your hard smashed in over and over and over again in a hard surface would create deep gashes and a possible concussion one would think. No trips to the hospital for Zimmerman who got his head so viciously and ruthlessly smashed into the ground?

Even in Football a blow to the head with Helmets are are treated with caution and the Medical staff takes the player to the hospital if it looks serious.

EMT's on scene just let Zimmerman go without a cat scan or anything at the hospital after his head kept getting bashed into the side walk?

Zimmerman must have a skull of steel in order to walk away from getting his head bashed into the hard side walk over and over again. Wonder if there are Medical records.
CowboyMcCoy;4480916 said:
911>Zimmerman>I'm chasing someone. Now they're beating me up. I wonder why... probably because you decided to chase them. If he was chasing me, I'd do the same thing... cept I'd have enough sack not to pull a gun.

And the police report doesn't give much information about what actually occurred other than someone got scared that they couldn't handle a guy much, much smaller than he was and shot him like only a coward would do (if that's even what happened).

It doesn't say how close the witness was. It was likely dark and the witness probably didn't see the whole "chase" occurring or the initial confrontation.... just my hunch.

The thing about gun toters; most of them can't defend themselves well enough without them I guess.

I know. I know. What about all the good citizens carrying guns legally? Well, that's their right.

I'm curious about the fact that he had a gun. In a lot of states, if you have a domestic violence you're 2nd amendment rights can be banished by a court order.

I'm guessing "the facts" will keep rolling out.

Indeed they will. And when and only when all the facts are known, then justice will be done. Weather that is a murder charge or a public service medal. Remains to be seen.
Romo_To_Dez;4480881 said:
What we don't need is for Neighborhood watch members to start carrying guns Even if they have a legal right to have them.

Thankfully if Zimmerman and Trayvon had struggled over the gun that there was no one standing by and accidentally getting shot.

Or in case that there is an actual armed person up to no good, we don't need a Neighborhood watch men with no training drawing a gun and getting into a shoot out that gets someone innocent hurt.

I hope that in the least if Zimmerman gets off that he leaves the job to the cops from now on, unless someone is in the moment of hurting another person. If he really feels remorse than I think a lesson will be learned from this hopefully.

what we don't need is the average citizen getting their news off the internet deciding legal policy.
Romo_To_Dez;4480944 said:
Where are the medical records and pictures? Just asking one police report had no mention of Zimmerman's injuries and the other did.

I'm wondering the same thing. You'd think the police would at least take him in to the Dr. to see if he was telling the truth.


The blood could have been Trayvon's. I'm not saying it was, but it doesn't contain enough detail to rule that out.

The lawyer said that Zimmerman's Broken nose was healed by the time he got to a doctor so he declined Medial help. I'm not doctor but can a broken nose heal that quickly? And someone getting their head smashed into a hard sidewalk over and over again, like with what people claims Trayvon was doing to Zimmerman.

These could very well be Zimmerman's neighbors. It still isn't adding up. That's one of the weakest police reports I've seen. I mean, we're talking potential murder here. And they're worried about this guys bloody nose. Big deal, you got your nose split. That's what happens when you run behind someone and chase them. I guarantee I'd bust someone's nose too, especially some vigilante nhw guy....

I don't know but getting the back of your hard smashed in over and over and over again in a hard surface would create deep gashes and a possible concussion one would think. No trips to the hospital for Zimmerman who got his head so viciously and ruthlessly smashed into the ground?

It sounds like Zimmerman and the police are making this up as they go. I know if I slam your head in the ground, you're going to have to go to the hospital. I'm not sure why it'd be any different for Trayvon.

Even in Football a blow to the head with Helmets are are treated with caution and the Medical staff takes the player to the hospital if it looks serious.

Eh, a little off-base. But I see your point. Often times, the police don't treat for injuries. A suspect can go to jail and get medical treatment from the medical staff there.

EMT's on scene just let Zimmerman go without a cat scan on anything at the hospital after he head kept getting bashed into the side walk?

Don't compliment this with medical reasoning.

Zimmerman must have a skull of steel in order to walk away from getting his head bashed into the hard side walk over and over again. Wonder if there are Medical records.

He must have been wearing a helmet. I doubt we see any substantive medical records exist. I doubt he was as seriously hurt as he is claiming.
Romo_To_Dez;4480944 said:
Zimmerman must have a skull of steel in order to walk away from getting his head bashed into the hard side walk over and over again.
Unless his head meet up with something even stronger, like TM's fist, a one punch knock down, lol

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