Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

TheDallasDon;4465597 said:
Why do people say African American when there not from Africa?

The PC way sounds like "not full" American.
I can't/won't speak for others, but I call myself African-American simply because my ancestors were from Africa and I'm American because that is my nationality. It's really that simple for me.

I may refer to myself as Black, but ultimately it refers to a color and nothing more than a color.

speedkilz88;4465875 said:
I remember watching a women's ice skating competition on tv years ago and one of the skaters was from Canada. The commentator called her the African-American ..... from Canada. He realized it just a little to late.
It wasn't really something where the announcer should be tarred and feathered, because technically he wasn't wrong. African-Americans are commonly used in identify black people in the US. But Canada is in North America too and if a black person wanted to claim African-American, they could.
BraveHeartFan;4465890 said:
I guess I missed all the threads that Cowboy McCoy got shut down cause I don't recall any.
Just think politics.

The Zone used to allow it, then didn't allow it, then we allowed it again, and now we don't again.

But some of the more active PZ members may occasionally trip to dip their toe in memory of it...and well, the thread might get shut down.

WoodysGirl;4465923 said:
I can't/won't speak for others, but I call myself African-American simply because my ancestors were from Africa and I'm American because that is my nationality. It's really that simple for me.

I may refer to myself as Black, but ultimately it refers to a color and nothing more than a color.

It wasn't really something where the announcer should be tarred and feathered, because technically he wasn't wrong. African-Americans are commonly used in identify black people in the US. But Canada is in North America too and if a black person wanted to claim African-American, they could.
That don't float in Canada. They are Canadian not American. The US is the only country in N. America where the people are called Americans. It was a mistake by the announcer, he was trying to be pc and refrain from using "black".
speedkilz88;4465576 said:
How can you be sure that's the kid yelling? The other guy claims he was screaming for help. Hopefully that audio can be professionally checked to see which one was yelling for help.

On the second half of the article it states that the police tried to claim that it was the gunman but after having the audio cleaned up, the parents without a doubt said that it was their son. The father couldn't even finish listening to the recording.

There is also a witness who said she heard the screams and she is 100% confident they were the screams of a child.


Here all all the audio tapes so far.


The entire series of events doesn't really add up, IMO.

According to police, instead of heeding the dispatcher's warning, Zimmerman said he got out of his SUV to follow Trayvon. At that point, Trayvon came toward him and the two began to fight. Zimmerman said he ended up on the ground, where Trayvon punched him in the face. After yelling for help, Zimmerman said, he pulled his 9 mm gun from his waist band and fired.

Supposedly Zimmerman says that the boy confronted him but on the audio call, the boy runs and Zimmerman follows.

How can this even make sense. You can hear him chasing, the boy didn't confront him. He took off running according to the what Zimmerman said on the phone.

Even if we believe Zimmerman in that the boy confronted him, it still happened after he was being chased by some unknown person. So then what happened, a fight broke out and the kid is kicking his *** and Zimmerman screams for help for a solid 40 seconds or so? You can hear a full 40 seconds of screaming and the screaming is what prompted the phone call. It's possible the screams were going on for an entire minute and we're supposed to believe that it was Zimmerman screaming the entire time and only after the shot do the screams stop?

That's entirely irrational. Why would he be screaming for that long and suddenly stop when he shot the kid?

I think the guy confronted the kid and a struggle ensued. At some point the gun came out and the kid started screaming for help. Eventually, Zimmerman overpowered him and shot him.

One of the witnesses described what they saw when going outside.

She and her friend say they heard the sounds from a few steps away, where they were inside beside an open window. Seconds later, they dashed out to find a boy face down on the ground and a man standing over him, a foot on each side of the body on the ground, with his hands pinning the shooting victim down.

Read more here:
For all intents and purposes it sounds like this guy should already be in jail or at least bonded. If they didn't think so at first, these witness accounts should be enough.
speedkilz88;4466333 said:
That don't float in Canada. They are Canadian not American. The US is the only country in N. America where the people are called Americans. It was a mistake by the announcer, he was trying to be pc and refrain from using "black".

What makes you think he was "trying to be pc"? Maybe he's just used to calling black people African American and made a mistake? The idea that there was politics involved in so simple mistake is purely speculative.

As far as the REAL topic of this thread, surprise surprise.
How can you shoot and kill an unarmed child on the STREET and not get arrested? Don't know what state this occurred in but in TX if you shoot someone above the knee (Or maybe they changed it on the books) and the other person is either, A) Unarmed, or B) Not breaking into your home/car/business/etc then at the very least u will get rolled up for manslaughter. It's murder unless you can prove otherwise. What the hell is going on over there???

To many details have been left out....
CowboyFan74;4466495 said:
How can you shoot and kill an unarmed child on the STREET and not get arrested? Don't know what state this occurred in but in TX if you shoot someone above the knee (Or maybe they changed it on the books) and the other person is either, A) Unarmed, or B) Not breaking into your home/car/business/etc then at the very least u will get rolled up for manslaughter. It's murder unless you can prove otherwise. What the hell is going on over there???

To many details have been left out....

He claimed "self defense" and the police took it at that.

Pretty stupid really.
TheCount;4466491 said:
What makes you think he was "trying to be pc"? Maybe he's just used to calling black people African American and made a mistake? The idea that there was politics involved in so simple mistake is purely speculative.

As far as the REAL topic of this thread, surprise surprise.
It was obvious but you've already shown obvious flies over your head. And I only brought it up because a guy asked the question about it. But of course, surprise surprise you have to go and make an *** of yourself.
speedkilz88;4466602 said:
It was obvious but you've already shown obvious flies over your head. And I only brought it up because a guy asked the question about it. But of course, surprise surprise you have to go and make an *** of yourself.

Way to be an absolute ******* in the face of simple conversation. Kudos.
TheCount;4466613 said:
Way to be an absolute ******* in the face of simple conversation. Kudos.
Your the one that started it dude. Do you not even understand how you come off?

As far as the REAL topic of this thread, surprise surprise.
Hoofbite;4466502 said:
He claimed "self defense" and the police took it at that.

Pretty stupid really.
Yeah, I don't understand how he wasn't brought in and still hasn't with all the questions. But they do need to have the audio professionally checked, because they will need as much on this guy as possible to get a murder charge. And they can't go by it sounded like a child. They need to have it as a fact in court.
I don't care what his reason was, but this guy's trash and needs to be prosecuted.

I hope he spends a very long time in jail.
How do you seek out someone to pick a fight with him then claim self defense?

BraveHeartFan;4465890 said:
I guess I missed all the threads that Cowboy McCoy got shut down cause I don't recall any.

Some people never stop living in the past. It's a new day. So how's your workouts going, BraveHeartFan? I missed an entire week, but will be back in there 4 times next week. I lost 8 lbs because I've been sick. So it's time to tighten up a bit.
tyke1doe;4467435 said:
How do you seek out someone to pick a fight with him then claim self defense?


Yeah, this just reeks of some sort of cover up. The question is why the cover up?
tyke1doe;4467435 said:
How do you seek out someone to pick a fight with him then claim self defense?


That's what I've been saying all along. This really doesn't add up. And like the article above pointed out, why would Zimmerman, a man armed with a gun, be screaming for help? Doesn't make sense. If you listen to the audio, it definitely sounds like a kid screaming for help. It sounds like Trayvon was fighting for his life, screaming all the while, before eventually being overpowered and shot dead. Man this story has me burning up. No way should this Zimmerman guy be walking around, and if this is an attempt by the police to cover up the story, then they need to be jailed, too. Hopefully justice will be served on all the violators.
I've also listened to the the audio tapes, and the Stanford claims of "evidence" that Zimmerman acted in self defense is totally bogus.
speedkilz88;4466744 said:
Your the one that started it dude. Do you not even understand how you come off?

Yeah, I started it because I want to discuss the actual topic rather than get into it with you two on a political topic that will get a worthwhile thread shutdown.

I'm not at all surprised by the turn the story is taken because from the very start it didn't add up. That has nothing to do with you, and my phrasing of my lack of surprise had nothing to do with you or your post.

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