Romo_To_Dez;4470451 said:
Seems like the SPD was Bias against Trayvon and just easily accepted the Self Defense excuse from GZ. Did they collected the Gun? Zimmerman's clothes and all of the evidence that was needed to prove whether or not it was Self Defense?
Or did they let Zmmerman go without an arrest? The Kid was killed in Feburary the 26th and weeks ago in early March the SPD said that there was no evidence to go aganist the Self Defense excuse?
Seems like an awfully fast way to come to an conculsion on a case where someone is shot and killed, in any case where someone dies you would think that Police departments would want to take their time collecting all evidence and witness accounts before coming to an conculsion.
Yet they just accept Zmmerman's defense just like that? Even when someone is chraged with murder the state still has to prove in trail that the person is guitly. It looked like the SPD was going to let this case go, but Public and Media pressure brought other enforcements in to investigate
Exactly. No one is saying Zimmerman is 100% guilty, though the evidence released up until this point heavily suggest that he is. But it is up to the courts to decide whether he is guilty of murder. The whole complaint is based on the fact that the SPD didn't even appear to try him for murder and just accepted his claim for self defense.
The SPD also claims that there is evidence on the 911 calls that Zimmerman acted in self defense. But even in that, their claim is still bogus, because you can here Trayvon screaming for help before a gunshot ends his life.
Apparently, the SPD believes that a 28 year old 240+ pound male with a gun was able to be manhandled by a weaponless, 140 pound 17 year old, and that the 28 year old Zimmerman screamed like a little kid for a full minute before finally being able to overcome the 140 pound kid and shoot him in self defense. Now ask yourself, does that make sense? Didn't think so.
Now that Trayvon's girlfriend is coming forward saying that Trayvon was chased and corned by Zimmerman after Trayvon tried to run away from the stalking stranger, the claim for self defense becomes even more bogus than before.