Never been this disengaged with the Cowboys during a season

The OP is shameless.

2 months ago he starts this thread

How can so many of you, who call yourselves Cowboys fans, be filled with doubt and negativity about this team?

And now he is crying?

What an absolute hypocrite.
He had more during the offseason too.
Can't tell if bipolar or trolling.

In regards to the thread, with this offseason I never got engaged with the team.
They once again did their no cap space dance, ignored March, re-signed Zeke LOL, hope and prayers in the draft to solve everything.
Dragged negotiations till August on CDL and Dak till they folded. Got no compromises on either deal.
Yea, I'm in all in as a fan.
Honestly, Jerry Jones has made me become disinterested in my favorite team.

I don't even know who's not practicing this week.

Is Micah?

It doesn't even matter.

I already know the 49ers are going to destroy us because they have something called scheme and creativity on offense.

McCarthy's idea of a scheme is to have all the Receivers run 7 yard curl routes.

Jerry Jones is losing me as a fan.

When someone asks me now if the Cowboys are playing, I say, "Who cares"
We could lose you as a fan, and then win a championship, and you would be glued to your television, again cheering for the Cowboys. Go. Cowboys
I'm already planning on watching a little of the game Sunday night while in bed and turning off by 930 so I can get to the gym early Monday.

Not wasting time on them that costs me other more important parts of my life- if they get a couple of wins going and turn the corner I will watch more but for right now at this point I'm extremely meh
Lucky you’re not near old enough to remember the 88 and 89 season. The Cowboys won only 4 games in two seasons. You fans who come claiming you don’t care anymore about how the team is playing are just lying to yourselves or you wouldn’t be posting about the team.
I think some need to hear's going to be alright......LOL
I think the biggest issue is there seems to be no sense of urgency anywhere in the Cowboys organization.

Ownership doesn't seem concerned which means the rest of the front office is not concerned.

The coaches don't seem concerned (what happened to angry Zimmer?). I don't know if that's because McCarthy assumed he was gone when he didn't get a contract extension last season or he simply realizes no one above him cares about winning as much as he assumingly does.

The players don't seem concerned, which is really disappointing as a fan. This is especially true with players who got their money.

Where are the players angrily stating, "We need to fix this now!"? Instead, we get, "It's all good. We will figure it out eventually" types of comments.

It just seems like the only people that care that the Cowboys are playing poorly are some of the Cowboys fans, and even the number of upset fans is declining as more fans are becoming more apathetic to the losses.
THIS is why we can't begin to go forward until FO/Jerry is serious about a culture change. It's amazing when you consider the momentum of three 12-5 is gone and that would be OK IF there is a plan to rebuild. Maybe there is and we don't know it yet........I mean what we are now seeing could be the beginning of 2025 rebuild.
Honestly, Jerry Jones has made me become disinterested in my favorite team.

I don't even know who's not practicing this week.

Is Micah?

It doesn't even matter.

I already know the 49ers are going to destroy us because they have something called scheme and creativity on offense.

McCarthy's idea of a scheme is to have all the Receivers run 7 yard curl routes.

Jerry Jones is losing me as a fan.

When someone asks me now if the Cowboys are playing, I say, "Who cares"
I've watched less Cowboy football this year than any other year I can remember.

The product we've been putting on the field has become unwatchable at least twice this year, and I've had to get up and start doing chores to distract myself, and help subside my rage.

The more they crap the bed the less invested i become. At least I won't be heart broken this year.
Interestingly, we all know a losing season was/is a strong possibility. So why are we disappointed, and why are some critics taking credit for making a bold prediction? This is nothing we didn't expect. As a matter of fact, remove the Dak and Lamb signing, it's exactly what many fans wanted....rebuild.
Honestly, Jerry Jones has made me become disinterested in my favorite team.

I don't even know who's not practicing this week.

Is Micah?

It doesn't even matter.

I already know the 49ers are going to destroy us because they have something called scheme and creativity on offense.

McCarthy's idea of a scheme is to have all the Receivers run 7 yard curl routes.

Jerry Jones is losing me as a fan.

When someone asks me now if the Cowboys are playing, I say, "Who cares"
I am just about at that point. I am nearly done watching NFL games outside of Cowboys games. It's sad. Sunday used to be a big day. Clean up leaves in the morning while smoking something on the pellet grill. Later, friends/family come over and watch football while eating great food. We don't do much at the house anymore as we tend to be with our Harley family now riding out and about. Anymore, Saturday and college ball is more entertaining.
I think the biggest issue is there seems to be no sense of urgency anywhere in the Cowboys organization.

Ownership doesn't seem concerned which means the rest of the front office is not concerned.

The coaches don't seem concerned (what happened to angry Zimmer?). I don't know if that's because McCarthy assumed he was gone when he didn't get a contract extension last season or he simply realizes no one above him cares about winning as much as he assumingly does.

The players don't seem concerned, which is really disappointing as a fan. This is especially true with players who got their money.

Where are the players angrily stating, "We need to fix this now!"? Instead, we get, "It's all good. We will figure it out eventually" types of comments.

It just seems like the only people that care that the Cowboys are playing poorly are some of the Cowboys fans, and even the number of upset fans is declining as more fans are becoming more apathetic to the losses.
Winner, Winner!!!
You're disconnected like everyone else the whole fan base is somewhat disconnected.

Why because we're fans and it starts with the front office that's disconnected about winning a super bowl how can you have a connected fan base when your priority is making money and not winning a super bowl.

Beyond that look at The players they're completely disconnected they're lost there's no leaders they are just connected to making the most out of their careers in the short windows they have super bowl is not a priority in their world.

Next look at our coaching staff talk about disconnected it's on another planet first of all they're bad with the X's and O's and second of all they can't motivate anybody to play for them they enable the players to be more disconnected.

This whole thing starts with Jerry Jones and his dysfunctional way of running a team that disconnects the players from the coaches from the fans.

If you want an example and proof look at the Detroit Lions that team has a coach that may not be the brightest as far as X's and O's but he galvanizes that team together into a group that wants to win a super bowl plays together and is completely connected he's even gotten Jared Goff to believe in himself.

We are polar opposites from the Lions at this point Dan Campbell and his live and die and fall on the sword with me mantra has brought that team together and taking it to new levels they will probably be in the NFC championship game we will be home with Jerry making excuses
I've watched less Cowboy football this year than any other year I can remember.
Oh, I will always watch ..........what helps me cope is my expectation is always a winning season but if it turns south I go into planning for next season mode. I still watch games but put a focus on college games and draft earlier than usual and this year our next head coach. Been doing that way for over 20 years. A buddy in Atlanta does the same thing ........ we spend quite a bit of time communicating, and sharing information/opinions.
I could give two chits about the Cowboys. I'm finally free and happy watching them rearrange the chairs on the Titanic. So glad to have jumped ship but it sure is fun and EASY to hate on this team.
I am seeing this a lot more, not just on the forums but all over social media and even out when I see friends or random strangers at a bar. People who used to care and were heavily invested in what this team was doing year round, completely lost interest! This certainly isn’t a lull like 88 or 89. This is a very different situation with Jerry and his kid. I don’t even root for wins anymore because they disgust me! The best thing that can happen to this team is the wheels completely fall off.
This is a throw away year, for the jones boys. They dont care about this season.
They may want it to be bad so they can not get any backlash from firing McCarthy who up till now had 3 12-5 seasons in a row.
I think that is main reason they didnt fire him after GB game.

Also it seems they are making it hard for MM to have a good season this season with everything they did and didnt do.
Also if cowboys finish with bad record, that means higher draft picks for for 25.

the no spend this year is I think mainly to make it easy to sign micah for 40-45 mil lol
Will they buy some good FA ?? ........I doubt it lol.
Will they get a good new HC, I doubt it lol.

The focus is for 2025, and this year they dont care what happens..... or about the fans that waited all off season for this mess.
Oh so it’s 2025 now? We are in the 3rd decade of this crap.

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