NFL: Ezekiel Elliott's suspension appeal to stretch to Day 2

For the record, I don't believe Mara has anything to do with what's happening to Zeke. None.

That being said, the fact that Jones and Snyder were hammered for salary cap violations in a year when there was no salary cap is a freaking joke. And Mara was the king jokester in that farce.

Sure the owners may have had a "gentlemans agreement" about what they would or would not due. But it legal terms, that agreement also called "collusion".

So the sleaze was not what Jones and Snyder did. The sleaze lies with what all the owners agreed to, illegally.
Fair enough, I'm not saying there wasn't collusion (which is illegal) but IMO Snyder and Jerry colluded to say "screw you" to all the other owners and gain an unfair advantage. That is just a difference in opinion but again, to blame it all on Mara is dumb just because he was the chairman prior to everything going down. Again, it was a commitee, not just him.
Fair enough, I'm not saying there wasn't collusion (which is illegal) but IMO Snyder and Jerry colluded to say "screw you" to all the other owners and gain an unfair advantage. That is just a difference in opinion but again, to blame it all on Mara is dumb just because he was the chairman prior to everything going down. Again, it was a commitee, not just him.

100% wrong
So why are you here? Seriously you have to have something better to do then troll an opposing team's board?
That's what makes some of this so ridiculous and instead of responding to people like you I'll just put on ignore. The fact that you think I would spend this much time as a "troll" is ludicrous and borderline offensive. I'm honestly getting of it and I don't appreciate the fact that I was called out, along with another poster, to stop personal insults when calling me a "troll" is a personal insult. Being I have to play by the rules, I'll just put you on ignore instead of being insulted.

BTW, I've always said I think Zeke is great but an absolute moron and I despise Jerry. There are plenty of other fans who agree but since I'm on a Cowboys forum and am vocal/passionate about it then I'm automatically a troll. Funny how no one quotes my other posts or when I do say something positive they somehow spin it.

No need to reply, as I said, I'd have plenty more to say to you but I don't want to risk being suspended. Going on ignore.
Hey let's make fun of a tragic incident where someone died.

Oh, you must of missed my posts when I was calling out people for being excited OBJ got hurt or last year when Nelson was hurt in the playoff game and people hoping his injury was bad enough that e couldn't play. Got flamed for that and called a "troll" as well. I even said makings fun of any players injuries shouldn't be allowed but it is so I went with it.

And I honestly shouldn't have used that as an example, I should be better than the people I called out. I was just using it to show how ludicrous some of these accusations are. If I can, I'll go back and edit it. Thanks for bringing it up, seriously.
Everyone remember when that Giants WR shot himself in the foot?

Now that was
Well, maybe I shouldn't after seeing this. Nevermind, I'll leave it, glad to see you stooped to my level because I stooped to the other posters on this board. Congrats!
well now I know to ignore anything you say. Not in regards to Mara but as regards Jerry. He is a lot of things but sleazy is not one of them. And your BS about the cap penalty is laughable.
Lol, feel free to ignore me all you want but sleazy isn't one of them? Lol, as a human being he is sleazy. Perhaps you missed the picture above with the two strippers. Unless yoi don't consider infidelity sleazy than I guess he isn't. Having Blandino on the party bus sure appeared sleazy, at least most owners thought so. Imminent domain and using tax payers money to build an over the top stadium when he is a billionaire? Obviously we have different values and if mine are that bad that you need to ignore me then please do.
I didn't hear about any punishment for the bears or the saints? Did they do the same thing or not? I don't care about what degree it was. They only cheated a little so we'll let it slide. Yeah that sounds reasonable. As I recall, Dallas restructured Austin Miles' contract and pushed $ into the uncapped year. Were they able to do that without the league signing off on it? Was there no league approval of contracts in 2010? Why are you ignoring that issue?
Sorry, I stand corrected, not the Bears but the Raiders. Yes, different fines for different infractions. That's the way it is in the NFL and I don't necessarily disagree. As you can see, if any fan base wants to throw a constant hissy fit over Mara it should be the Redakins. Perhaps I should go over to their boards and see if he comes up every other post.

Part of the article

"The Commanders are receiving by far the worst punishment by losing around $36 million in cap space primarily for the way they structured the big deals they gave to Albert Haynsworth and DeAngelo Hall. The Cowboys will lose around $10 million in cap space. They were already close to the cap and these punishments essentially removes the possibility that either team will be big players in free agency this season. This loss in cap space can be spread over both 2012 and 2013.

To be clear, the Raiders and Saints will not have any cap space taken from them from the $120.6 million cap number that had already been revealed. But the remaining 28 teams will have a cap number of $122.2 million."
Sorry, I stand corrected, not the Bears but the Raiders. Yes, different fines for different infractions. That's the way it is in the NFL and I don't necessarily disagree. As you can see, if any fan base wants to throw a constant hissy fit over Mara it should be the Redakins. Perhaps I should go over to their boards and see if he comes up every other post.

Part of the article

"The Commanders are receiving by far the worst punishment by losing around $36 million in cap space primarily for the way they structured the big deals they gave to Albert Haynsworth and DeAngelo Hall. The Cowboys will lose around $10 million in cap space. They were already close to the cap and these punishments essentially removes the possibility that either team will be big players in free agency this season. This loss in cap space can be spread over both 2012 and 2013.

To be clear, the Raiders and Saints will not have any cap space taken from them from the $120.6 million cap number that had already been revealed. But the remaining 28 teams will have a cap number of $122.2 million."
For the record, there is tons of anti-Mara rhetoric on Commanders boards. Maybe even more than here.

When word of Zeke's suspension came out, they attacked Mara pretty hard. :laugh:
Oh, you must of missed my posts when I was calling out people for being excited OBJ got hurt or last year when Nelson was hurt in the playoff game and people hoping his injury was bad enough that e couldn't play. Got flamed for that and called a "troll" as well. I even said makings fun of any players injuries shouldn't be allowed but it is so I went with it.

And I honestly shouldn't have used that as an example, I should be better than the people I called out. I was just using it to show how ludicrous some of these accusations are. If I can, I'll go back and edit it. Thanks for bringing it up, seriously.
Bold is exactly what I've talked about forever. People think they're on the right side so they do anything. Even though you apologized see how easy it was to be just like the people you claim are wrong? That's why I don't take most of what people say serious on either side because we all do the same things. The only difference is that those that agree with us don't call us out on our stuff and vice versa.
For the record, there is tons of anti-Mara rhetoric on Commanders boards. Maybe even more than here.

When word of Zeke's suspension came out, they attacked Mara pretty hard. :laugh:
From my understanding most Giants fans don't like it either. 1) they think Goodell and the NFL is out of control and 2) unlike some people here hoping for other teams players getting injured, they actually want to face the best a team has to offer, as do I

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