Twitter: NFL fines Washington for their culture


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Snyder fought them over the fines about the salary cap when the NFL had clearly committed collusion with the owners but the judicial system clearly tan from the issue because they are compromised by big money.

During Daniel Snyder's tenure as owner he has sued season ticket owners who couldn't afford season tickets. He has sued small newspapers such as the Washington Examiner that have criticized him. But to my knowledge he has never stood up to the NFL. I think there was some threat of a lawsuit or even the threat of joining the *NFLPA* suit against the NFL, but I'm fairly certain he tucked tail and fell in line.

A private business can decide who they want to hire or not. And women don't belong in the locker room , period!!!!!

While everyone is entitled to opinions, no matter how bad or misogynistic they are, I do find it ironic that following through with this practice is the closest thing to unconstitutional there is in this discussion. And while it's certainly possible to fire anyone and the onus is on them to prove they were fired for being a woman, clearly in this given situation, it would be seen as retaliatory and Snyder would be paying a larger fine.

And anti-trust laws also are not unconstitutional because there is nothing in the constitution that mentions trust laws
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They need to ban him from ever playing in the NFL again

I think today’s lesson is that when you go for a massage just get a massage. Massages are great. It’s ok to just get a massage and move on.

Redball Express

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Philly should be fined 100 million for their fan behavior.
So we have found Washington's new name..Delta House.
Put them on Double secret probation..immediately. And lock their owner in my pool house until the season is over

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IF the culture is as bad as the NFL is claiming, what they should do is force Snyder to sell controlling interest to someone else besides his wife. IF this 'culture' has been going on as long as the NFL claims then the only factor that was there the whole time was Snyder.


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Does the $10M get subtracted from the cap? That is where it should come from. Instead of getting $200M next year, they should only be allowed $190M.
I was thinking same. If not, it'd be like fining me or you a buck.


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There a tweet on here from the league. It gives a broad take of what was happening, apparently the specifics are worse. The league probably doesn't want to say too much because this is a minor slap on the wrist. Goodell has no consistency or logic with his disciplinary actions.
Oh, yes he does. Obey the owners. It's that simple.


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Dude, what’s up with Snider? I believe they sent undercover people in but still. It reads bad. Who the heck doesn’t like women?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Bullying. There was a time when people actually knew how to handle a bully. I guess that is no longer taught by parents. Sad…

How about parents actually teaching their kids NOT to be bullies in the first place?


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I read more about the case and the facts are still not known because the NFL did not release the details of the investigation by a female lawyer they hired to get the facts. But it appears the biggest complaint is about "bullying" in the workplace. Again, we only have accusations and no facts. A hostile work environment is when an employer harasses individuals not an entire staff. So if the WFT was equally hostile to all employees then it might be bullying but it does not meet the legal definition of a hostile work environment. Of course this assumes the hostility shown to employees did not violate laws, like anti-discrimination laws. Based on the recommendations of the investigator it seems the hostility was common among all employees.

Of course the sports writers are having a field day whining about the decision and most articles I read included admissions the journalists who wrote them did not have the facts, only the newspaper allegations. But I am sure there will be civil suits since the employees making the worst allegations already have attorneys. No doubt the lawyers in the civil suits will ask the judge to force the NFL to reveal their findings. At that point we will find out of $10 million was enough or not. But if all this was about some managers who were tyrants in the workplace, then I am not dismayed by the fine. I have worked for tyrants myself, some pretty abusive in their behavior, but in the US we have "at will employment" laws in most states which means if you don't like the abuse, you can quit your job. I am not excusing the WFT. When the facts come out I will form an opinion based on the facts. But I read as much as I could about Zekke Elliott's investigation by the NFL, and I am convinced Zeke was punished not for his actions but for the nature of the allegations and that is not justice either.

I just don't know how any journalist can talk about how the NFL is letting down women again when those writers admit they do not know the details of the case. What we want to be true doesn't necessarily mean it is true. We are better off with a system where the punishment is based on facts and not just allegations, even if it means some guilty parties may get away with something. In this case we have allegations of employees who admit they were treated harshly. I would like to know more about what actually happened.


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There must be REPUTABLE massage parlors out there. Go to one of them.

I don’t think the Jerry Rices and Robert Krafts and Desean Watsons are looking for ‘reputable’ massage parlors. If they were just looking for a massage, they could easily get one for free from the team trainer.

From what I hear, most massage parlors here are fronts for prostitution and drugs. They are the equivalent of ‘love hotels’ in Japan which are mostly run by the yakuza and have hidden cameras galore. Those videos are quite valuable and those starring in them will pay top ¥ and $ to keep the show private. Those videos are quite persuasive to get businessmen and politicians to do things.


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I followed a little of all that was going on with the Skins the past few years. I am in no way a Snyder fan but there was and is a whole lot going on here than just some discrimination and harassment.

The minority partners who are also incredibly rich, probably richer than Snyder, wanted control and were willing to scratch and claw to get it. I also heard Bezos was trying to buy the team. These people are ruthless and will go to any end to get what they want.

I can’t recall the exact articles, but there were some which did not paint these cheerleaders and women as pure and innocent. I’m not blaming them and I’m not accepting someone’s word as 100% truth. Who’s right and who’s wrong and what’s truth?

As a Cowboy fan, I wouldn’t be throwing stones in our glass house. The bigger takeaway is cheerleaders and their role at NFL games going forward. I think we can all see the writing on the wall. What purpose do the cheerleaders serve at these games? Any idea why they are dressed like that? As an admirer of the female body, I like to look but it is for only one reason. Take away the sexual intonations (exploitation in some people’s eyes) and have them dressed in sweatpants and t-shirts and the camera person won’t even bother filming. There is a push for teams to add male cheerleaders. How much longer before teams just say no more cheerleaders? Not worth the headache for management.


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Oh, yes he does. Obey the owners. It's that simple.
amazing how people dont realize the "NFL" is the 32 owners, and all the older owners and some new ones probably have more clout than others.


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There is no proof Synder was directly involved with any wrong doings.
So hard for other owners to force him to sell , or do much more than they did.
also they have to be careful not to be too harsh, so if same happens to them they wont be punished harshly.
The other owners are just making him clean house.

About losing draft picks, if this had happened to cowboys, I doubt u would be hollering that.
Just because it is a nfc east rival,doesnt mean that would be right.
I think some of you would be ok with all 3 other east teams losing draft picks, so the lame cowboys
could have a good record and actually win the div 2 years in a row.

If there was a public hanging in your town, I think some of you might go and be out there hollering
hang im!!

The penaltys for wash, who isnt the only team who has done wrong, are fair enough.

About Watson, lol would be ok is he never played again, super dumb, and arrogant guy.
Looking at him, I am glad we have Dak instead. Not a big Dak fan, but having Dak is way better than a clown like


Cowboys Diehard
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I could express my sympathy for the WFT but there really isn't any to express! They have been a disgusting piece of work since the days of Landry and perhaps long before that. Their whole organization is as classless as that of the Eagles. That's saying plenty. They got what they deserve. It's just a shame that their penalty wasn't more severe than it was. Of course, they might say something similar about us but they'd be mistaken! ;)


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I don’t understand how you can fine a team $10 million yet there are no suspensions, arrests or anything of that nature. Something is fishy.