NFL new discipline policy is a joke.

EastDallasCowboy;1608646 said:
All I want is consistency.

-Leonard Little kills someone, gets 8 games.

-Ray Lewis kills someone but gets off, gets none...ok, fine, he was found not guilty.

-Pac Man isn't actually convicted of anything, and he gets a season.

-Chris Henry isn't actually convicted of anything, he gets 8 games.

-Ricky Williams fails drug test 35, gets a year.

-And now people are saying Vick could get 3 years?

It just makes my head explode.

Were I commish, here would be my framework. Obviously circumstances could change per an individual, but here's a nice framework assuming corroberation:

-Gambling on or ties to gambling on the NFL: Lifetime ban

-Murder or rape: Lifetime ban

-Vehicular Manslaughter: 3 year ban not concurrent with jailtime

-Drug trafficking/dealing: 2 year ban not concurrent with jailtime

-Assault (w/ guilty verdict or plea): 8 games

-Dogfighting: 8 games

-On-field Assault (a la Albert Haynesworth): 6 games

-DWI/possession: 4 games

-Substance Abuse: Same as current for positive tests, create other bracket for dwi/possession

There's a nice logical framework to work from. Then add 1 year ban above and beyond if any of the above charges carries proven ties to organized crime/gambling.

That all well and good but the league looks at these cases individually, Pac Man for instance has had so many run in with the laws the league does not see him as a 1st time offender add to that Pac Man has done nothing to even make the league think he has changed at all. Vick Case is a federal case and he has plead guilty to it he gets what he deserves. I agree Little got off easy but that was under a different commissioner all together since then players have gone to the league office and want this league cleaned up regardless if fans what it clean or not. After all it is their league and they are the ones getting mixed in with the trash. As far as I'm concerned the league rules are what they are and it is not that damn hard to stay out of trouble and for those players who can't to hell with them. These guys are not going to make or break this league
dmq;1608621 said:
Now Lance Briggs get into a high speed accident. He flees from the scene. (Most likely because he was drunk). Lovie's response: I am just glad he isn't hurt. No discipline will be instituted.:eek:

Lovie Smith is not the NFL now is he?
The one thing that I believe Goodell has been exceptional at, in regards to disciplinary action, is waiting to have proof of wrong doing. He has not handed out discipline without proof of wrong doing IMO. Same with Briggs. Everybody can scream for action but you can't hand down something without proof of wrong doing. That's wrong. Court of public opinion can get anybody but the NFL can not just suspend this guy or that guy for things there are no proof to support decisions with. That would really be wrong.
superpunk;1608791 said:
I agree.

The NFL should suspend Lance Briggs because you suspect he may have been drinking and driving.

Then they should suspend McNabb because I suspect that he is a MAJOR douchebag.

Then they should outlaw happiness, and dairy products.

Now you tell me how i'm gonna live without my 5lb block of Gov. cheese???
superpunk;1608791 said:
I agree.

The NFL should suspend Lance Briggs because you suspect he may have been drinking and driving.

Then they should suspend McNabb because I suspect that he is a MAJOR douchebag.

Then they should outlaw happiness, and dairy products.

You're right, what a crazy idea. I think he probably abandoned his 350k car by the side of the road cold sober. In any case it doesn't matter. The NFL can act on Briggs based on his leaving the scene of an accident.
DLCassidy;1609056 said:
You're right, what a crazy idea. I think he probably abandoned his 350k car by the side of the road cold sober. In any case it doesn't matter. The NFL can act on Briggs based on his leaving the scene of an accident.

I am sure the NFL will do something about Briggs but will wait to see what charges are brought first. It is obvious that he did something really stupid but they need to find out the extent of that stupidity before they hand down a penalty.
THUMPER;1609059 said:
I am sure the NFL will do something about Briggs but will wait to see what charges are brought first. It is obvious that he did something really stupid but they need to find out the extent of that stupidity before they hand down a penalty.

So far all the police will hit form is a misdemeanor which means the NFL will fine him.

This act does have the feeling of something else was up besides just wrecking the car.
dmq;1608633 said:
man are you guys dence. I pity you.

If you're gonna insult somebody's intelligence, it would probably behoove you not to mis-spell the word "dense"... :D
dmq;1608633 said:
man are you guys dence. I pity you.
Save yourself. Unless you're protesting in front of the league offices or mounting a communications campaign, you're just blowing hot air here.

Why would we care about pity from someone with Poindexter's picture as an avatar anyway?:rolleyes:
dmq;1608633 said:
man are you guys dence. I pity you.

Nothing better than someone who can't spell their insult properly when questioning someone else's intelligence.

And for the record, it's been about 24 hours since the Lance Briggs situation became public, I think the NFL would need just a teensy weensy more time than that to gather the facts before taking any action. Don't you? Or should Goodell behave like the D.A. in the Duke Lacross case and hang Briggs now and sort out the details later?

And what more would you like the commissioner to do than suspend Vick indefinitely? Meaning he may never ever play again. The BS about his suspension being concurrent is just pure speculation by ESPN. That's what they do, they speculate. They have to try to keep the story alive somehow between now and the sentencing hearing don't they?
You've gotta have a pretty boring, insignificant life if you go around fretting about how a league you don't belong to disciplines people that you've never met.

I like the fact that Goodell is putting the hammer down.......but even if he didn't, I could care less. I watch football because I like to watch football. I don't care if it's grade school kids playing or college kids playing or midgets in thongs playing.

The vast majority of NFL players are exceptional men who do extraordinary things with thier time and money.

Unless one of these unruly players does something that affects me or my loved ones, I could care less what they do in thier spare time.
I don't care for the fact that the NFL feels that they are above the law. If Vick gets sentenced, that should be his consequence. The NFL continuing to investigate after the official investigation is over sounds like pure arrogance.

Another thing to remember is that Vick is in deep crud, not because of Dog Fighting, but because of potential "illegal" gambling. Dog Fighting wasn't even a felony until this past year.
superpunk;1608791 said:
I agree.

The NFL should suspend Lance Briggs because you suspect he may have been drinking and driving.

Then they should suspend McNabb because I suspect that he is a MAJOR douchebag.

Then they should outlaw happiness, and dairy products.

Outlawing happiness is a Parcellism.
Outlawing dairy products is being cruel to milk cows.
Being a MAJOR douchbag does not warrant suspension.Captain douchebag, you're outtahere.
Free Pass on Briggs for the Maserratti (sp) I would have left the scene if for no other reason than to keep people from seeing me cry.:D
Kangaroo;1609063 said:
This act does have the feeling of something else was up besides just wrecking the car.
Maybe he was going 180. I guess no one on this board has heard that story about the Enzo in Malibu totaled by that video game mogul...
DLCassidy;1609056 said:
You're right, what a crazy idea. I think he probably abandoned his 350k car by the side of the road cold sober. In any case it doesn't matter. The NFL can act on Briggs based on his leaving the scene of an accident.
And won't that be a hoot when (if) they do? Boy, I can't wait. I was thinking about bailing on the NFL - but hell, if they're going to start dropping the hammer for minor offenses, I'm back on the wagon, baby. Because, what is sports about - if not the unmitigated satisfaction of seeing "thugs" punished?

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