NFL: No alcohol for team functions, flights

Would be nice if Goodell could ban alcohol at Philly stadium. Would be a nicer place to play if the fans weren't drunk enough to throw batteries and other objects at Eagle opponents.
Didn't the MLB pass a law that prohibited the sale of alcohol in stadiums after a certain number of innings or something like that? I don't know if it was the whole league or certain teams but i seem to recall something like that a couple years back. Whatever happed to that? anyone? ........:confused:
sago1;1514837 said:
Would be nice if Goodell could ban alcohol at Philly stadium. Would be a nicer place to play if the fans weren't drunk enough to throw batteries and other objects at Eagle opponents.

philly fans don't need beer to make them *****
May 31, 2007

Another smart move

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell continues to set himself apart from other el jefes from the major sports by being proactive in his approach. Goodell has banned alcohol from team functions, buses and flights in addition to the locker room.

This issue received major notice when St. Louis pitcher Josh Hancock died in a car accident after a game. MLB, however, has let teams decide what should be done in the clubhouses.

The Cowboys, by the way, have had a ban on alcohol for team flights and buses since the mid 1990s.

Posted by Todd Archer http://www.***BANNED-URL***/sharedcontent/dws/img/standing/icons/email.gif at 3:41 PM
I will go on record and say the morality police need to shut up and let people lead the lives they want to. If a guy wants to be a drunk screw it, its his life and his liver. I am not in any position to tell him how to live. This is stupid at this point, a man or woman should be able to walk any life they chose, and if it screws my bottom line up then so be it. I am not one to tell people how to live.
Cbz40;1514876 said:
The Cowboys, by the way, have had a ban on alcohol for team flights and buses since the mid 1990s.
Well there you go. Once again the Cowboys leading the way.
Cbz40;1514876 said:
The Cowboys, by the way, have had a ban on alcohol for team flights and buses since the mid 1990s.

I think that was after Tunie about beat a reporter up on a flight home after a few cold ones.
Flights and buses I can see, but things like team dinners are stuff like that, I can't.

This actually might be coming from the SD linebacker that go shot last year.

So when is Goddell going to issue flags to the teams?
1fisher;1515019 said:
x 2:cool:

I'm with you adam

Then people will just sneak it in.

Hell, I do allready.

7$ ***.

My little plastic flask has come in handy at wide variety of events.
Alcohol is a drug that should be used on a player's OWN time.....not during NFL-related functions if we are to be taking the NFL's whole stand on bad behavior seriously.

I've never understood the thing about alcohol being legal and marijuanna being illegal......but that's a whole other hill of beans, isn't it?

I like to drink once in a while......and I also know that not a single, solitary, good thing comes from drinking.
1fisher;1515019 said:
x 2:cool:

I'm with you adam

x 3.

I'd gladly give up having a beer at a game if meant never having an obnoxious drunk spoil a great day.

Unfortunately, it'll never happen, too much $$$ to be made.
JustSayNotoTO;1515021 said:
Then people will just sneak it in.

Hell, I do allready.

7$ ***.

My little plastic flask has come in handy at wide variety of events.

"beer belly gut" to the rescue!

anyone ever seen one of those things advertised?
JustSayNotoTO;1515021 said:
Then people will just sneak it in.

Hell, I do allready.

7$ ***.

My little plastic flask has come in handy at wide variety of events.

I like the way you think
Only in America is alcohol such a bad thing. I have conducted business overseas and it is expeted for you to drink. Hell we even had full bars in our offices overseas.
1fisher;1515019 said:
x 2:cool:

I'm with you adam

I'm another one in your corner. The only game I ever got to attend in person I was totally turned off by loud mouth jerks with too many cold ones in them. ( mostly the opposing teams fans)

contrary to popular belief, a person does not have to drink alcohol to enjoy a sporting event.

at least have a section that is family friendly.

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