NFL: No alcohol for team functions, flights

JustSayNotoTO;1515764 said:
Im crying for you, really.

***Cracks beer, yells explicit verbal abuse, throws empty can***

I think to a certain extent he has a point, people pay big money for these tickets and getting stuck next to some jerk who can't hold his liquor and make for a very long evening. Texas Stadium security I think does a pretty decent job of throwing these idiots out as they start getting unruly.
Doomsday101;1515768 said:
I think to a certain extent he has a point, people pay big money for these tickets and getting stuck next to some jerk who can't hold his liquor and make for a very long evening. Texas Stadium security I think does a pretty decent job of throwing these idiots out as they start getting unruly.

There is nothing worse than paying big money for tickets and getting stuck next to some tea totaler that completely kills your buzz.
JustSayNotoTO;1515770 said:
There is nothing worse than paying big money for tickets and getting stuck next to some tea totaler that completely kills your buzz.

I'm not saying that the NFL should ban beer but I can understand why some feel that it should be.
Doomsday101;1515774 said:
I'm not saying that the NFL should ban beer but I can understand why some feel that it should be.

I was being sarcastic with that response anyway. I figure with how quiet Texas Stadium is on a regular basis, a few more rowdy drunks might not be the worst thing that ever happened.

Besides, like I said before...they ban beer, then people get crafty and just start bringing in pocket flasks of hard liquor...they thought it was bad before...
JustSayNotoTO;1515777 said:
I was being sarcastic with that response anyway. I figure with how quiet Texas Stadium is on a regular basis, a few more rowdy drunks might not be the worst thing that ever happened.

Besides, like I said before...they ban beer, then people get crafty and just start bringing in pocket flasks of hard liquor...they thought it was bad before...

I figured you were being sarcastic. I understand about people bring in liquor if the stadium was not selling it that is what was taking place at TS when they were not allowed to sell beer, people would just bring their own drink of choice. As a fan who like attending the games I do expect security to step up and remove these people when they start getting out of hand and from what I have seen TS security has done a good job of it. I will add since security entering the stadium is a lot stronger now days it would be risky trying to bring your own, let’s hope things do not get to the point where the league does step in because of too many incidents. I don’t think anyone wants what they have in Europe and their soccer fans
I'm not advocating the ban of alcohol from stadiums but something else to consider in this discussion is that most of those 'drunk' people get behind the wheel after the game is over.

I understand that it's an individual choice ( to dring or not to drink) but when it starts to affect other people in the society then certain laws are passed in order to limit the exposure of the negative consequences of what ever activity under discussion on the rest of society. Smoking in public buildings is a good example.

In this case, if the bad behavior induced or intensified by the use of alcohol can not be controlled by security officers then other steps need to be considered. Banning the sell of alcohol being an extreme measure.
ethiostar;1514864 said:
Didn't the MLB pass a law that prohibited the sale of alcohol in stadiums after a certain number of innings or something like that? I don't know if it was the whole league or certain teams but i seem to recall something like that a couple years back. Whatever happed to that? anyone? ........:confused:

Most sportin events have a rule like that. NHL they don't serve alchol after the 3rd period.

I just don't see the need in taking alcohol away from the Stadiums. If you are old enough to buy beer but you can't controll yourself, you are too much of degenerate to be drinking anyway.

It's unreal how much policing people demand in America over things that should be common sense.
Billy Bullocks;1515831 said:
It's unreal how much policing people demand in America over things that should be common sense.

We should all just lock ourselves inside our houses, that way no one offends anyone else.
Viper;1515838 said:
We should all just lock ourselves inside our houses, that way no one offends anyone else.

That won't will just offend the people in the house.
Billy Bullocks;1515831 said:
Most sportin events have a rule like that. NHL they don't serve alchol after the 3rd period.

I just don't see the need in taking alcohol away from the Stadiums. If you are old enough to buy beer but you can't controll yourself, you are too much of degenerate to be drinking anyway.

It's unreal how much policing people demand in America over things that should be common sense.

Thanks for the reply, i thought that question was lost forever

Now only if we can creat a device that can detect 'degenerate' traits:D

Unfortunately, most of us have to live with imposed restrictions because few knuckleheads don't know concepts like 'moderation', 'consideration', 'self-control', etc.......
Viper;1515849 said:
She'd beat me with the thing than, I'd rather just be shot.

Get rid of her! :eek:

Lorena Bobbit come to mind? Do you have enough to sacfrifice the cut?
ethiostar;1515845 said:
If his wife is anything like mine, that wouldn't matter.

Hey? I got an idea?

Lets put his wife and your wife in a pit and let them fight it out?

I got about $30,000 to place a bet...


(uh, no rape stands, though)....
5Stars;1515858 said:
Hey? I got an idea?

Lets put his wife and your wife in a pit and let them fight it out?

I got about $30,000 to place a bet...


(uh, no rape stands, though)....

ethiostar;1515864 said:

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: Ok, yeah...keep the guns and the bullets! Armor piercing too!!
abersonc;1515203 said:
In other countries people can be adults about it. I spent a month in Spain and never saw anyone fighting or being a jerk b/c they were drunk. Hell, I was at a bullfight - the most brutal (and for those of you following other threads, non-PETA type event possible) -- we were packed in like sardines, 105 degrees, everyone drinking beer to stay cool and whiskey shots to stay drunk (you can get both at the stadium from vendors who come around every 5 minutes) - folks were loaded and everyone was cool. It was crowded leaving -- it took nearly an hour -- none of this "why you pushing" BS.

Until you go to a soccer game then be prepared for Urin bombs, fights knifing and tons of belligerent drunk people. Just look out there for all the articles about that stuff :eek:

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