NFL: No alcohol for team functions, flights

ThreeSportStar80;1515371 said:
That will never happen with all the corporate sponsorships tied to beer companies. I work in PR, marketing and advertising and trust me these teams get a lot of their funds through those companies.

I agree. Although it was not long ago when you could not buy beer at Texas Stadium because it was located in a dry county. Jerry was able to work a deal where beer and wine could be sold at the stadium.

LEAD: The usual fare at Texas Stadium includes hot dogs and soft drinks, but no alcohol. Now the new Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, and the stadium's management are seeking to skirt the alcohol ban by persuading the city of Irving that the stadium could qualify as a ''fine restaurant.''

Jones and the stadium's management want to sell beer and wine at the city-owned facility, which is in an area where sales of alcoholic beverages are restricted. Under Irving city zoning ordinances, only ''fine restaurants'' can legally serve alcohol, and those businesses must make at least 60 percent of their profits from selling food.

Stadium leasing agents plan to go before the Irving City Council on Aug. 24 and request permission to file for a new zoning case to classify the stadium a ''fine restaurant.''

''If we agree that the stadium is just one large restaurant, our definition has gotten pretty loose,'' said a council member, John Danish.(AP)
I agree with DoomsDay on this one, it is a liability issue (as i have stated on the first page of this thread). Most organizations are held liable if thier employees consume too much alcohol at thier own events and get involved in a car accident of some sort.

Even Bars which serve alcohol to the general public are held responsible if they keep serving to someone who is clearly already drunk, if he/she is going to get behind a wheel. Having said that this is not a law that is enforced very often (i've bartended in DFW are for over 8 years).

I'm currently a student and the student body in my department has a listserv in order to communicate certain types of information to everyone all at once, i.e., departmental get together or just some students getting together for some drinks in the evening. ON this listserv we can't even mention alcoholic beverages. We will have to say something like, "some of us are going out for some 'milk and cookies', if anyone is interested in joining us". Now, obviously its not because they don't know that students drink, on the contrary we often go out and have drinks with our professors. Rather it is a way to disassociate the organization, in this case our particular department and the university as a whole, from those activities that the university doesn't want to be seen as encouraging.
ethiostar;1515389 said:
I'm currently a student and the student body in my department has a listserv in order to communicate certain types of information to everyone all at once, i.e., departmental get together or just some students getting together for some drinks in the evening. ON this listserv we can't even mention alcoholic beverages. We will have to say something like, "some of us are going out for some 'milk and cookies', if anyone is interested in joining us". Now, obviously its not because they don't know that students drink, on the contrary we often go out and have drinks with our professors. Rather it is a way to disassociate the organization, in this case our particular department and the university as a whole, from those activities that the university doesn't want to be seen as encouraging.

That's pretty funny -- graduate students (I'm assuming that's what you are since undergrads don't usually hang out with faculty) are notorious for their alcohol consumption. It is very much part of the grad school culture. So making folks pretend that culture doesn't exist is kinda silly. But that's what public universities are all about.
In the end, as it always seems to do these days, it all comes back to the lawyers.
Shakespear had it dead on when he said in King Henry IV"First KILL all of the LAWYERS". 400 years ago and he had already figured it out.
abersonc;1515442 said:
That's pretty funny -- graduate students (I'm assuming that's what you are since undergrads don't usually hang out with faculty) are notorious for their alcohol consumption. It is very much part of the grad school culture. So making folks pretend that culture doesn't exist is kinda silly. But that's what public universities are all about.

Yeah, we grad students sure do like our 'milk and cookies';)
Vintage;1515467 said:
So do us undergrads....


No comparison at all. Undergrads are all about binge drinking and partying.

Graduate students are the serious, up late, drinking glass after glass of whiskey types.

For undergrads, drinking usually leads to having sex. For graduate students, drinking usually leads to worrying about your dissertation or whether your advisor still likes you. Also, graduate students never have sex.
abersonc;1515550 said:
No comparison at all. Undergrads are all about binge drinking and partying.

Graduate students are the serious, up late, drinking glass after glass of whiskey types.

For undergrads, drinking usually leads to having sex. For graduate students, drinking usually leads to worrying about your dissertation or whether your advisor still likes you.

Also, graduate students never have sex.

So true on the first case, anytype of late night drinking often leads to discussions about, advisors, the writing process, stress, burn-out, etc.... and in my case a debate with a stubborn argumentative skins fan who happens to be in the same department as i am. Man, this guy is relentless... he wants to argue about everything.

I once asked him if he knew what we called a game against the Skins around he said, my response.............. a BYE:D (i know its an old one but it gets under his skin (pun intended).

As far as grad students never having sex, since most in my department are married with a child or two, i can attest that those people have had sex at least once or twice (............well at least the wives have:D ).
I think drinks should be allowed on the flights...ONLY if Skip Bayless is on board. At least I think it was skip that Tui went after.
1fisher;1515365 said:
I've been to a couple of games where some drunk idiots have spoiled the game for us. Why should I have to endure their ignorance when I paid $100 for a ticket???? My money is just as important as theirs! I spend as much money on concessions as they do on beer so this fan is just as important as they are!

NO BEER!!!!!!!!:D

You my friend get a great big... "ATTA boy!!!!""
Doomsday101;1515376 said:
I agree. Although it was not long ago when you could not buy beer at Texas Stadium because it was located in a dry county. Jerry was able to work a deal where beer and wine could be sold at the stadium.

LEAD: The usual fare at Texas Stadium includes hot dogs and soft drinks, but no alcohol. Now the new Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, and the stadium's management are seeking to skirt the alcohol ban by persuading the city of Irving that the stadium could qualify as a ''fine restaurant.''

Jones and the stadium's management want to sell beer and wine at the city-owned facility, which is in an area where sales of alcoholic beverages are restricted. Under Irving city zoning ordinances, only ''fine restaurants'' can legally serve alcohol, and those businesses must make at least 60 percent of their profits from selling food.

Stadium leasing agents plan to go before the Irving City Council on Aug. 24 and request permission to file for a new zoning case to classify the stadium a ''fine restaurant.''

''If we agree that the stadium is just one large restaurant, our definition has gotten pretty loose,'' said a council member, John Danish.(AP)

You know, not to sound hypocritical, but I never heard of a story EVER !! That someone got harassed at TEXAS stadium hell they don't even cheer that loud there,( OK I know that has changed but thats the stereotype cowboy fans have at Texas stadium). Not that doesn't excuse profanity theres no excuse for that, its still a game that you can bring kids too.
burmafrd;1515446 said:
In the end, as it always seems to do these days, it all comes back to the lawyers.
Shakespear had it dead on when he said in King Henry IV"First KILL all of the LAWYERS". 400 years ago and he had already figured it out.

:hammer: Dont you mean liars..............not lawyers
Beers don't kill ... people do

(or something like that)
ilovejerry;1515730 said:
You know, not to sound hypocritical, but I never heard of a story EVER !! That someone got harassed at TEXAS stadium hell they don't even cheer that loud there,( OK I know that has changed but thats the stereotype cowboy fans have at Texas stadium). Not that doesn't excuse profanity theres no excuse for that, its still a game that you can bring kids too.

I have not seen it happen often but have seen it before. I was at the Dallas/Vikes game a few years back and a couple of young drunk Cowboy fans where going over board on a vike fan such as throwing objects at him and saying a lot of trash to him and giving him all kinds of hell. I felt sorry for the guy regardless of the team he was pulling for. Lucky a security person at the stadium saw what was going on and escorted the 2 idiots out of the stadium.
Doomsday101;1515748 said:
I have not seen it happen often but have seen it before. I was at the Dallas/Vikes game a few years back and a couple of young drunk Cowboy fans where going over board on a vike fan such as throwing objects at him and saying a lot of trash to him and giving him all kinds of hell. I felt sorry for the guy regardless of the team he was pulling for. Lucky a security person at the stadium saw what was going on and escorted the 2 idiots out of the stadium.

That's not an alcohol issue. The issue is those kids were buttheads.
Doomsday101;1515748 said:
I have not seen it happen often but have seen it before. I was at the Dallas/Vikes game a few years back and a couple of young drunk Cowboy fans where going over board on a vike fan such as throwing objects at him and saying a lot of trash to him and giving him all kinds of hell. I felt sorry for the guy regardless of the team he was pulling for. Lucky a security person at the stadium saw what was going on and escorted the 2 idiots out of the stadium.

That is why we cannot sell beer in these Venus. People just cannot control themselves, So it takes a few bad apples to ruin it for the rest of you beer drinkers,
I could care less when I pay big bucks for a ticket I want to enjoy myself not listen to a bunch of drunken hooligans.
abersonc;1515754 said:
That's not an alcohol issue. The issue is those kids were buttheads.

That might be true, but i have seen many sober non-butthead:D people turn into real jerks once they get some alcohol in them, especially young men.
abersonc;1515754 said:
That's not an alcohol issue. The issue is those kids were buttheads.

True chances are they were buttheads before they got drunk but getting ripped only intensifies a person’s action.
ilovejerry;1515758 said:
That is why we cannot sell beer in these Venus. People just cannot control themselves, So it takes a few bad apples to ruin it for the rest of you beer drinkers,
I could care less when I pay big bucks for a ticket I want to enjoy myself not listen to a bunch of drunken hooligans.

Im crying for you, really.

***Cracks beer, yells explicit verbal abuse, throws empty can***

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