The NFL Network hands out ballots to active players around Thanksgiving. Each player ranks their top 20 players by assigning 20 points to their No. 1. Then 19 points to their No. 2 player, all the way to No. 20, assigning one point. They're tallied and presented following the NFL Draft on the NFL Network.
There are some questioning the ranking system, considering that only 28.3 percent of the players voted.
"I’ve always wondered about that,"
Leon Hall told Hoard. "I’ve never voted and I don’t know when that voting happens.".
The total players who voted: 481 of 1696. There seems to be a long list of players who have never had the opportunity to vote on their peers. Several Cowboys,Falcons,Bengals,Vikings,Lions players have mentioned it before. I'm sure there are others but those are teams I've heard mention it.