NFL says no to Arm in Arm decal on Cowboys helmet

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I see nothing wrong with the Dolphins honoring those people in some way.

Neither do I. But that wasn't really my point. But I expect some fans would have a different opinion of a team standing with the lgbt community.
I agree, do it anyway, Jerry. Let the country know the Cowboys stand for law and order and with the police, who put themselves in harms way downtown not too long ago, with some of them getting wounded or killed while bravely going in the direction of the gunfire. I really can't think of a reason this should be controversial.
There has been NO criticism by any activist group as a result of the decal.. smh

You guys follow the NFL.. When has the NFL bowed to any outside pressure unless it cost them money. Get it together folks.

They didn't even jump on the domestic violence train until the Ray Rice video came out. Then sponsors "expressed concern" and all of a sudden Ray Rice is persona non grata and some unknown support group became the face of the "No More" movement.
The elephant's name in the room is "Pressure" aka PC Police. Nieve to think otherwise. The safe way out is to call it nothing more than an issue of money considering we all know the NFL are money ****** any way.
The elephant's name in the room is "Pressure" aka PC Police. Nieve to think otherwise. The safe way out is to call it nothing more than an issue of money considering we all know the NFL are money ****** any way.
I'd dare you to find any significant presence that was outraged by this and say the NFL was pressured to decline the Cowboys.

I think people get so myopic in their thinking that they can't see all the sides of an issue. No, I'm not naive. Nor am I ignoring the "elephant" in the room. But history of the NFL suggests that they don't make a move unless money is involved. Very rare when they do otherwise.
I'd dare you to find any significant presence that was outraged by this and say the NFL was pressured to decline the Cowboys.

I think people get so myopic in their thinking that they can't see all the sides of an issue. No, I'm not naive. Nor am I ignoring the "elephant" in the room. But history of the NFL suggests that they don't make a move unless money is involved. Very rare when they do otherwise.
seems like a lot of people are ignoring this obvious (In my opinion) fact of the whole situation.

Denver Broncos to support Colorado with helmet decal

It's been a difficult year for Colorado, which has been affected by the senseless violence of the Aurora movie theater shooting and the devastation of multiple wildfires.

Denver Broncos to support Colorado with helmet decal
NFL refuses to allow Arm in Arm Decal for the Dallas Cowboys. Reached for comment, Ray Rice said.....
The elephant's name in the room is "Pressure" aka PC Police. Nieve to think otherwise. The safe way out is to call it nothing more than an issue of money considering we all know the NFL are money ****** any way.
Spot on. Every sports league is dealing with this pressure. The NBA moved the whole all star game due to a PC issue. Sad thing is people are giving in to avoid "trouble". The world is a crazy place now with this amongst other issues. Sad really.
I agree, do it anyway, Jerry. Let the country know the Cowboys stand for law and order and with the police, who put themselves in harms way downtown not too long ago, with some of them getting wounded or killed while bravely going in the direction of the gunfire. I really can't think of a reason this should be controversial.
Sadly, it has become controversial. The NFL has succumb to the possibility that they'll be the next ones ostracized in the media and socially. The NFL is now like Floyd Mayweather, on defense to avoid the jab and eventual haymaker. Now more than ever due to the concussion situation with past and present players. They don't need any more bad press.

It's sad that the 1% matters more than the good people of the majority.
I'd dare you to find any significant presence that was outraged by this and say the NFL was pressured to decline the Cowboys.

I think people get so myopic in their thinking that they can't see all the sides of an issue. No, I'm not naive. Nor am I ignoring the "elephant" in the room. But history of the NFL suggests that they don't make a move unless money is involved. Very rare when they do otherwise.
WG I would not say there has been direct pressure. I would say the NFL and other leagues are caving to PC-Dom before an issue arises, the leagues are aware of the media spin and such so to avoid all the "PC negative" attention they will take their chances with "average joe negative press"
WG I would not say there has been direct pressure. I would say the NFL and other leagues are caving to PC-Dom before an issue arises, the leagues are aware of the media spin and such so to avoid all the "PC negative" attention they will take their chances with "average joe negative press"
Again, no fact. No source. No quote. No article. No nothing to suggest they were pressured other than yours and other folks opinions not based on the NFL reality.

But I got history on my side that suggests the only thing that has ever moved the NFL is money, but y'all convinced they were pressured.. mmmkay.. Whatever...

Look, Cowboys accepted the NFL's decision and it is what it is. They got a nice shiny playhouse over in Arlington, in which they could do something even more significant.

I was gonna say more, but I'm kinda done with this thread. The Olympics are on...and gold medals are being won by some great American athletes.
Oh well, I'm sure Jerry can figure out another way to support the local law enforcement agencies who took down the terrorist without putting stickers on the helmets. Just bringing a few of them in to watch a home game from his suite would be a nice gesture.
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