NFL Sunday Ticket Now Available on Apple TV for $679

I will look into it. Though even the student program has been raised to $200 this season. When it was $100 last year.
It was $100 a month ago as an early bird. I tried to use my wife’s student email but they were asking too much stuff, I decided to let it go and go do the NFL+ route.
They will never come down even if no one pays for it. I came to that realization when I saw how their revenue stream worked. They would choose to not offer Sunday ticket at all, over providing it cheaper.

A ton of revenue comes from TV deals. They will never do anything to jeopardize that. By offering Sunday Ticket cheap, that could hurt the networks. That's their cash cow. Sunday Ticket is a side piece.
I would imagine the TV deals won't be as big it the ticket viewership keeps decreasing. I've had the ticket for 20 years. But I can't justify 6-700 tor the 5-6 dallas games I wouldn't get. If I were local to dallas and would get all the games, I wouldn't even consider the ticket. I'd rather spend that money at a sports bar.
You'll be waiting a long time if you want to subscribe to Sunday Ticket at a more reasonable price point. (price is not going down)
NFL brand and product is so marketable.
Many said last year You Tube bought the ST rights as a kind of sales campaign loss leader to boost You Tube TV subscribers. I subscribed to Sunday Ticket last year but Im sitting out this season. The Apple price is preposterous.
Funny. The NFL was sued from p ricing Sunday Ticket at about 60% of this pricing. Now this pricing makes the old price gouging look legitimate!
I would imagine the TV deals won't be as big it the ticket viewership keeps decreasing. I've had the ticket for 20 years. But I can't justify 6-700 tor the 5-6 dallas games I wouldn't get. If I were local to dallas and would get all the games, I wouldn't even consider the ticket. I'd rather spend that money at a sports bar.
Not quite. TV deals would be higher with lower subscription to Sunday Ticket. That's why they keep Sunday Ticket at a premium. Their thinking is the more people that can get Sunday Ticket, the less people watching TV. They want as many people as possible watching games on TV.
lol. There is only one feud that is remotely close to the one that happens on this site every day. And that is Apple users versus Microsoft users.
Just get a sketchy IPTV service. I get every channel in the world in HD for around $7/month. I haven't missed a game in years.
lol. Naw. I’ll just keep paying $0 to watch any NFL game I want to just like I have the past 8 years.
I’ve bought Sunday ticket the last 3 seasons. I got it under the student plan for $100.

I’m no longer a student. I don’t think
I’ll pay the $400+ per year. In my area at most 2 cowboys games won’t be shown locally.
I'm hoping they have a special each year like they've done the last two years if you subscribe before a certain date.

Paid $260, which I think is fair.

$400+ would price me out too.
this is also because it is on apple, and they charge 30% more for their cut. Get it on youtube for way cheaper.
by the way, the NFL sold the rights for the ticket. They get payment from youtube and then youtube sets the price at whatever they want.

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