NFL suspends former K Josh Brown 6 games

If Brown would agree to it, they should try to get Mazzant to hear his case as well.

Doubt the NFLPA wants to spend the money on a retired kicker but it's obviously against the precedent set in the Rice case.

It's not like more information was found out. The same information was available when they handed out the 1 game suspension.

I also wonder if the NFL is going to publicly publish a letter labeling Brown a woman beater.
While we are on the topic of JB, for your reading pleasure:


The most intriguing line in that article:

"NFL is, softshoeing around the topic, suggesting without stating that Brown’s ex-wife might be given to exaggeration"

This is the complete opposite of he approach taken with questioning TT's credibility. Yet, the main piece of evidence in Brown's case was his own personal journal and admission compared to photos of bruises of TT that in no way provide any reliable proof of how she got them or when they occurred. Any judge should see that procedurally the inconsistencies in approach and judgement supports Zeke's claims.
Lisa Friel is a Panthers fan.

If not, explain Rae Carruth.
Oh, he's next mister. He's gonna get 8 games.
I think it only strengthens it.

It gives his legal team yet another, even more recent example of the NFL's mishandling of player discipline.
Damn straight, stash. Also covers their butts if Ezee wanted to play the race card. Which he has every right to do with these *** hats.
Goodell is really flexing his muscles with this one.......suspending someone who isn't even in the NFL anymore.
Doubt the NFLPA wants to spend the money on a retired kicker but it's obviously against the precedent set in the Rice case.

It's not like more information was found out. The same information was available when they handed out the 1 game suspension.

I also wonder if the NFL is going to publicly publish a letter labeling Brown a woman beater.

They're not spending the money on a retired kicker. They are spending it for players that will have to go through this in the future. I think having both cases under Mazzant simultaneously would reinforce the the unfairness of the NFL in the judge's mind.

But I doubt Brown would agree to pursue it. In fact, the NFL may have offered this to Brown in return for giving him another chance in the league once the suspension is over. Don't be surprised if he gets a call from an NFL team that isn't happy with their kicker at some point this season.
At the pajama party:

Goodell: (dunks his cookie in Mara's glass of milk) "Hey, do you think we should save face and finally suspend Brown for 6 games?"
Mara: (wipes the drips of milk off of the side of his glass, then dunks his cookie in Goodell's glass of milk) "Who? Oh that's right, we screwed them on that one (laughs). Sure, give him 6 games, it doesn't impact my New York Football Giants."
(they both chuckle and and double dip their bitten cookies in each other's milk)
So hypothetically if Brown served his one game suspension last year and was active now, would they tag him with 6 more games to start now? Double jeopardy. This is like suspending a dead guy well after the fact. NFL is really opening up a Pandora's box every single day.
It's time fellows. Jerry and his pal owners need to bring the hammer down on Goodell and his
cronies. He doesn't need to be retained after his contract expires.
I mean anyone with common sense can see what the NFL did here. This is a pure reaction and legal move brought about by the fact they feel they didn't do well in Texas court.

Of course they will claim it's all part of their ongoing investigation but it most certainly is not. They are trying to close up some holes in their legal argument. Hopefully, too little, too late for them.

I don't know the law like others here, but if I were a judge that just heard the NFLPA case and then the NFL did this on the day I was likely to issue my ruling, that would not play well with me.
Does Brown have to be on a roster for the suspension to start?
They're not spending the money on a retired kicker. They are spending it for players that will have to go through this in the future. I think having both cases under Mazzant simultaneously would reinforce the the unfairness of the NFL in the judge's mind.

But I doubt Brown would agree to pursue it. In fact, the NFL may have offered this to Brown in return for giving him another chance in the league once the suspension is over. Don't be surprised if he gets a call from an NFL team that isn't happy with their kicker at some point this season.

He will never play again. No team is going to sign him and then wait 6 weeks before he can play. His suspension doesn't start until he is on someone's 53 man roster.

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