NFL suspends former K Josh Brown 6 games

so how does this hurt Zeke's case? calling CowboysZone Law Crew

I'm assuming now that Kessler/NLFPA can't point to the difference in number of games suspended for Zeke (6) vs. Brown (1) and use the unfairness angle anymore?

Seems way too coincidental on the timing of the suspension.. why a year later? why right in the middle of another DV case?

Its a blatant attempt to remove one of the NFLPAs main arguement but I don't think it will work. The initial decision they made is still there and the timing of this couldn't be more obvious. A judge is likely to dismiss this for what it is and actually admonish the NFL for its blatant attempt to manipulate the process after the fact.
This has officially turned into a clown show. The NFL...just keeps looking worse. So reopen his case and suspend an unemployed free agent kicker on the same day of Zeke's TRO decision. Something stinks!

"Something" stinks, I can be much more specific.

Initials-R G
Sing this along to Public Enemy's 911 is a joke

Goodell barely suspended a Kicker a long time ago
But the just suspended him again about an hour ago.
Seems they want to be bring Dallas' boy 21 down
But they forgot they only slapped the wrist of Mara's boy Brown
Trying to play judge jury executioner and Bails bond broker
Harvey Two Face and more paint on his face than the Joker
Running wild and controlling the house at night.
Watch those cockroaches scurry when We turn on the light

Get up and Get Get Get down
The NFL is a joke and Goodell is a Clown
Get up and Get Get Get down
The NFl is a joke and Goodell is a Clown
Last edited:

... Everyday, something new and unusual from the band of idiots in NY. If this isn't the most transparent action in history I don't know what is.

I believe the NFL is in real hot water here. I once thought that Zeke would eventually sit for 6 games. I have a new opinion today.

They are going to outright lose the Elliott case.
:clap: Agreed and I hope you're right. This is just ridiculous.
Wow I woke up to this and after I saw the headline on Brown, I thought I was having a nightmare!!!
I agree. I think this action clearly helps Zekes case. I mean seriously how much more corrupt (probably wrong word to use but who cares) can the NFL get. It's getting comical. It really makes me wonder why I love this game so much. I love football, I love my cowboys but I despise the NFL. I'm more excited to watch my local high school football game tonight than I am about the NFL being back this week. It's sad.
Corrupt: dishonest, deceitful, double-dealing, treacherous, traitorous, two-faced, Janus-faced, duplicitous, mendacious, dishonorable, unprincipled, unscrupulous, corrupt, slippery;
A number of these synonyms for the word "corrupt" fit the NFL like a tailor made glove. You were right on the mark, IMO.
This. Judge Mazzant already had questions. I'm 100% sure Zeke will get his injunction (I was only 99.99% sure before).

And I can't buy into any talk that he would give up this case at this point. What kind of coward would the man have to be to do that now?
Sing this along to Public Enemy's 911 is a joke

Goodell barely suspended a Kicker a long time ago
But the just suspended him again about an hour ago.
Seems they want to be bring Dallas' boy 22 down
But they forgot they only slapped the wrist of Mara's boy Brown
Trying to play judge jury executioner and Bails bond broker
Harvey Two Face and more paint on his face than the Joker
Running wild and controlling the house at night.
Watch those cockroaches scurry when We turn on the light

Get up and Get Get Get down
The NFL is a joke and Goodell is a Clown
Get up and Get Get Get down
The NFl is a joke and Goodell is a Clown

How about a billion?


Any Dr. Evil reference gets an automatic like!
This "punishment" is like that which was received by Pablo Escobar when the Colombian government gave him his own prison to serve out his sentence, which he subsequently turned into what was effectively a first class hotel from which he continued to run his drug operations.
It is funny they are trying to set a standard with a guy out of the league. However, why just 6 games for a habitual offender?
I know the NFLPA/Josh Brown are not going to fight this but didn't the NFL already get burned for increasing a suspension with the Ray Rice case?

Not sure I understand the benefit from a legal prospective if that's the case. This may just give the NFLPA/Kessler more ammo.

If Brown would agree to it, they should try to get Mazzant to hear his case as well.
Wow, I thought this was a joke post. Is this for real? If you made this stuff up no one would believec you.

Did they try to even bother giving a reason?

Or is it just New York arrogance assuming that hee haw Texas judge won't notice how ludicrous this move is?

Thumbs up for the usage of the term "hee haw."

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