No players brought in this week,


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Has to be intentional. They knew they couldn't build a team that could compete, so they took some hits with the intention of reloading next year, under a new coach.
:clap: took me a while but I just figured this out also. I just completed a post that their 2024 goals were to extend Dak and sign Lamb and whatever happens with the rest of 2024, so be it coz they are targeting 2025.

Just me but they regret this by the end of the season.......we have heard of a QB losing a locker room or a coach losing his team. It would not surprise me if they start losing and get out of control, players and coaches turn on Jerry and Stephen. It could leave a scar where future free agents refuse to sign with the Cowboys.

Don't think players and coaches around the league aren't watching ........


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What's the point. One player is not going to change anything. This is what Jerry wanted this year for whatever reason.

They should keep all their draft picks and be prepared to trade up in the middle rounds and snag some players they need.


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Good post! It's scary to think how ugly things can get if this turns into a losing season. Guess what who fans are going to blame.....give ya a hint. It won't be the front office.......

But the truth is, the FO trashed this team before the season started. Players and coaches are destined to fail and they will but Dak, Parsons and MM will get the bulk of fans' heat.
I agree and I’ll be honest it’s leaving a bad taste in my mouth to see them have all these coaches and players but specifically coaches just throw this season away but not helping. McCarthy is playing for his career and he was sabotaged. Zack Martin and D Law are close to the end and probably in their last year and just a waste. It’s insulting to the players and fans.

Whiskey Cowboy

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:clap: took me a while but I just figured this out also. I just completed a post that their 2024 goals were to extend Dak and sign Lamb and whatever happens with the rest of 2024, so be it coz they are targeting 2025.

Just me but they regret this by the end of the season.......we have heard of a QB losing a locker room or a coach losing his team. It would not surprise me if they start losing and get out of control, players and coaches turn on Jerry and Stephen. It could leave a scar where future free agents refuse to sign with the Cowboys.

Don't think players and coaches around the league aren't watching ........
It's a reasonable approach, tbh. My issue lies with Jerrah being cheap and keeping McCarthy around. If you know you're going to rebuild, get it started as soon as you can, rather than waste a year with the motto of "all in", hoping to win a few games with an obviously inferior product. Don't insult my intelligence for the sake of selling a few more tickets.

What we're seeing with the extra cap space isn't too different from front loading deals to provide relief later on. That's why I haven't been vocal about the extra cap space. It's already accounted for, but if that's the case, why not come out and say something, rather than leaving everyone in suspense? You're putting all of the pressure on an undermanned roster and hanging them out to dry. Great way to make a fan base turn on the players. If the fan base turns on the players, you lose the players.

It appears they're doing what needed to be done and running a soft rebuild, but keeping McCarthy around is wasting his time and ours. If he had a pair, he would've resigned when he saw the obvious lack of effort put into improving this roster in a contract year for him. The fact that he held the company line tells me all I need to know about him a a coach, and I'll be happy to see him leave, but JJ better have a strong Ace up his sleeve, or this could turn ugly very quickly.


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Am I missing anything? No trades, no free agents, no nothing to improve a team that has been blown out at home 3 times this season. Surely I am missing something?
Yes, you are missing that this is a throw away season and they really don't care.


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Am I missing anything? No trades, no free agents, no nothing to improve a team that has been blown out at home 3 times this season. Surely I am missing something?
Dallas is reloading next year with new coaches and staff. This is a lame duck year.


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Dallas is reloading next year with new coaches and staff. This is a lame duck year.
I'll bet it won't be a whole new staff. It'll be a comfort hire coach, and even if he's not a former employee of Jones he'll have some assistant coaches already decided for him.


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When MM is fired , this team will only get worse .

MM is the only coach in a loooong time to get the cowboys into post season , back to back, one season after another .


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Yes, you are missing that this is a throw away season and they really don't care.
The saddest part is that I truly believe that this is just Now sinking in with our FO.

They appear to operate in a vacuum and didn't see what the media and most of our fans saw.....a roster that got crushed in the playoffs that was not only not retained, but got worse


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I saw Amari Cooper in Cleveland . He ain’t helping Buffalo sorry . This is not Amari Cooper Raiders and early Cowboys career . As it relates to Dallas I would not start throwing draft picks out the window with this group .
Is that why Buffalo is trading a 3rd rounder for him when Jerry traded a 5th to get rid of his salary? Get real, Amari is a very good route runner, better than anybody on the Dallas roster. Amari will definitely help Buffalo.


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Jerry’s philosophy about team build this summer has come back and blown up in his face.

His stubbornness will not allow him to bring guys in after the week he had. He needs to prove to the world that he’s actually been right the whole time and he’s gonna show us
This ^
This 100 times. He can't prove to everyone he is a legit "football guy" if he goes back now and has to admit how badly he screwed everything up after telling everyone all offseason how good Zeke was and how talented we were and how we couldn't afford Henry's $5M cap hit this year (Zeke's is $2M by the way so you'd only need to find $3M more) even though we have $24M in cap space and then...then, turns around and give Dak $5M more than anyone thought he might get or any other QB had received and blah blah blah. It's so over the top disgraceful that literally anyone who even followed the cowboys a little bit knew our run game and our run defense needed a huge infusion of talent...but not our GM...this is the fate we are resigned to...


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Is that why Buffalo is trading a 3rd rounder for him when Jerry traded a 5th to get rid of his salary? Get real, Amari is a very good route runner, better than anybody on the Dallas roster. Amari will definitely help Buffalo.

So you were Happy with missing games giving up on routes Cooper who ended his career in Dallas . Did you miss that part. Key game vs Eagles down the stretch his last year here he tapped out got out of the game when Dak was firing into the end zone in an attempted comeback .

People were mystified as to why he would leave the game at that critical moment . Anyhow Cooper is gone and Lamb has became the more electrified dangerous # 1.

Cleveland did well to get a 3 from Buffalo , Jerry made a lousy trade what else is new . Bought high sold low .
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Cedric Wilson was a receiver at about 7-8 million per at that time same off-season Jerry let go to Miami in FA . Was making tough catches stretching the field had a rapport with Dak at team friendly cap . Wasn’t to be . Now he’s kicking around the league never untracked in his Miami stay.

Michael Gallup was the one coming off a knee Jerry kept out of the three ( Cooper Wilson Gallup ) .


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I’m mystified by those on this board who call Lamb “ soft “ . Never seen him tap out of a game especially when your QB is firing bullets into the end zone trying to finish a comeback , desperate for a competent target .


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Trades mean that you are stealing from the future to give to the present.

I can see if it was that one player that takes them over the top.

This is not that scenario.

Take your lumps and benefit from the next draft. In the meantime, teach, coach and develop.