Nors Cup

Hostile said:
I never said I wanted him to change. I like the guy. I'd like him even better if he had the capacity to admit when he is wrong.

As for the Ty Law thing I remember a statement after the trade deadline had passed after a big build up claiming it was all but a done deal. I also remember post after post after post once that "deal" failed to materialize where he was still bringing up Ty Law. Even went so far as to blame the members of this board for it not happening. He even drove Reality nuts with it. If that's tantamount to an admission of wrong then I admit, I am befuddled.

Notice he hasn't brought up Julius "Milk" Jones since his exile? I'll say no more.

But he still came out and said he was wrong and we did not get Ty Law.

We can play word games all day and talk about how we feel to our shrinks...but the simple fact is he did say he was wrong.

If it is black and white it is one thing...wrong or right.

When it is a gray area who is to say who is right and who is wrong...and if they or you do not believe you are wrong why admit it?

There have been a few times where people have claimed they have gotten the best of nors....have to tell you the truth and say I think just the opposite...I think there are times that nors gets the best of some people but they would NEVER admit it.

But hey that is just my opinion. :cool:
BrAinPaiNt said:
But he still came out and said he was wrong and we did not get Ty Law.

We can play word games all day and talk about how we feel to our shrinks...but the simple fact is he did say he was wrong.

If it is black and white it is one thing...wrong or right.

When it is a gray area who is to say who is right and who is wrong...and if they or you do not believe you are wrong why admit it?

There have been a few times where people have claimed they have gotten the best of nors....have to tell you the truth and say I think just the opposite...I think there are times that nors gets the best of some people but they would NEVER admit it.

But hey that is just my opinion. :cool:
Bottom line for me is that he started the thread and called me out. Not the other way around. If you're going to call a man out at least be honest about it. This isn't.
Hostile said:
Bottom line for me is that he started the thread and called me out. Not the other way around. If you're going to call a man out at least be honest about it. This isn't.

What isn't honest...that he called you or others out?

The guy laid down his challenge and then asked if it was ok hos/board fair is fair...if that is what you consider calling you out...then you are being very sensitive IMO.

You mean that nobody has ever called nors out over and over?

All I said is the man HAS shown he has admitted to being wrong even though people continue to say he has not.

See it is not something for me because I do not have beef with nors...i had mine and moved past it.

I am just calling it how I see it now.

Nors started a thread and then people started ripping on him.

Nors only gets power because people give it to him.
just the way it is.
Nors gets treated the way he does because of the way he is. He brings it upon himself. People get treated the way they do cuz of what they are, not cuz of what they could be. If Nors changes THEN people will treat him differently. It's not gonna work in reverse order.

And I've "debated" with this clown for years (back at the other board). I know how he is. I've put undeniable proof before him several times but he never admits defeat. The suggs thing was just one of several.

He also said DeWayne Robertson (sp?) would never be a good DT cuz he was too short. I named off several dominant DTs over the past 15 years or so and he sticks with his stance but just changes his "Reason" for it.

He deserves his treatment. If he changes then he'll deserve better treatment, but not before.
Rack said:
Nors gets treated the way he does because of the way he is. He brings it upon himself. People get treated the way they do cuz of what they are, not cuz of what they could be. If Nors changes THEN people will treat him differently. It's not gonna work in reverse order.

And I've "debated" with this clown for years (back at the other board). I know how he is. I've put undeniable proof before him several times but he never admits defeat. The suggs thing was just one of several.

He also said DeWayne Robertson (sp?) would never be a good DT cuz he was too short. I named off several dominant DTs over the past 15 years or so and he sticks with his stance but just changes his "Reason" for it.

He deserves his treatment. If he changes then he'll deserve better treatment, but not before.

I honestly do not care what he said in the past.
He made a thread he laid down the gauntlet but instead of people taking it they start ragging on him.
Hard to make a chance if people won't let him...plain as that.

If he is that bad to you then ignore him or do not give him the time of day.

It takes two to tango...nors is only ONE.

Just the way it is.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I honestly do not care what he said in the past.
He made a thread he laid down the gauntlet but instead of people taking it they start ragging on him.
Hard to make a chance if people won't let him...plain as that.

If he is that bad to you then ignore him or do not give him the time of day.

It takes two to tango...nors is only ONE.

Just the way it is.

Nobody's ragging on Nors. THat's not the right word.

I'll continue to give Nors a hard time cuz he deserves it.

ALso, this is the Smack forum, right? I thought it was ok to talk smack in the smack forum. No need to baby Nors here in the smack forum. If he chooses to post in the smack forum then he's opening himself up to having some smack directed at him.

Just the way it is.

Just the way it is.
Rack said:
Nobody's ragging on Nors. THat's not the right word.

I'll continue to give Nors a hard time cuz he deserves it.

ALso, this is the Smack forum, right? I thought it was ok to talk smack in the smack forum. No need to baby Nors here in the smack forum. If he chooses to post in the smack forum then he's opening himself up to having some smack directed at him.

Just the way it is.

Just the way it is.

So take his bet and quit talking about the past. is like you two were married and you are an estranged spouse.
BrAinPaiNt said:
So take his bet and quit talking about the past. is like you two were married and you are an estranged spouse.

I don't come to the Smack forum to take bets. I come here to talk smack.

And that's what I've been doing.

I'll offer him a bet...

I bet he was wrong about Terrell Suggs.

*Poof* I've already won. The cup is mine. MINE!

And now I shall proceed to pee in the cup.


Here, Nors, want your cup back?
Rack said:
I don't come to the Smack forum to take bets. I come here to talk smack.

And that's what I've been doing.

I'll offer him a bet...

I bet he was wrong about Terrell Suggs.

*Poof* I've already won. The cup is mine. MINE!

And now I shall proceed to pee in the cup.


Here, Nors, want your cup back?

Wow...still in the past.

BrAinPaiNt said:
But he still came out and said he was wrong and we did not get Ty Law.

We can play word games all day and talk about how we feel to our shrinks...but the simple fact is he did say he was wrong.

If it is black and white it is one thing...wrong or right.

When it is a gray area who is to say who is right and who is wrong...and if they or you do not believe you are wrong why admit it?

There have been a few times where people have claimed they have gotten the best of nors....have to tell you the truth and say I think just the opposite...I think there are times that nors gets the best of some people but they would NEVER admit it.

But hey that is just my opinion. :cool:

How is he admitting being wrong when he's had probably 50 threads since then of the, "If we had only traded for Law," variety?

When he was wrong he immediately went on a we can't draft tear, because that was the main reason we would not have made a trade, and we have all this cap room being wasted. That is NOT admitting you are wrong that is attempting to build a case for, "I told you so."

We lose and it's if only we had Carter. Let's see Romo over Henson. George is a stud at 3 YPC with TOP, but Jones has the same game and he's a bust.

He's not challenging anyone to a bet, if he's in control of what is the bet and if he wins or loses, it's all another attempt to cause trouble.
blindzebra said:
How is he admitting being wrong when he's had probably 50 threads since then of the, "If we had only traded for Law," variety?

When he was wrong he immediately went on a we can't draft tear, because that was the main reason we would not have made a trade, and we have all this cap room being wasted. That is NOT admitting you are wrong that is attempting to build a case for, "I told you so."

We lose and it's if only we had Carter. Let's see Romo over Henson. George is a stud at 3 YPC with TOP, but Jones has the same game and he's a bust.

He's not challenging anyone to a bet, if he's in control of what is the bet and if he wins or loses, it's all another attempt to cause trouble.

How is he admitting he was wrong? saying he was wrong.

Pretty easy to understand.

Problem is people do not want to admit that he has admitted to being wrong.

I do not care what he said afterwards.

If someone says he has never admitted he is wrong, and I say he has....then either say THEY were wrong for saying it, or let it die.

And still once again he is the one who made the bet...if you don't like the terms then ignore it.

I would say the same if you laid down the challenge.

Past is past.

Furthermore if you truly believe he is only making this bet to cause trouble then I say if people would ignore him instead of taking the bait there would be no trouble.

NORS is only as strong as you guys let him be...funny thing is he knows this and has learned...where as you guys know it but still will keep it up.

Takes two to tango...nors is only one.

Why is so darn hard for some of you to ignore him and if he gets out of line he will be dealt with as he has been before.....but NOOO he is like a flame and you guys are like helpless moths flying around him.
Problem is people do not want to admit that he has admitted to being wrong.

You don't want to admit that that the admittance of the admittance has been admitted my the admitee.

Past is past.

Which is the basis for judgement.

NORS is only as strong as you guys let him be

What the? What, is he like hate and the dark side? Keep hating and the dark side grows in you?

Or is it more like pooring water on a chia pet?

I like schooling Nors. It's just amazing how much into a corner you have him backed, but he still won't admit he's wrong. I swear, he'd deny that water is wet.

And, BZ, quit agreeing with me.
Rack said:
You don't want to admit that that the admittance of the admittance has been admitted my the admitee.

Which is the basis for judgement.

What the? What, is he like hate and the dark side? Keep hating and the dark side grows in you?

Or is it more like pooring water on a chia pet?

I like schooling Nors. It's just amazing how much into a corner you have him backed, but he still won't admit he's wrong. I swear, he'd deny that water is wet.

And, BZ, quit agreeing with me.

What part of he has admitted he was wrong do you not grasp?
Seriously this is not some new age guru stuff here....he has admitted to being wrong...yet you and others refuse to admit it.

Furthermore...contrary to what you believe you are not schooling nors.

Nors is schooling you guys if you truly believe he is a troll trying to cause trouble....because you guys just keep coming back for more.

If you can not figure that out then that is on you.

It has nothing to do with being in nors corner...who do you think banned him last time?...was not any other mod.

I just call them as i see them and he is playing you guys like a fiddle and here you guys have some macho ego thinking your schooling him.

I just have to shake my head and wonder why you guys continue to take the bait.
Rack said:
Nobody's ragging on Nors. THat's not the right word.

I'll continue to give Nors a hard time cuz he deserves it.

ALso, this is the Smack forum, right? I thought it was ok to talk smack in the smack forum. No need to baby Nors here in the smack forum. If he chooses to post in the smack forum then he's opening himself up to having some smack directed at him.

Just the way it is.

Just the way it is.

Rack needs a real smack in the head - :p
1) Quincy Morgan will score a TD
2) We will score a Defensive Touchdown, or Special Teams TD
3) Wiley get's a 1/2 or full sack. As credited on NFL.COM

I say two of above happen?

Hot sauce and on the grill - it won't taste that bad,,,,,,,
BrAinPaiNt said:
What isn't honest...that he called you or others out?
What isn't honest? Are you cereal? He's the Judge.

BP said:
The guy laid down his challenge and then asked if it was ok hos/board fair is fair...if that is what you consider calling you out...then you are being very sensitive IMO.
Oh bullcrap.

You know as well as I do what his e-mail to you over the ban said. He singled me out there too. You know all about his calling me out in the thread before he got banned too. It's a theme with him.

He blames me for other people shooting holes in his theories because he thinks they follow my lead. The night he got banned did you see me egging him on? Was I inviting him to post off topic stuff in threads, etc.? No, I backed off. Here's the proof.

BP said:
You mean that nobody has ever called nors out over and over?
I'm really not sure what this has to do with anything, but of course others have called him out.

BP said:
All I said is the man HAS shown he has admitted to being wrong even though people continue to say he has not.
You see that as an admission, I don't. He NEVER dropped it. He has NEVER backed off his statement that a trade was in the works. In fact he tried to turn it around on the forum itself as the reason the trade failed. That's not an admission, that's spin control.

BP said:
See it is not something for me because I do not have beef with nors...i had mine and moved past it.
I don't have a beef with him either.

BP said:
I am just calling it how I see it now.

Nors started a thread and then people started ripping on him.

Nors only gets power because people give it to him.
just the way it is.
If being wrong is powerful, then he has power. :rolleyes:
Nors said:
1) Quincy Morgan will score a TD
2) We will score a Defensive Touchdown, or Special Teams TD
3) Wiley get's a 1/2 or full sack. As credited on NFL.COM

I say two of above happen?

Hot sauce and on the grill - it won't taste that bad,,,,,,,
For laughs I will take your crow bet.

Good luck.
Nors said:
Hates deserts - good luck. Do you believe in miracles? I do!
Wiley getting a 1/2 sack on Walter Jones is beyond a miracle. I don't see it.
Hostile said:
What isn't honest? Are you cereal? He's the Judge.

Oh bullcrap.

You know as well as I do what his e-mail to you over the ban said. He singled me out there too. You know all about his calling me out in the thread before he got banned too. It's a theme with him.

He blames me for other people shooting holes in his theories because he thinks they follow my lead. The night he got banned did you see me egging him on? Was I inviting him to post off topic stuff in threads, etc.? No, I backed off. Here's the proof.

I'm really not sure what this has to do with anything, but of course others have called him out.

You see that as an admission, I don't. He NEVER dropped it. He has NEVER backed off his statement that a trade was in the works. In fact he tried to turn it around on the forum itself as the reason the trade failed. That's not an admission, that's spin control.

I don't have a beef with him either.

If being wrong is powerful, then he has power. :rolleyes:

Here's the link to my concession speech. I was clearly wrong in calling the Law Trade. I had it on reliable ground that Dallas/Pats had trade talks and there were contingency trade dialogue. To think that teams like this don't talk is absurd and naive - jmo

I also called in Pats camp what Pats were doing, they moved Wilson to Corner, Dropped rookie Reid into FS. They gave Randal Gay, Troy Brown Laws reps during preseason. They didn't allow Law to dress in a preseason game.

That team has been preparing for life without Law? Eh.
This I don't know - But Dallas balked at trading the first. We thought Hunter, Powell, Davison could step up.

Pats were prepared to Deal Law, we failed bottom line at RCB.
They have won 25 of 26. With Law out they have not missed a beat.

I move on to 2005 draft and future Vet options at CB. I don't want to see a lot more of the new kid at corner before I vote RCB all set.

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