Not even excited about the Thanksgiving Day game


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Good Grief, not excited about Thanksgiving? That is crazy as heck. @jazzcat22 , come down from the cliff, It will be OK buddy. Try drinking more, it works. I like the coyote ugly lineup. Jim, Jack, Johnny Red, Johnny Black and Jose.

Family, Friends and Football= a great Thanksgiving
I've gone from being a small kid in the early 90's and loving Thanksgiving football (except **** you Leon Lett), to finding the drinking and other-stuff-that-isn't-the-game being the best part about it these days smfh

it's asking a lot to be personally reminded of childhood grandeur again, but it's not asking a lot, I don't believe, to be able to feel confident about your team of talented players IF they're being led by a team of talented coaches


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You know that Cole wants to stick it to us.
that lil ***** made fool does more damage on twitter than he does on grass.. not worried about that lil ***** made *****

that lil ***** made fool probably read this post smfh @ that ***** made mentally impotent ****
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Usually I love the T-day games, it is a tradition as we all know.
But for the first time ver as of right now, I just can't get excited to watch this pathetic excuse of a team.

What, to see an unprepared team look sloppy, see the refs screw us over some more.

The only thing is to see Jerry's face as Garrett blows another game.
If they lose they should throw Garrett in that big red kettle and haul him off to the desert and hang him on a cactus.

Just can't see a win come Thursday, as they are playing a team with a winning record.
Same here. Thanksgiving game won’t be the same this year with the passing of my grandma last week and my dislike for this staff. Always enjoyed watching it with the family.


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I’ve been around long enough to know that anything can happen. Chances aren’t good but they’re not zero either. Plus it’s just not in me to give up and quit. Once you start doing that it becomes your nature.
that is true, most saying they give up on the cowboys or will quit watching, will still watch the games.
They are just thinking dallas either wont make playoffs or wont do any better than last year in playoffs.

I want the cowboys to make the playoffs, I would rather watch the cowboys play than philly.
Cowboys are making it a little too easy for philly though.
Neither team can afford more losses, but I think they both lose 1 or 2 more games.
I think the big game will be the phil dal rematch , and who wins that might win div too.


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It’s a 50/50 game. The cowboys need to find a way to jump out early.
it is, the bills are similar to cowboys in some ways, they can play great, bad, make mistakes etc.
So this one is a tossup , but bills are pumped up after a big win, and looking to make a statement with cowboys. I think they as a team may want to win more than the cowboys do.
Cowboys are down after a big loss , I know dak will be fired up but I dont know about the rest of the team.
Good start is what both teams need, and mistakes ,turnovers will make it hard for that team to win.
Buffalo is 8-3 I think they want 9-3 ,more than cowboys want 7-5, but who knows it is the nfl and crazy stuff happens.


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Usually I love the T-day games, it is a tradition as we all know.
But for the first time ver as of right now, I just can't get excited to watch this pathetic excuse of a team.

What, to see an unprepared team look sloppy, see the refs screw us over some more.

The only thing is to see Jerry's face as Garrett blows another game.
If they lose they should throw Garrett in that big red kettle and haul him off to the desert and hang him on a cactus.

Just can't see a win come Thursday, as they are playing a team with a winning record.

I wouldn't be surprised by anything on Thanksgiving as the Cowboys have laid some historical eggs on this day. But keep in mind Buffalo hasn't beaten anyone either. This will be the first winning team either of them beat.


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Usually I love the T-day games, it is a tradition as we all know.
But for the first time ver as of right now, I just can't get excited to watch this pathetic excuse of a team.

What, to see an unprepared team look sloppy, see the refs screw us over some more.

The only thing is to see Jerry's face as Garrett blows another game.
If they lose they should throw Garrett in that big red kettle and haul him off to the desert and hang him on a cactus.

Just can't see a win come Thursday, as they are playing a team with a winning record.

You are correct. The Bills will win easily. Unfortunately my father-in-law is a devouted Bills fan. This will not be a fun Thanksgiving Day at my house.


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You are correct. The Bills will win easily. Unfortunately my father-in-law is a devouted Bills fan. This will not be a fun Thanksgiving Day at my house.

I wouldn’t say they are going to win easy. They better win though, if not they are finishing 9-7.

Dallas, Baltimore, New England, Pittsburgh, Jets coming up. They lose to us, they are going 2-3 down the stretch


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This used to be my favorite week of the year. Two games in four days and the thanksgiving games were always special.

Not any more. Cant wait to watch Buffalo tear this thing down thursday.

Has to get worse before it can get better.


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Come on don’t have to be excited with anticipation,there’s not much pom in the pom poms left,but enjoy it with your family for just the sake of it. Please do folks...


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Usually I love the T-day games, it is a tradition as we all know.
But for the first time ver as of right now, I just can't get excited to watch this pathetic excuse of a team.

What, to see an unprepared team look sloppy, see the refs screw us over some more.

The only thing is to see Jerry's face as Garrett blows another game.
If they lose they should throw Garrett in that big red kettle and haul him off to the desert and hang him on a cactus.

Just can't see a win come Thursday, as they are playing a team with a winning record.

You guys really do not understand this team. We are anywhere from the 16th best to 8thish best team every year. They will probably win at home (possibly in blowout fashion). Josh Allen is not a very good quarterback and is prone to mistakes. They have a good defense, but the Cowboys may end up with a few turnovers and short fields.

The Cowboys will likely win, and plenty here will think it portends to greater things...


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This team also likes to run and hide when any team with a hint of dignity and faith of playoff hopes shows up to play them. Don’t blame us when we do the same.
I don't blame anyone. To each his own. It's your absolute right to quit when things look bleak.


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You guys really do not understand this team. We are anywhere from the 16th best to 8thish best team every year. They will probably win at home (possibly in blowout fashion). Josh Allen is not a very good quarterback and is prone to mistakes. They have a good defense, but the Cowboys may end up with a few turnovers and short fields.

The Cowboys will likely win, and plenty here will think it portends to greater things...

Josh allen just ended a streak yesterday of 171 attempts without an interception. He has rushed for over 1000 yards in the 23 games he has played. The guy is getting better each week. They are third in Redzone TD percentage.

There running game is going to whip this Dallas defense.