Now circled on the Eagles calendar...

Twyst;1500444 said:
Do you guys have anything other than "we won some super bowls 15 years ago". nope so **** go read the first page of this thread and decide who started being an ****hole in this thread becuase heres a hint, it wasnt me.

IN any case, I thought there were friendly people here and thats why Ive continued to post here but I see I was mistaken. Illbe off now so you guys can get back to dusting off the trophies.

Wow... the rage... the anger? why? you are deflecting to my post... go back and reread it... I wasnt starting anything... just stated that what happened last year wont happen again and was because of other "things"... with that said you won that game...

Now lets be honest... if you had lost that game by humiliation you wouldnt be in here asking us to beat the Eagles for you... you are gloating... albeit indirectly.... "ah... that little farce you played with the cowboys posters... you think that could fool a CowboysZoner" ;).... :lmao2:
Actually I posted that article about the eagles because I figured it would anger cowboys fans that they are more looking ahead to us than to the cowboys. So ummm, yeah it wasnt clever little farce. Look through my post history, ive never been a troll here
Twyst;1500519 said:
Actually I posted that article about the eagles because I figured it would anger cowboys fans that they are more looking ahead to us than to the cowboys. But you were realy close with your expert psych eval.

Thanks again for 'taking the high road' and leaving!
stasheroo;1500520 said:
Thanks again for 'taking the high road' and leaving!
Thanks again for the classy and friendly welcome. I hope you guys arent indicative of the whole fan base.
Twyst;1500524 said:
Thanks again for the classy and friendly welcome. I hope you guys arent indicative of the whole fan base.

Spare us the 'victim' card OK?

You're dishing out the insults as good as you're getting and keeping this thread going.

You're no innocent here so don't try to pass yourself off as such.
Twyst;1500519 said:
Actually I posted that article about the eagles because I figured it would anger cowboys fans that they are more looking ahead to us than to the cowboys. So ummm, yeah it wasnt clever little farce. Look through my post history, ive never been a troll here
Who's calling you a troll? And it's your take on Cowboy posters' comments which have been questioned. You didn't stick to the Eagles/Saints angle, remember?
Twyst;1500524 said:
Thanks again for the classy and friendly welcome.
We do what we can. :)
Twyst;1500524 said:
I hope you guys arent indicative of the whole fan base.
Oh, heavens sakes, no! Many of us have been left cowering in the shadows after that humilating defeat to the Saints. It's a sad sight really. The one example that nearly comes close in comparison are those famous paper bag head Saints fans of years past. Well, maybe not that bad. :)
Twyst;1500557 said:

Let's face facts. You took this bait:

YoMick;1500046 said:
The Saints are no longer under the radar. It will be hard to top last year.

I dont fear the Saints. Payton had a look at the cards in deck. Big deal. We have a new deck of cards now. He cant see them. That game was John Gruden Part II.

At some point the Student shows the master. Romosapien!

...and ran with it. Blame yourself.

Now for a musical interlude:


Oh, wait. You're marching out. Nevermind. ;)
Vintage;1499946 said:
I worry about our division the most.

But I would be lying if I said I didn't want another crack at your team at some point in the playoffs....

The scary part about your team is the youth on offense.

Brees is around 27 or so. Same for Duece. Reggie is coming off his rookie year. Karney is mid 20's. Colston is coming off his rookie year. Henderson is mid 20's. Copper is mid 20's. Meachem is a rookie. Eric Johnson is mid 20's.

Then, your OL is young. Jamal Brown is mid 20's. Jahri Evans is coming off his rookie year. Faine is mid 20's. Stitchcomb is mid 20's or so. Dunno who your other OL starter is...

But your offense is scary good....and young.

Colts of the East....

hahahahahh Indy is further east than NO.................... good try though
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