Now Danny wants to host a Super Bowl?

ArmchairRedskin;1511422 said:
Isn't it funny how easily these things veer off on tangents?

Danny will get to host a SB!

That's all I really wanted to say. You guys need to stop sucking me in. :)

Danny will host a SB when you know what freezes over.

See, little Napoleon has made a lot of enemies in the league trying to "buy a championship". Also litte Napolean raiding rosters of restricted free agents pissed alot of owners off also.


Litte Napolean will soon find this out the hard way. Freaking Green Bay will host a SB before your boy Danny will. Live With It!!!

These little Trollskins are amusing, folks just ignore them and they'll go back to their teepee's.

ArmchairRedskin;1511698 said:
So there ya go. Any other questions?

How many sacks did your DE last year?

What makes you think for a second that the 04 season is a better indicator of future performance than the 06 season?

How do you see an improvement in the defensive effort where two of your starters in the secondary refuse to participate and one of your starting defensive ends convinced the stinks god, gibbs, to practice and work out less?

How is Smoot, who was benched last season, going to play better when your pass rush is much worse than Minnys?

How are Golston and Griffin who were unable to get the job done last season keep blockers off of the undersized Fletcher?

What in your offseason moves makes you think that you will perform better than the 6th worst record in the NFL this year?
ArmchairRedskin;1511309 said:
Because you guys have had so much success since Jimmy's team lost it's stars, right?

How fun would it be to have a 2011 Commanders team reppin the NFC in the Dallas stadium? :)

Sounds like a tall order, what with Gibbs retiring after the Skins fail to make the playoffs this coming season, then the carnage that will follow as Bugel, Saunders and Williams all expect to be the next head coach...

Can the Skins blow it all up and start from scratch, and still put together a Super Bowl contender in three short seasons?? With the long-term contracts they have to deal with in those next three years??

:D :D :D
ArmchairRedskin;1511319 said:
Danny and JJ are pretty good friends outside of twice a year.

It's true, Jerry is Danny Boy's idol... he desperately wants to BE Jerry Jones... he and his shrink have had some lengthy conversations about that obsession... :p:
ArmchairRedskin;1511322 said:
But we still managed to beat you. Gee, Wally, aint that sumthin?

And what an impressive, well-deserved win it was...
ArmchairRedskin;1511343 said:
That's nice and all, but we've had 2 playoff wins since 99.

Ahhhh, well then of COURSE you're a LOCK to be Super Bowl contenders in 2011...
ArmchairRedskin;1511352 said:
Right because going twice in 4 years and losing the first game of each is soooo much better.

The difference being that right now, as I sit here and type out this response, the Cowboys are a team on the rise, the Skins are a team in utter disarray...
ArmchairRedskin;1511361 said:
The old dodge and nutrub technique, huh? Seems like Jerry has as much to cling on to as Snyder in that regard lately. Maybe even less. Either way, I didn't start the battle of which team was the better mediocre one.

Uhhhh, since when is a 5-11 team, with the league's next to worst defense, a team that set an NFL record for fewest turnovers forced ever, "mediocre"??

Your next goal ought to be to get to mediocrity, and I see it as more than a one year mission...
ArmchairRedskin;1511378 said:
The same. We had an off year.

Did you, or was the year before an aberration?? Let's go to the record books:

2002-- 7-9
2003-- 5-11
2004-- 6-10
2005-- 10-6
2006-- 5-11

In the last 5 years, you've had 4 seasons under .500, 3 seasons with double digit losses... you've averaged fewer than 7 wins per season, and if you factor out the aberrant record of 05, you're averaging fewer than 6 wins a season...

So, was 5-11 last year REALLY an off-year, or an indication of how good or bad the Skins have been over the last 5 years??

We'll be back.

Yeah, because you're CLEARLY on the verge of being great... LOL...

No Brunell to keep us from scoring points.

Replaced by an inexperienced quarterback who put up some pretty anemic numbers, in spite of having a very good running game, in spite of getting some good pass blocking, in spite of the Skins protecting him with some rather "safe" game plans...

No Archuletta.

Who was very good before he came to the Skins, and will probably be good for the Bears this season... this would suggest that the Skins' all-star coaching staff couldn't figure out how to use him properly...

Much like Walt Harris became a Pro Bowler one year after being one of the Skins' designated scapegoats...

Healthy Portis (not that Betts is chopped liver).

You figure the running game will be better than it was at the end of last year, do ya??

I like our chances.

How very Pollyanna-ish of you... then again, we heard much the same thing from Skins fans last year, too-- the Skins were coming off a 10-6 record, had this savior of an offensive coordinator coming in, had loaded up on all this talent via free agency, they were on their way to GREATNESS, bay-bee...

How did THAT optimism work out for you, again??
ArmchairRedskin;1511405 said:
Heckuva lot of good they did you the second game of last year.

Mercy, you're turning into quite the little troll here lately...

For the record, the trio you're dissin' on had 14 catches for 186 yards and 2 TDs in that game... sounds like it's pretty ridiculous to blame that loss on them...

That game was a FLUKE win for y'all, a Murphy's Law kind of game... the Boys dominated on the field, putting up 378 yards to the Skins' 300... they ran 11 more plays than the Skins did in that game...

And then, in the waning moments, they screwed up and gave the game away...

Wow, you must be SOOOOO proud... especially with the way that rousing win was the springboard to a successful run into the playoffs... LOL...
ArmchairRedskin;1511416 said:
I'm arguing Smoot's ability. I even admitted what I posted wasn't relevant to that.

If you wanna debate Smoot, be my guest.

OK-- Smoot was benched by the NFL's worst pass defense last year...

And your rebuttal is??
ArmchairRedskin;1511410 said:
Here we go

Watch at about 30 seconds in. Taylor's head gets twisted.

Just watched it again, several times, and it was DEFINITELY not a 15 yarder... the key is that the face mask was promptly RELEASED... there was no "grasping" of the face mask, as the ref said, and as the rules require...

You turn the guys head, it's 15 yards.

No, it's not... if you grab the face mask and RELEASE it, it's a 5 yard penalty... it's when you use the face mask to bring the guy down that it's a 15 yarder...

As the talking heads clearly opined at the time...
ArmchairRedskin;1511358 said:
You can bring up Smoot sucking in Minn, because, well, he did. But last time he paired up with Springs we had the best one-two CB tandem in the league. I think Smoot gave up like one TD all year.

That was a younger Smoot, and a rather different player... today's Smoot has played in just 25 of 32 games the last two seasons, had three ints and all of eleven passes defensed... he's also had 102 tackles in those 25 games, for one simple reason-- he was tackling a lot of guys after they caught the ball on him...

And of course, Springs makes Smoot look like the proverbial iron man these days... he's good for maybe three quarters of a season in any average year (over the last six seasons, he's played in 72 of a possible 96 games)...

You're gonna LOVE watching David Macklin start for you... :D
ArmchairRedskin;1511453 said:
BTW, people like to argue with me cause I'm awesome. Ask around. It's totally true. :)

LOL... people like to gawk at car wrecks, too...
ArmchairRedskin;1511609 said:
New offense from a nobody in Garrett and a guy who is known to take his team into mediocrity as a head coach.

Garrett is a highly regarded young offensive coordinator who is a disciple of the Norv Turner offensive system, who served his apprenticeship as Troy Aikman's backup...

Wade Phillips took over Broncos team that went 8-8 in 1992, then went 16-16 with that team the next two years... he didn't "take them into mediocrity", they were mediocre when he got hold of them... then in his next head coaching stint, he took over Bills team that went 6-10 in 1997, and went 21-11 over the next two seasons, before regressing to 8-8 in 2000... taking a 6-10 team and going 29-19 with them the following three seasons hardly qualifies as "taking them into mediocrity", either...

He did a so-so job in his first stint as a head coach, then a pretty good job in his second go-around...

Sorry to interrupt your trolling with a reality check... :D
ArmchairRedskin;1511614 said:
I said they were on a roll? Really?

But judging by that trend....... :)

Take it back five years rather than three, and the REAL trend becomes even more apparent... what we learn was that 10-6 was nothing more than an aberration, in the other 4 years the Skins averaged 5.75 wins, 10.25 losses per season...

So last year was pretty much their norm, LOL...
ArmchairRedskin;1511618 said:
Here's how dumb and blind us Commanders fans are

15 yard penalty
8. Twisting, turning, or pulling an opponent by the facemask.

And what REALLY happened was that the face mask was grasped momentarily, then quickly released... as the video you provided clearly shows...
ArmchairRedskin;1511640 said:
Never graduated to jr high then. I see.... It's never too late to continue your education, you know. No shame in being a 50 year old high school freshman.

As far as my weight, how dare you! I'll have you know that I'm down to a svelte 300 down from 310 from the same time last year. That was uncalled for man. Just terrible. :mad:

And now, for the REST of the story-- AR stands 5 feet, 6 inches tall... :lmao2:

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