Now More Sources Coming out About Romo's Play

This is Our Year

Ohama, Kill, 52 is the Mike
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Minus TO and Witten, I don't get why RW11 isn't getting the ball. Unless he just can't get open which I doubt, you would think he is seeing single coverage on every play!!


More than meets the eye.
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If I have any complaint about Romo, it isn't his pass distribution or his perceived tendency to force the ball into Owens or Witten.

If I have any complaint about Romo, it's his tendency to force the ball down field into coverage, no matter the receiver.


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dbair1967;2483353 said:
I dont think he is "purposely" throwing more passes to Witten.

This has been developing for some time, even back into late last season. For whatever reason he doesnt seem to be seeing the entire field as well as he once did. He has been missing the open guys for awhile now. There's tons of passes one can find on film where he has thrown to the wrong guy.

He forces alot of balls to Owens too, and many of those end up getting picked. On most of them you can easily see other options he should have gone to.

The WR's re-watch the game tape too, its very easy to see.

Could you see the whole field properly after seeing that beautiful blonde's gorgeous knockers? I don't see past 1 foot in front of me since I've seen that hot bimbo strut around on the main stage. How well would you develop as a player when you hang around with a guy who puts his hair in a bun and is the perfect definition of underachievement known as Barbie Carpenter. Heck Tony is of latin decent, I'm of Italian decent (not that anyone cares) and all he seems to want to hang around with is the gringos on the team..

Tony needs to diversify himself and get back in with the cool people on this team like T.O and Terrence Newman. I personally believe he could lean on the solid personalities and characters of Pacman and Tank Johnson for both personal and professional support. Hanging with a class act like Jason Witten is a disgrace. You'll never get ahead surrounding yourself with people who have exceptional integrity and leadership. I graduated from high school almost 12 years ago and really missed the high school life. Well no longer do I have to feel that way when I get to follow Da Boys. :rolleyes:


the most important member
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Seems like everyone is getting sucked into the media spin machine.

I can't believe you guys are falling for it.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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Romo does force passes all the time which is really frustrating and its not just to Witten. He has forced it to Owens as well and other receivers. His progression its just down compared last year when he would seemingly always find the receiver whether it was his first option or his fourth option. Now it seems he only looks at his first options and forces to one of the two. I realize that the O-Line hasnt been as great as last year but ive always thought that Romo made the O-line look a lot better than it really was. and i do think that the last couple weeks Romo has done a better job of moving around the pocket avoiding the pressure. its just now he has to finish it off by finding the open receiver and hitting him.

I do think Romo will bounce back but something that does irk me is those fans here that take any type of criticism of Romo almost personal. and make idiotic pots that say "oh i guess Romo sucks" or "i guess you rather have campbell or quincy". They are dumb because the way Romo has played at times this year has merited the criticism and you know if we can cheer him n call him a God when he plays great well then when he plays bad we have the right to call him out on it. my frustration with him at times is that i know he's a much better player than what he shows sometimes by playin like a rookie throwin stupid passes, not reading his progressions, and not takin it off like he did at times last year when nothin was open. again still i have no doubt anymore that Romo will recover. He just needs to look in the mirror and remember what it is that made him one of the best QB's in the NFL!


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LowTech;2484454 said:
Seems like everyone is getting sucked into the media spin machine.

I can't believe you guys are falling for it.

It's either this or work.


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Alexander;2484312 said:
Actually, if you watch Proctor closely he did not play that badly.

Unfortunately, he's going against the Giants who made him look bad last time.

he's pretty good for one being so small. Romo actually looks tall next to him.


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that sources said that if sources said that then sources are correct.:bang3:

Dallas Cowboys,Shut up and win!:suxjints:


Old Fashioned
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Yeagermeister;2483369 said:
I think it has more to do with poor oline play. Romo's not getting the time he needs to get the ball where it's supposed to go so he checks down to Witten. It isn't the case all the time but I'd say the majority of the time..

PFFT OL hell. you can count about 6-8 seconds back there some times, that plenty of time to CHECK DOWN.


Old Fashioned
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StanleySpadowski;2483528 said:
This needs repeated over and over again.

Unless you've been there, done that, I don't think people realize how much the extreme cold weather effects broken fingers. I'd bet that Romo had more pain/less use of his pinkie Sunday in Pittsburgh than he did in any other game he's played.

And hes from freakin Wisconsin, that cold weather stuff is garbage.


Dr. Freakasaurus
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Dcz84;2483352 said:
Terrell Owens said he doesn't want to create controversy.

Yet that's what three meetings Owens, Patrick Crayton and Roy Williams had with offensive coordinator Jason Garrett may have done.

The three wideouts met with Garrett at Valley Ranch on Monday to voice their concerns about the offense.

Each receiver talked about the quality and number of throws they receive. They also discussed the number of passes quarterback Tony Romo has thrown to tight end Jason Witten.

Multiple sources also said several players are upset with Romo's practice habits, which they say include forcing throws to Witten and throwing interceptions.

This would seem about right, he really has no timing with any of the other WR's and even has said he does'nt trust some of them to be where there supposed to be. Hey Tony ya got guys running wide open all over the place but you would rather throw to witten cause you trust him? Ya well how did that work out last week.
I'm sure since Tony's poop dont stink no 1 will care.

Where was all this crap last year when TO had crazy numbers or when he had over 200 yards a couple of weeks ago, or when he had 100 yards against the Seahaw....oh that's right he dropped the pass that would have gotten him over 100 for the 2nd week in a row...Didn't he catch a TD last week?
This anti-Romo nonsense is out of control. Romo has won 3 of 4 since his return. He had a rough one last week and now he's some terrible QB with tunnel vision? Whatever. Look at how he spread the ball around last year to put up those outrageous numbers - TO, Witten and even Crayton (for a 3rd option) all had good numbers. Didn't TO and Glenn have over 1000 yards 2 years ago? If Fasano and Crayton don't drop those passes last year in the playoffs NOBODY is talking about Romo not being a big game QB and questioning his skills. Unfortunately, he couldn't be the receiver on those plays.


New Member
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when u are the QB of the Dallas Cowboys u cannot cry 'WIND'! this team plays every year in NY, DC AND PHILLY!

now if he was the QB of the Texans he may be able to cry foul on the wind!


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PullMyFinger;2485146 said:
PFFT OL hell. you can count about 6-8 seconds back there some times, that plenty of time to CHECK DOWN.
6-8 seconds? Bull****


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arync;2483370 said:
I think the receivers have a legitimate concern. Crayton can't have more than 30 catches this year and a couple of games he hasn't caught a pass. Roy gets 3 catches every game but none of his balls produce big plays. Romo isn't looking at the entire field. He never even looked in TO's direction on that pick 6

Agreed, Warner gets his top 3 close to 100 yards a game and still throws to another 4-5 guys. Drew Brees is also very good at throwing it around. Tony panics too much at times and then looks for one guy, Witten.

I love Tony, but he needs to take the next step.


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Dcz84;2483352 said:
Terrell Owens said he doesn't want to create controversy.

Yet that's what three meetings Owens, Patrick Crayton and Roy Williams had with offensive coordinator Jason Garrett may have done.

The three wideouts met with Garrett at Valley Ranch on Monday to voice their concerns about the offense.

Each receiver talked about the quality and number of throws they receive. They also discussed the number of passes quarterback Tony Romo has thrown to tight end Jason Witten.

Multiple sources also said several players are upset with Romo's practice habits, which they say include forcing throws to Witten and throwing interceptions.

This would seem about right, he really has no timing with any of the other WR's and even has said he does'nt trust some of them to be where there supposed to be. Hey Tony ya got guys running wide open all over the place but you would rather throw to witten cause you trust him? Ya well how did that work out last week.
I'm sure since Tony's poop dont stink no 1 will care.

Good post. I am willing to bet if we had either of the Mannings, Tom Brady(healthy of course), Drew Brees, Ben Roethlisberger, Donovan McNabb, Kurt Warner, Jay Cutler or a few other QBs, our WRs would not be complaining. It has little to do with Garrett. It has everything to do with Romo is overrated and is nowhere near the elite QB many have been fooled into think he is.