NYDN: NFL sends letter to Jerry for conduct detrimental to the league

Are you confusing winning a superbowl with success as a business?

Check Forbes for the value of the Cowboys. Now compare that to the rest of the league. Check the tv ratings. Compare. Merchandise sales. Compare.

They’re a large part of the popularity of the nfl whether they win or not they win or lose.

I don't think it matters what you want to compare. It's a numbers game, and the combined total for any of the 31 teams outweighs any single team's contribution.

The NFL wouldn't go belly up without the Cowboys. The 32 teams split $7.8B in 2016, which was up 10% from the previous year. Even if we pretended that Dallas accounted for 10% of the total amount, would the league be any worse off by splitting $7.1B? Probably not.

The valuation of the Rams doubled between 2015 and 2016. Their revenues are up $80M over the past 2 years, which nearly matches their cumulative revenue increase in the 7 final years they were in St. Louis. If the NFL needed to, they could move a team at the bottom of the valuation and revenue list to a better market. There are probably a half-dozen markets that are better than Buffalo. Oakland is probably going to jump in both valuation and annual revenue when they move to Vegas.

Replace Dallas with a team that pulls the league average in terms of revenue, and total league revenues goes from $13.1B to $12.7B. That's about 3.25%. Is the league so financially strapped that 3.25% will cause them to go belly-up?
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how does that make me an OJ apologist?

He had a trial, a jury found him not guilty. I don't agree with that decision but so be it. He was also found liable in a civil trial

Zeke was never even charged.

ergo bad analogy

BTW, get new material, the ripping on Canada routine got tiring the 1000th time you raised it.
Zeke does not have to Be charged or convicted in the NFL. It is a labor/management thing as agreed to by the CBA. Deal with it.
Canadian law and the CFL, eh? are probably different. So, bow out, hoser, eh?
The Moose club called. The blubber and raw potatoes were delish!

I don't think it matters what you want to compare. It's a numbers game, and the combined total for any of the 31 teams outweighs any single team's contribution.

The NFL wouldn't go belly up without the Cowboys. The 32 teams split $7.8B in 2016, which was up 10% from the previous year. Even if we pretended that Dallas accounted for 10% of the total amount, would the league be any worse off by splitting $7.1B? Probably not.

The valuation of the Rams doubled between 2015 and 2016. Their revenues are up $80M over the past 2 years, which nearly matches their cumulative revenue increase in the 7 final years they were in St. Louis. If the NFL needed to, they could move a team at the bottom of the valuation and revenue list to a better market. There are probably a half-dozen markets that are better than Buffalo. Oakland is probably going to jump in both valuation and annual revenue when they move to Vegas.

Replace Dallas with a team that pulls the league average in terms of revenue, and total league revenues goes from $13.1B to $12.7B. That's about 3.25%. Is the league so financially strapped that 3.25% will cause them to go belly-up?

Today's corporate economics are not about whether you go belly up. They are not even about if you're making money hand over fist. It's about continual sales growth. Corporations don't care if you're making record breaking profit...if the sales are *plateauing* they get nervous. Why? Because everybody wants the option of selling their ownership and is sales are even plateauing, that looks less appealing to buyers.

So losing the Cowboys would mean losing money and that is an abomination for owners and just won't happen.

However, the owners think they can continue to increase profits without Jerry and I think that is ridiculous. He's been the golden goose laying one golden egg after another for the NFL. Anybody messing with that is completely ignorant and arrogant.

I don't think it matters what you want to compare. It's a numbers game, and the combined total for any of the 31 teams outweighs any single team's contribution.

The NFL wouldn't go belly up without the Cowboys. The 32 teams split $7.8B in 2016, which was up 10% from the previous year. Even if we pretended that Dallas accounted for 10% of the total amount, would the league be any worse off by splitting $7.1B? Probably not.

The valuation of the Rams doubled between 2015 and 2016. Their revenues are up $80M over the past 2 years, which nearly matches their cumulative revenue increase in the 7 final years they were in St. Louis. If the NFL needed to, they could move a team at the bottom of the valuation and revenue list to a better market. There are probably a half-dozen markets that are better than Buffalo. Oakland is probably going to jump in both valuation and annual revenue when they move to Vegas.

Replace Dallas with a team that pulls the league average in terms of revenue, and total league revenues goes from $13.1B to $12.7B. That's about 3.25%. Is the league so financially strapped that 3.25% will cause them to go belly-up?
remove Dallas and a gargantuan fam base moved to where ever they go. A competing league with the cowboys I'm pretty sure could survive, and then compete for the same players coming out of college and put them 8n free agency immediately. Even the haters would be compelled to watch. Two Texan teams could play in Texas stadium at the least each sunday and maybe even three games. Then you still have other days and other stadiums. If they left, I'd go with them and never wa5ch another nfl game
Zeke does not have to Be charged or convicted in the NFL. It is a labor/management thing as agreed to by the CBA. Deal with it.
Canadian law and the CFL, eh? are probably different. So, bow out, hoser, eh?
The Moose club called. The blubber and raw potatoes were delish!


You are one comparing Zeke to Simpson.
Owner recorded saying the "N" word multiple times, critiquing his GF for inviting Magic Johnson to games (calling him a "N" repeatedly), and using the "N" in reference to fans. Senile, hated by the league for 3 decades, and considered a pariah for not putting any money into his team, only to cash out. But most of all, known league-wide as a racist.

Once the tape leaked between his GF and him (illegally recorded, but released nonetheless after GF sold it to TMZ once she didn't get her demands), his players were taking off their jerseys before games and threatened to not play. And this is when the Clippers were good, in liberal LA.

Nothing like the Jerry vs. Goodell dealio. Any comparison is nonsense. Lazy.

His wife forced the sale, and he got a record $3 Billion, which resulted in him dropping his lawsuit against the NBA.

His shadiness goes back to years and years of owning shab apartments and the "look" of taking advantage of minorities (how he acquired his initial wealth to buy the Clippers).

This is nothing like the JJ situation. Nothing.

Truth! Man that was a crazy time here
I noticed you couldn’t respond to my other reply to you in the other thread. Here’s your second chance. I’m asking you for an explanation so I can understand your point of view. Or you can continually use your “you said conspiracy” line and post what you think is a clever meme to deflect.

Let’s go over the rare and phantom calls lately and you can provide their equal to make your point. Since these type of poor calls are so widely discussed by other fans it’ll be easy for you.

1. The Dez catch. This was at the near end of the game and very likely concluded the outcome of the game. The Nfl would scramble to try to make the rule less clear to save face. Then change it again a year later.
2. Ironically, Cobb had a clear drop in the first half that lead to points. The reviews lasted about 20 seconds as opposed to Dez’s 3 minute review. Lots of time to think and consider. Bias could possibly come into the decision as opposed to the reaction call of the on field ref 4 ft. From the play.
3. Mathews drills Romo in the back with the crown of his helmet. Very very last. Hard to believe it was missed. No call. No first and goal from the 1 with Murray. Field goal.
4. No holds all game which isn’t rare for one of the 3 darling teams of the nfl.
5. Last year the ultra rare(nearly unheard of by football experts) was the illegal substitution penalty. Cost the team 40 yards and at least 3 points on what would be a 3 point loss. Also, valuable momentum which can’t be measured. Except people that know football know what it is.
6. No holds again on Green Bay despite the last, and most key play of the game, Irving being blatantly held tackled and nearly choked. Literally. This no call lead to the winning points.
7. This years Green Bay they call roughing on our player for leading with the crown of his helmet and not making any contact with Erin. Simply the intent, it appears, was enough.
8. We’ve seen at least 4 hits to Dak’s Head that were blatant and not called. A judgement call that’s hard to miss these days. You’d think.
9. Two receivers who were defenseless were blind sided directly in front of the ref. No call.
9. This year a the streak of 6 games with one hold which was meaningless and on a receiver. All while our all pro line has been called for 18 holds during the same streak. Several brought back long runs by Zeke.
Holds can be called every play. Except they aren’t being called on the other team. At all for 6 games.

If someone can't see the obvious negative bias against us they are in absolute denial.
I don't think it matters what you want to compare. It's a numbers game, and the combined total for any of the 31 teams outweighs any single team's contribution.

The NFL wouldn't go belly up without the Cowboys. The 32 teams split $7.8B in 2016, which was up 10% from the previous year. Even if we pretended that Dallas accounted for 10% of the total amount, would the league be any worse off by splitting $7.1B? Probably not.

The valuation of the Rams doubled between 2015 and 2016. Their revenues are up $80M over the past 2 years, which nearly matches their cumulative revenue increase in the 7 final years they were in St. Louis. If the NFL needed to, they could move a team at the bottom of the valuation and revenue list to a better market. There are probably a half-dozen markets that are better than Buffalo. Oakland is probably going to jump in both valuation and annual revenue when they move to Vegas.

Replace Dallas with a team that pulls the league average in terms of revenue, and total league revenues goes from $13.1B to $12.7B. That's about 3.25%. Is the league so financially strapped that 3.25% will cause them to go belly-up?
Your argument is the Cowboys, because they haven’t won a Super Bowl in 20 years, hasn’t been a big part of the success of the nfl over these 20 years. You used the phrase lol to make your point which further diminishes their contribution. As if it’s absurd and worthy of laughter to suggest otherwise.

My argument is over this period they’ve been a leader if not the leader in merchandise sales and tv ratings. Two of the biggest revenue streams the nfl has and a clear indication that they are one of the most popular franchises and therefore a large part of the popularity of the league. The fact the the nfl chooses to give the Cowboys the max number of prime time games and more late Sunday afternoon national broadcasts games shows that they know they have been and are an essential part of their brand building and league success over these 20 years.
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If someone can't see the obvious negative bias against us they are in absolute denial.
Yes @Jake clearly is. The literal psychological meaning of denial. His mind is using denial as a self defense mechanism to protect him from a painful event. The Dez catch is possibly where it started.

That’s why he responds to nearly every post about the refs except the one in this thread when I laid out many of the facts and simply asked for some comparable calls/none calls. He says over and over(and over and over...) fans of all teams say the same thing so it should be simple to find examples.
Zeke does not have to Be charged or convicted in the NFL. It is a labor/management thing as agreed to by the CBA. Deal with it.
Canadian law and the CFL, eh? are probably different. So, bow out, hoser, eh?
The Moose club called. The blubber and raw potatoes were delish!

Fundamental fairness was part of that agreement. Few would argue ignoring the lead investigator’s opinon that the accuser wasn’t credible was fair. She, after all, was the only person to interview the accuser.(Other than police)

I’d like to request one of your artful opinions detailing the perversion of justice perpetrated by the NFL using article 46 in the way it did in the Zeke case.
Yes @Jake clearly is. The literal psychological meaning of denial. His mind is using denial as a self defense mechanism to protect him from a painful event. The Dez catch is possibly where it started.

That’s why he responds to nearly every post about the refs except the one in this thread when I laid out many of the facts and simply asked for some comparable calls/none calls. He says over and over(and over and over...) fans of all teams say the same thing so it should be simple to find examples.

First off, I didn't even see the post you're referencing. Second, I don't feel compelled to jump through hoops for every random internet guy who becomes obsessed with me and tags me repeatedly. But here's a suggestion: instead of looking at the Cowboys in a vacuum, take some of YOUR time to see if the data you're spewing is truly unique or simply the biased ramblings of a conspiracy theorist.

I'll get you started: there are 24 NFL teams who have more penalties per game called against them than the Cowboys this season. That makes Dallas one of the LEAST penalized teams in the league. But don't let that fact get in the way of that missed holding call you're positive you saw in the 2nd quarter of the Atlanta being prima facie evidence of a league-wide conspiracy against your favorite team. :rolleyes:
No one gives a ****, but if the NFL pushes this as an issue, despite freedom of speech Articles to the Constitution...I'll forever give up watching the NFL. It would be an un-American act at that point.
There is no way the NFL takes the Cowboys away from Jerry. But let's assume they tried. The Cowboys are currently worth $4.2 billion. Jerry would have a legal case that says that he would have the right to remain whole in a transaction. Plus since he didn't want to sell and the franchises value has increases by x% a year that he could ask for something more. Now the price tag would actually drop because he had to sell. That would mean that he would have a strong case in civil court to sue the NFL for 1/2 of the proceeds each year. That would put a huge hurt on every team in the league.

I just can't see it being something that the rest of the owners really want to take the risk of.
Fundamental fairness was part of that agreement. Few would argue ignoring the lead investigator’s opinon that the accuser wasn’t credible was fair. She, after all, was the only person to interview the accuser.(Other than police)

I’d like to request one of your artful opinions detailing the perversion of justice perpetrated by the NFL using article 46 in the way it did in the Zeke case.

zeke is guilty in his little mind and thus no facts are allowed
First off, I didn't even see the post you're referencing. Second, I don't feel compelled to jump through hoops for every random internet guy who becomes obsessed with me and tags me repeatedly. But here's a suggestion: instead of looking at the Cowboys in a vacuum, take some of YOUR time to see if the data you're spewing is truly unique or simply the biased ramblings of a conspiracy theorist.

I'll get you started: there are 24 NFL teams who have more penalties per game called against them than the Cowboys this season. That makes Dallas one of the LEAST penalized teams in the league. But don't let that fact get in the way of that missed holding call you're positive you saw in the 2nd quarter of the Atlanta being prima facie evidence of a league-wide conspiracy against your favorite team. :rolleyes:

I’ll point this out one more time for you. Another poster tried to and now I’m trying to for the third time. Listen slowly. A hold and and offsides are not the same. A Pi and 12 man on the field aren’t either. That’s why pointing out the number of penalties is meaningless.
Try discussing the 6 games with not holds or any of the other examples I’ve given you. You can’t. It’s hurts you for some reason.

Why do you not understand the difference between bias and a conspiracy?
Can you please say another 20 times that I’m saying there’s a conspiracy. Despite the FACT that I’ve stated over and over there is not. Maybe that’s the only tactic you have after reading the evidence I presented to you.

It was easy to predict you’d deflect and tell me it wasn’t worth your time. The facts are real. You can’t present “alternative” facts because they don’t exist. Those plays I gave you as examples have no equals. Not even near equals. They are rare and over the top bad calls at key moments in the games.

Conspiracy. Conspiracy. Say it over and over and over. It is a tainted word that carries a stigmatism and makes you think you’re making a great point. You’re not. You can’t in this instance.

Say it some more conspiracy.... now try to understand bias and look at the plays I’ve laid out. If you don’t think there is one then you’re entitled to that opinion. Just do not try to explain why. Because you can’t argue against those facts. Just attack me more, say I’m obsessed with you, try to marginalize me with your random internet person name calling tactic. You can’t argue the facts.

You are obsessed with the word conspiracy and getting into every thread about the refs and using that word. Maybe one or two posters have used that word. Most others go out of their way to say there isn’t one yet you continue saying that Over and ******* over. Why? I’m obsessed proving poorly thought out arguments wrong.

Refs are people and are biased. Dallas is the most hated team in the nfl going back to when nfl films named them America’s Team. Many refs were nfl fans and have their opinions. The league office, who they interact with, may be influenced by their boss’ feelings. There may be some real anomosity over the Zeke fiasco and Jerry wanting to lower the salaries of Roger and many other league office higher ups.

Do not attempt to argue against the calls I laid out.
Pretend again like you didn’t see the reply or say it’s beneath you etc.
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Fundamental fairness was part of that agreement. Few would argue ignoring the lead investigator’s opinon that the accuser wasn’t credible was fair. She, after all, was the only person to interview the accuser.(Other than police)

I’d like to request one of your artful opinions detailing the perversion of justice perpetrated by the NFL using article 46 in the way it did in the Zeke case.
You don't get it, do you?
You use the silly term perversion of justice.
First off, justice is subjective. Justice, in legal terms, means due process, ya know, charges, hearings, trial, sentencing, and even appeals and possibly jail time or fines.
This "perversion" of justice, barrister, came IN THE NFL!
All teams comply with NFL rules and dictates not only from management but from labor.
Learn to separate the 2 systems of "justice" and you'll sleep better, silly C.
And further more, you know and I know that if the accuser could run for 150 yards per game, you'd be yammering for her "justice."
You don't get it. Neither does Jerry. The diff is he has a big financial stake in this case and you are just enamored of Zeke's midriff and yardage.:facepalm:

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