NYDN: NFL sends letter to Jerry for conduct detrimental to the league

Deep down, You like OJ, dontcha?:D
The NFL is not a courtroom. It is a labor-management fixture like at chicken processing plant you work at, old fellow.
All you want is football on Sunday? Tell that to her Grandpa Jerry.:laugh:
Oh, OJ is a murderer! No doubt about it.:laugh:
Dang and fiddlestix!
... Well played, chap ... I was hoping you would defend the dastardly OJ!!
Ohhhhh, you make me so mad!!!
I was ready to make cogent points to see the error of your ways. To lull you with my wordsmanship! I had background music ready ("Battle Hum of the Republic") to make you weep at my holier than thou words!
All for nothing!
Damp sqib and sod times!
Blimey, you took the wind out of me sails!:angry:
You are soooo bad ....
You have good acting chops.
Reminiscent of a post-Shakespearean pre-talkies stage manner.
I have underestimated you, old fellow.
You were great in "The Crying Game." I walked out, teary-eyed, of the theater impressed with your oeuvre, thinking of yer portrayal. But then a bird walked by in high heels and my reverie ended.
Again, you have great acting chops.:thumbup:keep it up!
Thank you .........unfortunately your posts is ....
My dear boy. I am greatly troubled by your grammar. Reach out for help and learn to write. Defend the English language, knave!
(Please tell me you wrote that in a snit and it was an oversight.)
Hollah. Because you care, and you keep responding...yes?
Yeah I remember the basketball thing but I wasn't into it enough to understand the process of how they forced him to sell his franchise.
He gave up after his wife agreed to the sale and took him to court over competency. He sued and settled last year. The NFL can attempt to remove Jerry. But they need 24 votes. They'll never sniff that.
Beat a girl? Boy bye. If proof comes out that Zeke did that, I'll lead the charge to suspend him for an additional year. Until then, stop saying he did something he wasn't even charged with, especially since the accusation came from a proven liar.
Got to love it when they drop the mask. Dude has always been a troll
I hope you feel better, OJ apologist.
How do you sleep at night? OK, with your moose...

how does that make me an OJ apologist?

He had a trial, a jury found him not guilty. I don't agree with that decision but so be it. He was also found liable in a civil trial

Zeke was never even charged.

ergo bad analogy

BTW, get new material, the ripping on Canada routine got tiring the 1000th time you raised it.

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