NYDN: NFL sends letter to Jerry for conduct detrimental to the league

The NFL is in trouble... It's getting old, its best years are behind it... It might not cease to exist within the next 10 years, but its popularity will never recover, and eventually it will go the way of horse-racing. Life-long fans like me already have one foot out the door, and we're really hoping the NFL does implode.
LOL it is Jerry that would be gone not the Cowboys the Cowboys would still be in the league just a different owner.

Yep, the Cowboys are a franchise of the NFL. Same as McDonalds franchisors. He could take his team elswhere, but not the brand.
I find this concerning. What we all forget is that the physical evidence (as opposed to testimony) which led to Zekes suspension is not in the public domain. Looking at the timing, my guess is that the owners sought a confidential briefing on the evidence at the most recent owners meeting. This reaction - which is 100% owner driven suggests the owners are not happy re Jones's public stance and attack on RG given what they (and Jerry) really know about the evidence that led to the suspension.
Conduct detrimental to the league is something that's strictly a judgment call by a majority of the owners, not just a few. There's also a question to be decided as to whether or not Goodell is guilty of that which he and his cronies are accusing Jerry of. It'll be interesting to see how this whole fiasco is dealt with in the future. It seems fairly obvious that Jerry is intent upon challenging the legality and wisdom of the NFL's moves that have transpired this year and in the past. It seems the NFL is overstepping its grounds. This thing is just now heating up. Let's stay tuned for updates.
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This just wreaks of goodells butt boy Mara. Honestly my level of interest in the NFL has gone down to a record low. Jerry should just take the owners on his side and start a new league. https://www.___GET_REAL_URL___/www....ve-jerry-jones-owner-report-article-1.3635937

Conduct detrimental to the league? Jerry should send a letter back, for the same reason.
Yeah they would. The Cowboys are the most valuable franchise in sports. We'r the Howard Stern of the NFL. People will watch us to cheer for us and others will watch us to hate us. But most football fans watch the Cowboys for some reason, good or bad. No Cowboys would destroy the league. I hope Jerry takes them to court also. I want Jerry to bring Goodell down.
Jerry needs to hit em with the Hein. ASAP.
I've never been for the players. But I suddenly find myself hoping that when the new CBA comes up that the players strike for a year or two. At this point I wish JJ would send a S&D to Roger delivered by two guys who look like they're regulars at the cell underneath the stadium in Philly:
So you’ve been for the owners?

That loyalty has caused a lot of problems for more than just the league and the players.
The NFL wouldn't go belly up. Talking about a franchise that hasn't seen a Superbowl in over 20 years. Yeah, the NFL has really built itself on the success of the Cowboys. Lol.
Are you confusing winning a superbowl with success as a business?

Check Forbes for the value of the Cowboys. Now compare that to the rest of the league. Check the tv ratings. Compare. Merchandise sales. Compare.

They’re a large part of the popularity of the nfl whether they win or not they win or lose.
I hope Jerry leaves the NFL too...but that’s it. Just Jerry. The Cowboys stay and maybe could become a winning franchise again.
Here is the best part of the article.
Goodell can fine or punish a team who interferes with him getting his salary doubled...and his salary is determined by a committee he created and appointed Blank the head of....yikes...this doesn’t sound wrong at all? Imagine Goodell actually saying that Jerry getting in his way of Jerry paying him a higher salary is violating section 8.13..haha.

Section 8.13, titled "Disciplinary Power of Commissioner", gives Goodell the authorization to discipline an owner if he or she "has either violated the Constitution and Bylaws of the League or has been or is guilty of conduct detrimental to the welfare of the League or professional football."
It’s almost like they’re conspiring against him!!!

Indeed. No doubt they're instructing this Sunday's officials to not call holding on the Eagles.

I would love to see Jerry sell the Cowboys for $7-8 Billion then take that money and start a new league which crushes the NFL out of existence within 10-15 years. I would get 1000 times more enjoyment out of watching that then I will get out of watching Garrett's boring, unimaginative, outdated schemes continue to disappoint us all year in and year out.
I find this concerning. What we all forget is that the physical evidence (as opposed to testimony) which led to Zekes suspension is not in the public domain. Looking at the timing, my guess is that the owners sought a confidential briefing on the evidence at the most recent owners meeting. This reaction - which is 100% owner driven suggests the owners are not happy re Jones's public stance and attack on RG given what they (and Jerry) really know about the evidence that led to the suspension.

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