NYDN: NFL sends letter to Jerry for conduct detrimental to the league

That would be my feeling as well. So how would they force him to sell? I don't see any avenue in which they could unless there is some legal thing here, which I clearly would know nothing about.

The NBA forced whats-his-name to sell the Clippers. Maybe the same could apply in the NFL. Of course Jerry hasn’t done anything extreme enough to deserve that.
Jerry cannot back down now. He will have to fight harder to have more bargaining on the table. While this fight is going on, winning would be hard to come-by. The refs are going to kill every drives with flags.
Im not legal expert of anything of the nature on these subjects so forgive the complete lack of knowledge on this stuff....but how would they take his team away anyway?

I mean it's my understanding he bought the team. He paid for it. How would some one just decide they're going to come in and take what you've bought and paid for?

There are rules and regulations that the owner has to live by. Just like Steinbrenner being suspended from the league in 1990 or Donald Sterling being forced to sell the Clippers.

The issue here is that Steinbrenner and Sterling did much worse. Jerry brought a lawsuit against the league and it doesn't compare to Steinbrenner or Sterling's actions (even though Sterling was recorded without his knowledge in private, but the NBA couldn't afford to not have players play for the Clippers).

One could argue that those are different sports. But, take a look at Zygi Wilf and Jimmy Haslem's scandals and they have gone unnoticed by the league.

What's even worse is regardless of what one thinks about Jerry, virtually every business decision he has advised the NFL over the years has been golden. It's not a coincidence that since he has become the owner of the Cowboys that the NFL's popularity and wealth has skyrocketed. He was here before Goodell, Blank and Kraft. He is advising them on another business decision and yet these owners actually think he's wrong this time for not wanting to given Goodell an extension right now with 18 months left on his contract and wanting every owner to vote on Goodell's extension. So much so that they are threatening him.

It's completely absurd.

These owners just didn't decide they wanted a fractured league.
They are just tired of Jones having a hissy fit because he drafted a great running back who beat a girl. And he might do it again. Yes, I know, I know. The biblical Zeke was not convicted. Neither was O.J., but the public knows the score about what he "didn't do."
Get over it, Jerry.
You want your own league? Go for it!
Take a year or two off, then just wait for the fans to come thundering back in gratitude.
Um, no, it doesn't work that way.
It seems that the HOF induction has gone to Jones' head. So, Jerry, after you wreck the league, the NFL can uninduct what it inducted. You want that? Nope, didn't think you did, you narcissistic old biddy.:angry:
So you think Goodell deserves that huge of an extension right now considering the state of affairs in the NFL right now? So you feel the NFL having the equivalent of a kangaroo court is good for the league and fair to it's players? If you do, then I am not sure what world you live in but contracts have to have some form of equivalency in that the work deserves such a contract.
You use OJ as an example but your reasoning is flawed. Yes we all believe oj was guilty but do I blame him for getting off, no. It is the fault of the prosecutors for not presenting the evidence and enough of it to convince a jury. That is our system of Justice and while it is not perfect it is the absolute best. There is a reason justice has to be thorough and sound before a man is convicted so that guys like Zeke who I believe is innocent can't be thrown in jail based on people who just think he should be there. NFL is not a courtroom and should leave legal matters to people who deal with legal matters. Football is ALL I want on Sundays, nothing else.
So you think Goodell deserves that huge of an extension right now considering the state of affairs in the NFL right now? So you feel the NFL having the equivalent of a kangaroo court is good for the league and fair to it's players? If you do, then I am not sure what world you live in but contracts have to have some form of equivalency in that the work deserves such a contract.
You use OJ as an example but your reasoning is flawed. Yes we all believe oj was guilty but do I blame him for getting off, no. It is the fault of the prosecutors for not presenting the evidence and enough of it to convince a jury. That is our system of Justice and while it is not perfect it is the absolute best. There is a reason justice has to be thorough and sound before a man is convicted so that guys like Zeke who I believe is innocent can't be thrown in jail based on people who just think he should be there. NFL is not a courtroom and should leave legal matters to people who deal with legal matters. Football is ALL I want on Sundays, nothing else.
That's what the NFL doesn't get. All this non football stuff is just a turn off to fans.
The Cowboys are the NFL’s marquee franchise. To suggest the following punishment is laughable:

“Cancellation or forfeiture of the franchise in the League of any member club involved or implicated. If such occurs, the affected franchise shall be sold and disposed of under the provisions of Section 3.8(B) hereof."

If the Cowboys aren’t in the NFL the league will lose their biggest draw and moneymaker. Good luck with that. But given Goodell’s proven incompetence nothing would surprise me.
The Cowboys are the NFL’s marquee franchise. To suggest the following punishment is laughable:

“Cancellation or forfeiture of the franchise in the League of any member club involved or implicated. If such occurs, the affected franchise shall be sold and disposed of under the provisions of Section 3.8(B) hereof."

If the Cowboys aren’t in the NFL the league will lose their biggest draw and moneymaker. Good luck with that. But given Goodell’s proven incompetence nothing would surprise me.
Yea it's laughable. Never thought I'd be supporting Jerry when he's threatened with losing the franchise. lol

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