Offer for the Zone


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Hey, I have been a Cowboys fan for 25 years now but I work for another NFL franchise. Because of my position, I get info from time to time about the Cowboys. For instance, at the Combine talking with scouts and agents I would hear tidbits now and then. I was posting this stuff on the Ranch Report but immature posters there slammed me even though I was giving them info they couldn't get anyplace else. I received a PM there that said I should come over to this board. Now, not everything I hear comes true but I do talk to a lot of people from the inside so if you would like me to post what I hear and not say "That's bull****" every time I post, I would be glad to share my info with you guys.

I'm not trying to sell anything, I just like to talk about the things I hear with knowledgable Cowboy fans. Something I didn't get at the Ranch. If you want me to post when information comes my way, let me know. However, if I get the same reaction here that I got at the Ranch, I will stop posting just like I did there. I'm very busy and the only reason I do this is because I remember what it was like to be a Cowboys fan trying to find info but places like ESPN don't tell you anything. Trust me, you would be surprised how little work they really do. So, all I ask is you don't slam me personally. Remember, the info I put out, is just that: info. If it's something bad about the Cowboys, it's not coming from me, it's coming from someone I have talked with. I love the Cowboys. So, let me know what you all think. Hopefully this is a much more educated group than the morons they have assembled over at the Ranch. Also, I will obviously never reveal my sources or who I work for because that could get me in trouble. It's up to you guys. Let me know. Take care.


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First of all, WELCOME to the board. I would not mind you posting here.


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doomsday81 said:
Hey, I have been a Cowboys fan for 25 years now but I work for another NFL franchise. Because of my position, I get info from time to time about the Cowboys. For instance, at the Combine talking with scouts and agents I would hear tidbits now and then. I was posting this stuff on the Ranch Report but immature posters there slammed me even though I was giving them info they couldn't get anyplace else. I received a PM there that said I should come over to this board. Now, not everything I hear comes true but I do talk to a lot of people from the inside so if you would like me to post what I hear and not say "That's bull****" every time I post, I would be glad to share my info with you guys.

I'm not trying to sell anything, I just like to talk about the things I hear with knowledgable Cowboy fans. Something I didn't get at the Ranch. If you want me to post when information comes my way, let me know. However, if I get the same reaction here that I got at the Ranch, I will stop posting just like I did there. I'm very busy and the only reason I do this is because I remember what it was like to be a Cowboys fan trying to find info but places like ESPN don't tell you anything. Trust me, you would be surprised how little work they really do. So, all I ask is you don't slam me personally. Remember, the info I put out, is just that: info. If it's something bad about the Cowboys, it's not coming from me, it's coming from someone I have talked with. I love the Cowboys. So, let me know what you all think. Hopefully this is a much more educated group than the morons they have assembled over at the Ranch. Also, I will obviously never reveal my sources or who I work for because that could get me in trouble. It's up to you guys. Let me know. Take care.

I can guarantee you some knuckhead will indeed slam you, but I for one would love to hear what you got.


Well-Known Member
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Give some examples of some info you let everyone in on that came true.



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SOUNDS PHONY ... but welcome anyway . so , any rumors with our pick we HAVE NOT heard ??

CM Duck

I'm breaking the 4th wall...
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don't be shy....

i can see the rips on you have already started. LOL.


Well-Known Member
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You would most likely need to hook up with a moderator to validate who you are without anyone else knowing so that they could back you up for being the real deal. Otherwise its just human nature for guys to call bs on "insiders" with no proof. But most likely some trolls would probably call bs even with a mod backing you up.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
doomsday81 said:
Hey, I have been a Cowboys fan for 25 years now but I work for another NFL franchise. Because of my position, I get info from time to time about the Cowboys. For instance, at the Combine talking with scouts and agents I would hear tidbits now and then. I was posting this stuff on the Ranch Report but immature posters there slammed me even though I was giving them info they couldn't get anyplace else. I received a PM there that said I should come over to this board. Now, not everything I hear comes true but I do talk to a lot of people from the inside so if you would like me to post what I hear and not say "That's bull****" every time I post, I would be glad to share my info with you guys.

I'm not trying to sell anything, I just like to talk about the things I hear with knowledgable Cowboy fans. Something I didn't get at the Ranch. If you want me to post when information comes my way, let me know. However, if I get the same reaction here that I got at the Ranch, I will stop posting just like I did there. I'm very busy and the only reason I do this is because I remember what it was like to be a Cowboys fan trying to find info but places like ESPN don't tell you anything. Trust me, you would be surprised how little work they really do. So, all I ask is you don't slam me personally. Remember, the info I put out, is just that: info. If it's something bad about the Cowboys, it's not coming from me, it's coming from someone I have talked with. I love the Cowboys. So, let me know what you all think. Hopefully this is a much more educated group than the morons they have assembled over at the Ranch. Also, I will obviously never reveal my sources or who I work for because that could get me in trouble. It's up to you guys. Let me know. Take care.
:welcome: and don't hesitate to post. Insider info or just basic discussion...

As a new member I'm sure you understand if there will be some skepticism. But if your info proves true throughout your member history, I'm sure the skeptics will begin to believe...

That said... Enjoy the discussions and chime in anytime.


Well-Known Member
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Welcome to the forum.

I for one will not slam you for any information you give.

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
:welcome: to the board.

We are always starved for information and would apreciate anything you have to offer.


Well-Known Member
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Hey man,

Anything u say is welcome news to me. Most of the guys on here are great. I have loved this site ever since it started. The only place I visit more is my email and I'm not sure about that. lol Glad to meet u man. Post all u hear if not email it to me lol


...Abbey someone
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Welcome aboard.

You'll be treated the same as every other member here....poorly. :D ;)

Actually, Woody's Girl is right...once you show that you're the real thing, you'll get the credibilty that comes along with it.


New Member
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Well here is some stuff I picked up at the Combine last week. Some of this may be old news to you by now:

Players that told me personally that the Cowboys were showing them a lot of interest were DE Manny Lawson, LB Bobby Carpenter, CB Kelly Jennings, S Dwayne Slay and WR Hank Baskett. Lawson said he had two interviews with Dallas and they were one of three teams showing the most interest in him. Slay actually compared his game to Williams saying if a receiver comes over the middle, he wants to make sure they know there is someone waiting for them.

A very good source told me today that Wilie McGinest will be released by the Patriots for certain in the next two weeks and that his chances of returning to the team are very slim. Now, I don't know if the Cowboys would be interested in him but as we all know, you can never count out a player who used to play for Parcells reuniting with him.

I'm sure you have had a lot of T.O. discussions here but a lot of NFL people at the Combine told me that they think he will end up in Dallas and I had a pretty important person tell me earlier in the week that after Parcells met with Drew Rosenhaus last week, this is close to a done deal. One person told me, "Parcells is a smart man and he knows he has T.O. by the balls. Owens has no leverage anymore. If he goes to Dallas and screws up under a guy with Parcells' reputation, he'll practically get blackballed fro the league. He only has one strike left and no matter what you think of T.O., he's smart enough to realize one more screw up could cost him his career. On the other hand, if plays nice in Dallas for a year or two, teams will offer him all the money he wants. Right now, Parcells has all the control and he knows it."

A person who works for the Cowboys told me he thought Oregon's Kellen Clemens has a chance to be one of the best quarterbacks to come out of this draft. That's a guy you might want to keep an eye on for day two of the draft.

A league source told me yesterday that Jerry Jones gets a bad rap as an owner. He said that the local TV revenue teams get is in large part due to Jones. He went on to say, "Ten years ago when Jones was doing all those things with Nike and getting crap for it, other teams were doing the exact same thing. They just flew under the radar while Jones took the bullet for everyone because he knew it was good for the league. Actually, Jones has taken the bullet on more than one occassion. People think it's guys like Jones who are ruining the league when it's guys like the Rooneys who still think it's the 50s who are actually ruining the NFL right now."

That's all I can think of for now but if I get anything else, I will pass it along if people are interested. Like I said, if people don't want it, I will just go away. I am not trying to prove anything here.


Well-Known Member
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This is fine, i'll take it and store it in the back of my head. if they come true, props.

Nothing completely controversial there though.


Active Member
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Welcome to the board, Doomsday81, interesting read! As with any board, quality posts and good discussion over time have a way of earning the respect of the community (reminds me, I'd better improve my quality!) regardless of the source of info.

Look forward to more discussions in the future...


...Abbey someone
Reaction score
Good stuff...Particularly about how Jerry has taken the bullet...I also LOVE the Rooney comment because it's true.

The TO stuff makes sense and Parcells has enough street smarts and is manipulative enough to know when he holds the upper hand...and he does in this case. That said, I'd still have a huge problem rooting for Owens.


Active Member
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"tout31" my man, :D WELCOME!!

I was hoping you would find your way over to this Board. It's the best Cowboy Board on the Web.

I loved your posts over at the other site. You've got credibility with me. Thanks for the reports from the combine.

Stay around and don't let any naysayers frustrate you or run you off. It's human nature for some posters to be jealous of people who claim they have access to info others don't have.

I look forward to talking Cowboy's football with you over here and getting some inside scoop every now and then.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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doomsday81 said:
Hey, I have been a Cowboys fan for 25 years now but I work for another NFL franchise. Because of my position, I get info from time to time about the Cowboys. For instance, at the Combine talking with scouts and agents I would hear tidbits now and then. I was posting this stuff on the Ranch Report but immature posters there slammed me even though I was giving them info they couldn't get anyplace else. I received a PM there that said I should come over to this board. Now, not everything I hear comes true but I do talk to a lot of people from the inside so if you would like me to post what I hear and not say "That's bull****" every time I post, I would be glad to share my info with you guys.

I'm not trying to sell anything, I just like to talk about the things I hear with knowledgable Cowboy fans. Something I didn't get at the Ranch. If you want me to post when information comes my way, let me know. However, if I get the same reaction here that I got at the Ranch, I will stop posting just like I did there. I'm very busy and the only reason I do this is because I remember what it was like to be a Cowboys fan trying to find info but places like ESPN don't tell you anything. Trust me, you would be surprised how little work they really do. So, all I ask is you don't slam me personally. Remember, the info I put out, is just that: info. If it's something bad about the Cowboys, it's not coming from me, it's coming from someone I have talked with. I love the Cowboys. So, let me know what you all think. Hopefully this is a much more educated group than the morons they have assembled over at the Ranch. Also, I will obviously never reveal my sources or who I work for because that could get me in trouble. It's up to you guys. Let me know. Take care.

I see you got my PM over on the ranch :welcome: