Offer for the Zone


Suspicious looking stranger
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Welcome to the board DD81.

Let me assure you that there are hundreds of very bright and knowledgeable fans here at the zone. If you have information regarding the Cowboys, or any team for that matter, that the media has supposedly not been made privy to and you post it here your threads will be the most popular of all.

But be warned that many fans here will be looking to establish credibility on your part, and you will be found out and hammered by those who “Walk softly and carry a big stick.”

Also, if you tell us which franchise you are employed by, and give us information that comes out in the media within a few days after your posts here you will gain great respect with us.

Credibility will be the key between getting hammered or not getting hammered.

Again, welcome to the board.


New Member
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I may know something about Vinatieri tomorrow. This whole labor thing is screwing everything up. I know someone close to the Patriots who is telling me that players are sick and tired of getting lowballed by that team and that Adam is not happy they didn't re-sign him. There was a hand shake agreement I guess last year that something would be done. Again, no one told me he will sign with Dallas but we can kind of connect the dots on this one. He may still re-sign with the Pats, I'm still working on this one but he wasn't happy when they didn't get a deal done.


Active Member
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BigDFan5 said:
I see you got my PM over on the ranch :welcome:

So that was you, huh? :)

I caught that reply. Thanks for referring a good source of info over here to the best site for Cowboys discussion.


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doomsday81 said:
I may know something about Vinatieri tomorrow. This whole labor thing is screwing everything up. I know someone close to the Patriots who is telling me that players are sick and tired of getting lowballed by that team and that Adam is not happy they didn't re-sign him. There was a hand shake agreement I guess last year that something would be done. Again, no one told me he will sign with Dallas but we can kind of connect the dots on this one. He may still re-sign with the Pats, I'm still working on this one but he wasn't happy when they didn't get a deal done.

I can tell that you haven't been around this board recently just by this post alone.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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CaptainAmerica said:
So that was you, huh? :)

I caught that reply. Thanks for referring a good source of info over here to the best site for Cowboys discussion.

I am always looking to recruit a few good posters ;)


Active Member
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doomsday81 said:
Well here is some stuff I picked up at the Combine last week. Some of this may be old news to you by now:

Players that told me personally that the Cowboys were showing them a lot of interest were DE Manny Lawson, LB Bobby Carpenter, CB Kelly Jennings, S Dwayne Slay and WR Hank Baskett. Lawson said he had two interviews with Dallas and they were one of three teams showing the most interest in him. Slay actually compared his game to Williams saying if a receiver comes over the middle, he wants to make sure they know there is someone waiting for them.

A very good source told me today that Wilie McGinest will be released by the Patriots for certain in the next two weeks and that his chances of returning to the team are very slim. Now, I don't know if the Cowboys would be interested in him but as we all know, you can never count out a player who used to play for Parcells reuniting with him.

I'm sure you have had a lot of T.O. discussions here but a lot of NFL people at the Combine told me that they think he will end up in Dallas and I had a pretty important person tell me earlier in the week that after Parcells met with Drew Rosenhaus last week, this is close to a done deal. One person told me, "Parcells is a smart man and he knows he has T.O. by the balls. Owens has no leverage anymore. If he goes to Dallas and screws up under a guy with Parcells' reputation, he'll practically get blackballed fro the league. He only has one strike left and no matter what you think of T.O., he's smart enough to realize one more screw up could cost him his career. On the other hand, if plays nice in Dallas for a year or two, teams will offer him all the money he wants. Right now, Parcells has all the control and he knows it."

A person who works for the Cowboys told me he thought Oregon's Kellen Clemens has a chance to be one of the best quarterbacks to come out of this draft. That's a guy you might want to keep an eye on for day two of the draft.

A league source told me yesterday that Jerry Jones gets a bad rap as an owner. He said that the local TV revenue teams get is in large part due to Jones. He went on to say, "Ten years ago when Jones was doing all those things with Nike and getting crap for it, other teams were doing the exact same thing. They just flew under the radar while Jones took the bullet for everyone because he knew it was good for the league. Actually, Jones has taken the bullet on more than one occassion. People think it's guys like Jones who are ruining the league when it's guys like the Rooneys who still think it's the 50s who are actually ruining the NFL right now."

That's all I can think of for now but if I get anything else, I will pass it along if people are interested. Like I said, if people don't want it, I will just go away. I am not trying to prove anything here.

Thanks for the info! Very interesting stuff!! Keep posting!


New Member
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Thanks guys and I see some people from the Ranch made it over. That's good to see but I just couldn't stand all the crap that goes on there. I'm just trying to be helpful. I don't want a pat on the back or anything. I wouldn't even call this stuff "inside info." I would call it doing my job and if info on the Cowboys comes up now and then, I have no problem sharing some of the things I hear. Obviously, some things may be too risky for me to share but other than that, I don't think any harm is being done.


New Member
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Lotsa folks here read daily and post when they are intrigued, I guess I do anyway. Good looking stuff so far keep it coming when ya can. Love to read it even if I don't like what it says lol.


Well-Known Member
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I don't care if this is bogus info or real, keep it coming!

Very well thought out and presented information is much appreciated!


Active Member
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StarKist said:
But be warned that many fans here will be looking to establish credibility on your part, and you will be found out and hammered by those who “Walk softly and carry a big stick.”

Also, if you tell us which franchise you are employed by, and give us information that comes out in the media within a few days after your posts here you will gain great respect with us.

Credibility will be the key between getting hammered or not getting hammered.

To me the point about his credibility as a poster is overstated.

He's simply telling us he hears stuff in his job that the average fan isn't privy to and he is willing to share some of it with us from time to time. He isn't guaranteeing everything he hears and passes along to us will happen or is the gospel truth.

Frankly, I enjoy hearing the "grapevine" talk whether all of it ever materializes or not.

The only thing that should be frowned upon is a poster simply making up a story, such as "Breaking News: Labor Deal Reached!" and then find out it's completely bogus and just designed to jerk everyone's chain. He's not doing that at all.


Reaction score
Wether your information becomes reality or not, post it. Good to hear any info in regards to our favorite team!

Welcome too!


Maui No Ka Oi
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Thanks and Welcome, all tidbits and info are greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
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doomsday81 said:
Thanks guys and I see some people from the Ranch made it over. That's good to see but I just couldn't stand all the crap that goes on there. I'm just trying to be helpful. I don't want a pat on the back or anything. I wouldn't even call this stuff "inside info." I would call it doing my job and if info on the Cowboys comes up now and then, I have no problem sharing some of the things I hear. Obviously, some things may be too risky for me to share but other than that, I don't think any harm is being done.

You are right about the Ranch. While there are a lot of posters over there that I respect and enjoy reading their posts, there are also a lot of immature pinheads that make it difficult and now I seldom post or even visit there.

I think you will like it here as the posters are generally more knowledgeable and definitely more mature. The mods here have little tolerance for troublemakers. There are many discussions, few arguments.


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
Reaction score
Don't let the Ranch ruin you. That place is a joke. Keep posting your info or opinions. There are plenty of people here that want to read them. Your going to take some heat. There is no way to prevent it except to keep proving yourself but the majority will be glad your sharing.

Just don't step on Nor's toes. He gets first dibs at patting himself on the back no matter the story.


Reaction score
I think some of us who may react negatively to "inside" info do so because of a poster named Nors and a player named Ty Law. Most here know what I speak of.


The Duke
Reaction score
:welcome: to the forum Doomsday81.

Your offer is greatly appreciated and feel free to offer stuff about all the teams.

Keep posting. You will get some negative feedback at times. For the most part people here truly respect the Guidelines.


Reaction score
I want all the information I can get. It's not like you're making money by giving us your comments, and if reporters can screw up on stories, then we can allow you too..:) Welcome, and post on.


Well-Known Member
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Welcome to the board DD81. I usually bounce between here and the Ranch.

So tell me, just how interested in Manny Lawson was Dallas?

Was one of the other teams interested in Lawson happen to be Cleveland? They seem to be the team most likely to draft Manny ahead of Dallas.