***Official CBA Talks Tracking Thread***(Agreement reached in principle)

Yakuza Rich said:
Reading Florio is about as reliable as reading about all of those alien love children born on the World News magazine.

NFL | Weaver leading determined group of small-market owners
Sun, 5 Mar 2006 09:13:32 -0800

Mark Curnutte, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, reports Jacksonville Jaguars owner Wayne Weaver appears to be leading a group of small-market owners pushing hard for major-market teams to share their new revenues. Small-market owners had 18 votes in favor of passing an internal revenue-sharing pact among owners. The group would need 24 votes to ratify the deal.
Lock them in a Private Room at Scores, get them all giddy.

We'd have a deal around Midnight.
WoodysGirl said:
NFL | Weaver leading determined group of small-market owners
Sun, 5 Mar 2006 09:13:32 -0800

Mark Curnutte, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, reports Jacksonville Jaguars owner Wayne Weaver appears to be leading a group of small-market owners pushing hard for major-market teams to share their new revenues. Small-market owners had 18 votes in favor of passing an internal revenue-sharing pact among owners. The group would need 24 votes to ratify the deal.

WG - So quick to scorn.....

Yet it was a "soft deadline" all along. And the real battle line here is between the "Have" owners and "Have Not" owners. That and Salary cap min are of interest to me in these talks as major issues.

Have's wanted this deal done all along - See JJ/Kraft all week.....

NFLPA driving the two apart!

1 1/2 Hours - who's going to give tonight?
I say the Have's or we go to Sunday, Bloody Sunday:D
WoodysGirl said:
NFL | Weaver leading determined group of small-market owners
Sun, 5 Mar 2006 09:13:32 -0800

Mark Curnutte, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, reports Jacksonville Jaguars owner Wayne Weaver appears to be leading a group of small-market owners pushing hard for major-market teams to share their new revenues. Small-market owners had 18 votes in favor of passing an internal revenue-sharing pact among owners. The group would need 24 votes to ratify the deal.

I'm down with sharing more money to smaller teams. Only if that money specifically went towards them trying to...

1. Sign FA's to improve their teams
2. Market their team more in their locations

The cash cannot land in the Owners pocket it was I'm saying. If you're a smaller market owner and want more cash..... then I don't want a penny of that going to private pools and vacations.
18 out of 32- not too good. They need 6 more votes to pass it. Doubt they get anything done very soon.
This is making the NFL look really bad they need to just walk away and accept that it's over. If the NFLPA was smart they would accept whatever the owners gave them because in the end the only people hurt will in fact be the players.
John Clayton on ESPN radio No 8:30 Meeting Rumor is/was false.
So.....does everyone actually think this is the real thing now? Is FA actually going to start in a few hours? And if so, when can we expect an announcement on Bentley?;)
I sure hope so. Bentley, T.O. and then Hope in that order.
If I had to choose it would have to be..... damm tough. Bentley though, younger. But I think we will sign at least two big name, big game free agents.
123456 said:
If I had to choose it would have to be..... damm tough. Bentley though, younger. But I think we will sign at least two big name, big game free agents.

Obviously we need to see the cuts first. I say we need Bentley, and then I dont really care. Bentley does it for me....Super Bowl because of a Center!