Official I quit as a fan because of TO *merged*

YoMick said:
I really dont see the need to create these topics. Some people arent happy about Owens and its understandable. I dont like him for alot that he does, but I am willing to "take a chance, risk".... I believe in redeeming yourself, second and extra chances(to get it right in life) etc...

Calling others out that dont like/want him will NOT be good for this board. I see it already.

I am going on record that I will not taunt and post I told you so's. Book it. I may say... it was good that we got him... we already know what he can bring... so I may shout out once in a while in celebration... nothing to antagonize.... more of us should be like that....


I'm not calling anyone out. Sorry if it feels that way. I honestly want to know if some Boys fans are leaving because of this.
TruBlueCowboy said:
I'm not calling anyone out. Sorry if it feels that way. I honestly want to know if some Boys fans are leaving because of this.

Sorry. I was just posting this on your thread just to make my point.

I'm sticking around, I've put up with too much in the past 20 years to let this jerk run me from my team, and I'll also be here to post how wrong I was if he behaves himself...but the minute he acts like TO I'll also be on here reminding the board why I was against the TO signing, just like I've always been against the Henson signing. In the end, here's hoping I'm wrong on both accounts......
I'm leaving because TO is the devil. And he's leading us into the depths of hell.
no one person will EVER make me not follow our beloved Cowboys!!!!!!
YoMick said:
I really dont see the need to create these topics. Some people arent happy about Owens and its understandable. I dont like him for alot that he does, but I am willing to "take a chance, risk".... I believe in redeeming yourself, second and extra chances(to get it right in life) etc...

Calling others out that dont like/want him will NOT be good for this board. I see it already.

I am going on record that I will not taunt and post I told you so's. Book it. I may say... it was good that we got him... we already know what he can bring... so I may shout out once in a while in celebration... nothing to antagonize.... more of us should be like that....


I agree, and I don't think that this was written as a gloating thread, but that is the way it comes across. One poster even wrote "grow up" in his response. YOU are the one who needs to grow up.

Not everyone is estatic with the imminent signing of TO. I for one hate the idea. I wish TO would sign somewhere else, or better yet be banned from the NFL altogether. I will always root for my Dallas Cowboys, regardless, but for you guys to be writing gloating threads and threads sayig to grow up and get over it, is very childish.

That said, move on and let's get beyond the TO bull crap and start talking about something else. BTW, did you guys notice that the Cowboys signed two players yesterday.

Why not write and gloat about that?
I have changed my tune a bit. I will still watch my Cowboys and give T.O. a chance........but I still do not like the guy. :)
Didnt a bunch of Hollywood movie stars promise to leave the good old USA after the last Elections............didnt happen either, regretfully

but IMO if Hillary ever gets elected, I'll make the same statement........but the chance of that happening is the same as the Boy's signing TO.....
...............oh, OK, same chance as H$!! freezing over.....
Never. I would never turn my back onthe team. but so long as Owens is on the team, I will give them the cold shoulder.
The Cowboys are bigger than any one player, coach or owner.
These guys come and go, but I will still follow the Cowboys.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Didn't some folks promise to leave the Cowboys forever if they signed TO? Just wondering if anyone intends on keeping that promise and forever dropping the Cowboys as a team because of Terrell Owens?

Hey, it happens. I know folks who left the Cowboys forever when they dropped Landry. Most came back, but there were a few stubborn ones (mostly the part-time football fans) who never came back to Big D.

Only way I lose interest is I stop breathing. Terrell Owens and Jason Fabini may be key in helping us get back to the Super Bowl. I feel like, "hey, I survivied the Ryan Leaf signing, so I can survive anything". For the record, I HATE CRYAN LEAF.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Didn't some folks promise to leave the Cowboys forever if they signed TO? Just wondering if anyone intends on keeping that promise and forever dropping the Cowboys as a team because of Terrell Owens?

Hey, it happens. I know folks who left the Cowboys forever when they dropped Landry. Most came back, but there were a few stubborn ones (mostly the part-time football fans) who never came back to Big D.
All I can say is good riddance to all the people who will no longer be fans when TO officially signs with us. Be sure not to let the door hit you all on the way out.
Ashwynn said:
Never. I would never turn my back on the team. but so long as Owens is on the team, I will give them the cold shoulder.

hmmm ok

Ashwynn said:
I hope the boys go winless in Terrells tenure here.
TX Cowboy said:
I say if they leave b/c Owens signed, Then don't bother coming back b/c you
are not wanted in our fan base any more, you are a Cowboy sink/swim so the
line for the exit forms to the right don't let the door hit you in the ars on the
way out

I couldn't say it better myself. Cowboys fan forever.

I can’t believe Terrell Owens is a Cowboy. He’s actually not, in my mind, but the DIRTBAG will be wearing the uniform. Because of his acts of defiance and mockery of our organization, our fans, and our star, I will no longer watch the Cowboys as long as his name is on the roster.

I have been a diehard Cowboy fan for 27 of my 32 years, beginning at age 5 while living in Dallas, and though I’ve been all over the world since then, the Cowboys have always gone with me. I am as diehard as they come.

This PUNK we have on the team is as different as any NFL player can be from Tom Landry’s persona. T.O. hated the Cowboys, and now wants to bilk money from us while driving the team into the ground with his cancerous attitude and 2 year old mentality. We’re paying millions for cancer?? I can’t bear to watch it and I won’t.

That is why, effective immediately, I am not watching the Cowboys, or posting on this board, until T.O. is gone. I request that the mods send an email notifying me when he is no longer on our roster, so that I can resume watching the games, and following the team. I love my Cowboys, I won’t watch them be torn apart by this spoiled brat.

It doesn’t bother me that people think I’m doing this for attention, or that my statement will make little impact among other fans. I’m doing it because I cannot stand him.

To others who feel this way, please add your comments.

Mods, please sticky this so that there is a record of who has left. Don’t forget us. We love the Cowboys!!! See you later.

Also, can we only let only the "No T.O." people post? This is their last post until T.O. is gone. Please.

The list of who’ve had enough
Shotgun Dave
Jack Magist
Sultan of Six
I swear there are far too many drama queens over this signing.

Hoping for winless seasons during his tenure? And all this other garbage?

Wow, talk about some truly amazing fans. And here for the longest time the Philly and Oakland fans were getting bad rep for being such horrible fans.. heck, at least they're loyal.

What a truly dark day for Dallas fans. :rolleyes:
TruBlueCowboy said:
Didn't some folks promise to leave the Cowboys forever if they signed TO? Just wondering if anyone intends on keeping that promise and forever dropping the Cowboys as a team because of Terrell Owens?

Hey, it happens. I know folks who left the Cowboys forever when they dropped Landry. Most came back, but there were a few stubborn ones (mostly the part-time football fans) who never came back to Big D.

I'm still waiting on all those celbs that vowed to leave the county if Bush was elected.
TX Cowboy said:
All I am saying is if anyone is gonna leave..b/c Dallas signed T.O. then leave
and don't let the door hit yeah..where the the good lord split yeah, I am sure
plenty of cry baby Dallas fans will be looking for new teams once the season
gets started..And that's fine but once they leave that door is closed forever
you pass the point of no return..true Dallas fans didn't bail when times were
rough and we are not able to bail just because they signed Terrell Owens

I may not have liked that Owens went to the star in 2000, but I got over
it time to grow up..Terrell Owens signing with us is a great thing this is
the first time we have had a true number 1 wide reciever in Dallas since
Michael Irvin retired. so I am gonna make the most out of watching T.O.
catching passes in Dallas the rest can do as they please
I agree. Those so-called fans need to start looking for a new team to root for because they're certainly not welcome back with that pathetic attitude.

Heck, I couldn't stand Deion but the minute he put on the start I rooted for him and cheered for him until he no longer wore it and the same goes for T.O.

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