Official I quit as a fan because of TO *merged*

TunaFan33 said:
After hearing the news today, that is.

Sorry guys-ain't falling for all this "Parcells is a hard-nosed coach who'll keep him in line" crap. We're gonna be 3-3(teams that TO has ripped into a thousand pieces, that is).

Why didn't we go after LeCharles Bentley instead? This guy would have opened holes for Julius in a HUGE way.
See ya. Take care. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
nathanlt said:
I can’t believe Terrell Owens is a Cowboy. He’s actually not, in my mind, but the DIRTBAG will be wearing the uniform. Because of his acts of defiance and mockery of our organization, our fans, and our star, I will no longer watch the Cowboys as long as his name is on the roster.

I have been a diehard Cowboy fan for 27 of my 32 years, beginning at age 5 while living in Dallas, and though I’ve been all over the world since then, the Cowboys have always gone with me. I am as diehard as they come.

This PUNK we have on the team is as different as any NFL player can be from Tom Landry’s persona. T.O. hated the Cowboys, and now wants to bilk money from us while driving the team into the ground with his cancerous attitude and 2 year old mentality. We’re paying millions for cancer?? I can’t bear to watch it and I won’t.

That is why, effective immediately, I am not watching the Cowboys, or posting on this board, until T.O. is gone. I request that the mods send an email notifying me when he is no longer on our roster, so that I can resume watching the games, and following the team. I love my Cowboys, I won’t watch them be torn apart by this spoiled brat.

It doesn’t bother me that people think I’m doing this for attention, or that my statement will make little impact among other fans. I’m doing it because I cannot stand him.

To others who feel this way, please add your comments.

Mods, please sticky this so that there is a record of who has left. Don’t forget us. We love the Cowboys!!! See you later.

Also, can we only let only the "No T.O." people post? This is their last post until T.O. is gone. Please.

The list of who’ve had enough
Shotgun Dave
Jack Magist
Sultan of Six
Okay - take care ...we'll see you on opening day ...when I'm sure you'll explain to us all how you had a change of heart.
adbutcher said:
Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

I can't believe this level of arrogance. Oh well there is always the desporados, lol.

you don't mind TO and you're worried about someone ELSES level of arrogance???
I guarantee you week 1 this guy will be watching Cowboy Football.

I'm sure the mods are gonna wait 3 years to send you an email.

The swagger is back!
TunaFan33 said:
After hearing the news today, that is.

Sorry guys-ain't falling for all this "Parcells is a hard-nosed coach who'll keep him in line" crap. We're gonna be 3-3(teams that TO has ripped into a thousand pieces, that is).

Why didn't we go after LeCharles Bentley instead? This guy would have opened holes for Julius in a HUGE way.

Later Hater :lmao2: Fair Weather Fan
SteveOS said:
If you are a true Cowboys fan, you don't care who signs w/ the team. You route for the team, not individuals.

why? we just signed the biggest "individual" out there who "will not" be a team player.
I will take a guy who was on pace to score 13 touchdowns last year with 101 catches and 1500 yards. NO PROBLEM.
Some of these folks I don't really know.

But Jack & Eddie?


Honest to God don't know why many are losing their heads over a sport that when it comes right down to it isn't that important.

Some are acting like their wife was violated or their child murdered... or they've lost their jobs or they were just served with a $1,000,000 lawsuit.

The TO signing isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. If you're going to lose your heads... lose them over something that really means something.
iceberg said:
you don't mind TO and you're worried about someone ELSES level of arrogance???
If he shows up each and every game and helps us win games then he's exactly what we need. Who cares if he runs his mouth outside of games? As long as he straps on that helmet with the star on the side, makes game changing plays, and shows up every Sunday (and even with all the bickering with the Iggles last year he still showed up every Sunday he played) then who the heck cares?

We're use to having a lot of loudmouth's on this team and T.O. will likely be one of the most talented loudmouths to ever wear the star.

And it's funny.. for all these whining fans it's funny that whenever other Cowboys players or players across the NFL are asked about him that they all say they want him on their team despite all the side antics.
GoinForSix said:
So you loved Michael Irvin, but you hate Terrell Owens? TO just has a big mouth, he does nothing illegal, and is a saint compared to some of the Cowboys of the 90s. Do you happen to remember the White House?

Anyone who can let one player ruin your committment to a franchise, truly isn't a fan to begin with. You may be leaving this board, but I promise that when week 1 rolls around you'll be right there with the rest of Cowboy nation.

Its true, what a lot of people have brought up. the fact that we love Irvin (drug user) and have dislike towrads TO.

I guess it comes down to what "sins" really turn people off. I dont consider drug users "criminals", i feel that government has not the right to tell people that certain all natural subatances are illegal to use. Many substances have been used by various cultures for spiritual awakening and acheiving altered states of mind or just relaxing.

so athletes who get high dont bother me a bit, i do feel upset for those people who cannot control their use to the point where it disrupts family and job etc. But drugs are no different than alcohol, some can use them socially without losing control of their life and some cant. I think a large part of this problem today stems from the lack of spiritual fullfilment and materialistic outlook in todays age as opposed to in ages past.

But back to the point, TO's attitude is really what turns people off, not the decisions to hold out for more money. so he hasn't done anything to be labeled a "bad" person, but he has acted like a jerk and most people have had enough bad experiences with arrogant jerks that when they see this on TV its easy to dislike the person.

Frankly, i just think he got into a situation with the eagles and didn't really have the skills to negotiate or change anything, plus the eagles are known for being hardball players, so he acted out in a relatively childish manner to get his way, and it worked.
iceberg said:
why? we just signed the biggest "individual" out there who "will not" be a team player.
Tell me one WR that doesn't want the ball constantly thrown to him? There's a huge difference with T.O. though.. he's one of the few elite players in the game that's a threat to take it to the house from anywhere on the field each and every time he touches it.
While I am not a fan of this signing, I am still a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. Just because we signed this idiot does not change that. I'm one that hopes for the best but is expecting the worst. I think that TO keeps his nose clean this year and hopefully next season as I believe that is how long we have BP before he retires.
nathanlt said:
I can’t believe Terrell Owens is a Cowboy. He’s actually not, in my mind, but the DIRTBAG will be wearing the uniform. Because of his acts of defiance and mockery of our organization, our fans, and our star, I will no longer watch the Cowboys as long as his name is on the roster.

I have been a diehard Cowboy fan for 27 of my 32 years, beginning at age 5 while living in Dallas, and though I’ve been all over the world since then, the Cowboys have always gone with me. I am as diehard as they come.

This PUNK we have on the team is as different as any NFL player can be from Tom Landry’s persona. T.O. hated the Cowboys, and now wants to bilk money from us while driving the team into the ground with his cancerous attitude and 2 year old mentality. We’re paying millions for cancer?? I can’t bear to watch it and I won’t.

That is why, effective immediately, I am not watching the Cowboys, or posting on this board, until T.O. is gone. I request that the mods send an email notifying me when he is no longer on our roster, so that I can resume watching the games, and following the team. I love my Cowboys, I won’t watch them be torn apart by this spoiled brat.

It doesn’t bother me that people think I’m doing this for attention, or that my statement will make little impact among other fans. I’m doing it because I cannot stand him.

To others who feel this way, please add your comments.

Mods, please sticky this so that there is a record of who has left. Don’t forget us. We love the Cowboys!!! See you later.

Also, can we only let only the "No T.O." people post? This is their last post until T.O. is gone. Please.

The list of who’ve had enough
Shotgun Dave
Jack Magist
Sultan of Six

Diehard fan...I doubt that if your leaving your alliegance due to this signing. How did you bode when Deion signed, or that cancer Charles Hailey. If you have been a fan for 20 + years you would have read about his "cancerous ways" obviously you embraced them...

So my advice to you is....see ya. I am sure youonly cheer when they win anywaays..
Originally Posted by TunaFan33

"I agree completely. Even as a LONG-time Bill Parcells fan-NO way I'm rooting for the Cowboys this year.

Why the heck didn't we use this money for LeCharles Bentley? With him, our piss-poor running game would IMPROVE INCREDIBLY.

How can Jerry be SO stupid?? Sure-Michael had issues-but they were more personal in nature."

Goodbye..............For now
Two words GROW UP

I've been a Cowboys fan fror 27 years but now I dont like TO and I'm going to cry.(Not myself) Ive got a 4 year old that has done less whininng than most of you posters his whole life. My 8 month old is cutting teeth and is doing less whinning.

This BS is getting old. Like Brain said say your peace and get out already. I have never seen a bunch of 30+ year old crybabies in my life.

Its all about the uniform not the players you TO haters beeter realize it because it is a business. It is about makin money


Heck even the Skins fan figured it out. You dont throw being a fan of a team your whole life just because of one signing. You made it through the Sanders and Haley signing you can and will make it through this one no matter if he destroys the team or not because that is what a fan is. He supports his/her team no matter what.

Fan Definition-
The word fan refers to someone who has an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking of a person, group of persons, work of art, idea, or trend. The word emerged as an Americanism around 1889, a shortened version of the word fanatic in reference to an enthusiastic follower of a baseball team. (Fanatic itself, introduced into English around 1525, means "insane person". It comes from the Modern Latin fanaticus, meaning "insanely but divinely inspired". The word originally pertained to a temple or sacred place (Latin fanum, poetic English fane). The modern sense of "extremely zealous" dates from around 1647; the use of fanatic as a noun dates from 1650.)
BrAinPaiNt said:
You know I think I have read other threads by some of the same users that said they will not follow the cowboys if TO is signed.

Yet they keep coming back saying the same thing again.

I am not being rude or sarcastic about this but give it a break PLEASE.

If you won't follow the cowboys because of TO then I have no problem with that, If you want to say goodbye because of TO then I have no problem with that.

But for the love of whatever you find high in your heart, say it and then do it instead of saying it over and over.

Once again that is not picking on anyone, not being rude towards anyone but really enough is enough...don't just talk the talk.


PacoReloaded said:
If he shows up each and every game and helps us win games then he's exactly what we need. Who cares if he runs his mouth outside of games? As long as he straps on that helmet with the star on the side, makes game changing plays, and shows up every Sunday (and even with all the bickering with the Iggles last year he still showed up every Sunday he played) then who the heck cares?

We're use to having a lot of loudmouth's on this team and T.O. will likely be one of the most talented loudmouths to ever wear the star.

And it's funny.. for all these whining fans it's funny that whenever other Cowboys players or players across the NFL are asked about him that they all say they want him on their team despite all the side antics.

my mom - who's almost 70 - told me last night the cowboys just don't seem to have class anymore. kinda hard to sum up better than that.

and i'll bet a monkeyhug that a majority of the people now all of a sudden sporting TO-Wood LOVED IT when the eagles "put him in his place".

i love winning as much as the next person. but i guess i'm one of those that "how" you win defines you more than the victory itself. while so many find it hard to understand why many of us just can't stomache TO at least those who 'stay the course" are consistant in how the view TO and not doing a 180 cause he's simply on our team.

i'm not turning in my cowboys fan card, no. but i'll wear my jerseys (all 10 of 'em) a lot less and i used to wear them hell, almost daily.

and i'll wait for the day we put values back into class and resepct as a turning point of these "dark times" to many of us fans.

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